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- Un Suva es un santuario dedicado a los Toa. Los Suva desempeñan un papel importante en la vida de un Toa, se puede ver uno en el Gran Templo y los santuarios de los Toa Mata sobre Mata Nui. Su función principal es almacenar Kanohi; un Toa puede teletransportar las máscaras de un Suva cuando las necesiten. Los Suva almacenan físicamente las Kanohi, y cuando se solicitan, las converte en una forma de energía que se transporta a la ubicación del Toa. Otros seres, como Turaga, también puede utilizar un Suva.
- thumb|left|150px|Przykład Suvy w Mata NuiKaplice Suva to miejsca na maski Toa Mata. Używano je do włożenia kamieni Toa, aby wybrańcy wśród Matoran zostali przemienieni w Toa. Tych kaplic używali Toa i Turaga jako pomieszczenie zebranych Kanohi. Przez to mogli mentalnie zmienić maskę w dowolnych zakątkach wyspy. Później miały znaczenie jako miejsce przechowywania symbolów Nuva.
- [[Kuva:Suva.png|350px|right|thumb|Suva Metru Nuilla.]]Suva on temppeli jolla on suuri rooli jokaisen Toan elämässä, joka on huomattu Metru Nuin Suuresta Temppelistä ja Mata Nuin Koro-kylien Suvista. Niiden pääasiallinen tehtävä on säilyttää Kanoheita joita Toa voi teleportata itselleen suvasta. Vain vähän tiedetään tästä mekanismista mutta tiedetään sentään sen verran että Kanohit ovat fysikaalisessa muodossa .
- Suva sind spezielle Schreine für Toa , in denen Toa ihre Kanohi aubewahren. Toa können ihre Masken vom Suva zu ihren derzeitigen Standort teleportieren, wenn diese gebraucht werden. Suva können auch von Turaga benutzt werden.
- A Suva is usually a type of shrine dedicated to the Toa.
- Suva es la capital de Viti.
- Suva is the capital city of Fiji. It is located on the southeast coast of the island of Viti Levu. Suva became the capital of Fiji in 1877 when the geography of former Kaivalagi (European) settlement at Levuka on the island of Ovalau. In 1996, the city of Suva had a population of 77,366. Including independent suburbs, the population of the Greater Suva city area was 167,975. This article or section is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
- Suva was the capital city of Fiji. It was located along the southeast coast of the main island of Viti Levu. Suva was one of many cities on Earth that had lost land to the rising sea levels brought on by manmade climatic change. After World War III and contacts with extraterrestrial intelligent species, some of that land was reclaimed with the help of terraforming technology that indigenous Centaurians traded to Earth nations in exchange for the warp drive. (Extrapolated from Last Unicorn Games RPG: Planets of the UFP)
- Suva is a city of about 85,000 people in Fiji. It is the capital and largest city in the country.
- A Suva was a shrine, usually dedicated to heroes like Toa. Suva were typically used to put in Toa Stones and transform destined Matoran into Toa. The Suva on Mata Nui were also used to hold the Toa Mata and Turaga's collected Kanohi, allowing them to mentally retrieve the masks from anywhere on the island. They later held the Toa Nuva's Kanohi Nuva and their symbols.
- The first Suva were created by the Great Beings across the Matoran Universe dedicated the Toa. Since then more Suva have been built across the universe and even on the surface of Aqua Magna.
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| - Vor 1000 Jahren bis heute
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| - Storing Kanohi and Toa tools
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| - Scattered across the Matoran Universe
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| - Almacenar Máscaras y herramientas
| - Gran Templo, Mata Nui , Voya Nui
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- Un Suva es un santuario dedicado a los Toa. Los Suva desempeñan un papel importante en la vida de un Toa, se puede ver uno en el Gran Templo y los santuarios de los Toa Mata sobre Mata Nui. Su función principal es almacenar Kanohi; un Toa puede teletransportar las máscaras de un Suva cuando las necesiten. Los Suva almacenan físicamente las Kanohi, y cuando se solicitan, las converte en una forma de energía que se transporta a la ubicación del Toa. Otros seres, como Turaga, también puede utilizar un Suva.
- thumb|left|150px|Przykład Suvy w Mata NuiKaplice Suva to miejsca na maski Toa Mata. Używano je do włożenia kamieni Toa, aby wybrańcy wśród Matoran zostali przemienieni w Toa. Tych kaplic używali Toa i Turaga jako pomieszczenie zebranych Kanohi. Przez to mogli mentalnie zmienić maskę w dowolnych zakątkach wyspy. Później miały znaczenie jako miejsce przechowywania symbolów Nuva.
- [[Kuva:Suva.png|350px|right|thumb|Suva Metru Nuilla.]]Suva on temppeli jolla on suuri rooli jokaisen Toan elämässä, joka on huomattu Metru Nuin Suuresta Temppelistä ja Mata Nuin Koro-kylien Suvista. Niiden pääasiallinen tehtävä on säilyttää Kanoheita joita Toa voi teleportata itselleen suvasta. Vain vähän tiedetään tästä mekanismista mutta tiedetään sentään sen verran että Kanohit ovat fysikaalisessa muodossa .
- Suva sind spezielle Schreine für Toa , in denen Toa ihre Kanohi aubewahren. Toa können ihre Masken vom Suva zu ihren derzeitigen Standort teleportieren, wenn diese gebraucht werden. Suva können auch von Turaga benutzt werden.
- A Suva is usually a type of shrine dedicated to the Toa.
- Suva es la capital de Viti.
- Suva is the capital city of Fiji. It is located on the southeast coast of the island of Viti Levu. Suva became the capital of Fiji in 1877 when the geography of former Kaivalagi (European) settlement at Levuka on the island of Ovalau. In 1996, the city of Suva had a population of 77,366. Including independent suburbs, the population of the Greater Suva city area was 167,975. This article or section is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
- Suva was the capital city of Fiji. It was located along the southeast coast of the main island of Viti Levu. Suva was one of many cities on Earth that had lost land to the rising sea levels brought on by manmade climatic change. After World War III and contacts with extraterrestrial intelligent species, some of that land was reclaimed with the help of terraforming technology that indigenous Centaurians traded to Earth nations in exchange for the warp drive. (Extrapolated from Last Unicorn Games RPG: Planets of the UFP)
- Suva is a city of about 85,000 people in Fiji. It is the capital and largest city in the country.
- A Suva was a shrine, usually dedicated to heroes like Toa. Suva were typically used to put in Toa Stones and transform destined Matoran into Toa. The Suva on Mata Nui were also used to hold the Toa Mata and Turaga's collected Kanohi, allowing them to mentally retrieve the masks from anywhere on the island. They later held the Toa Nuva's Kanohi Nuva and their symbols.