Eärendil the Mariner, also known as Eärendil Half-Elven, was the son of the human hero Tuor and Elf Princess Idril. He is the father of Elros and Elrond by his wife Elwing. Eärendil brought about the eventual defeat of Morgoth. His name is Quenya for Sea-Friend.
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- Eärendil
- Eärendil
| - Eärendil, conosciuto anche come Eärendil il Marinaio, fu uno dei più grandi eroi della Prima Era. Figlio di Tuor e di Idril nacque a Gondolin nel 503 PE e nel 530 PE sposò Elwing, figlia di Dior Re del Doriath. Suoi figli furono Elrond Mezzelfo e Elros Tar-Minyatur; il primo divenne Signore di Gran Burrone, mentre il secondo fu il primo Sovrano di Númenor. Attualmente Eärendil guida la sua nave Vingilótë nei cieli di Arda assieme al Silmaril che Beren e Lúthien rubarono a Morgoth formando la stella che gli Elfi chiamano Eärendil, la Stella della Speranza.
- Eärendil the Mariner, also known as Eärendil Half-Elven, was the son of the human hero Tuor and Elf Princess Idril. He is the father of Elros and Elrond by his wife Elwing. Eärendil brought about the eventual defeat of Morgoth. His name is Quenya for Sea-Friend.
- thumb|222px|Earendil - Šárka Škorpíkova Eärendil (qya. Miłośnik morza) – syn Tuora i Idril, urodzony przed upadkiem Gondolinu. Był półelfem. Jego żoną była Elwinga. Jego synami byli Elrond i Elros. W jego wyprawach towarzyszył mu marynarz Aerandir. Po matce odziedziczył Elessar. Eärendil urodził się w roku 504 PE w Gondolinie. Jako dziecko osiadł w Arvernien – ośrodku morskim, gdzie Círdan zaszczepił mu szczególną miłość do morza. Później Eärendil stał się władcą Arvenien. Na swym okręcie Vingilot przemierzał wody Belegaeru w poszukiwaniu Amanu. Za każdym jednak razem błądził na obszarach Mórz Cienia. Gdy w 538 PE Arvenien zostało splądrowane i zniszczone przez synów Fëanora, Eärendil odbywał właśnie jeden ze swoich rejsów.
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| - Elfi di Gondolin, Elfi delle Bocche del Sirion
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| - Ardamírë, Azrûbel, Il Luminoso, Eärendil il Marinaio, il Benedetto, Gil-Estel, Stella della Grande Speranza
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| - Eärendil the Mariner, by Jenny Dolfen
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| - Azrubêl, Bright, Eärendil the Mariner, Star of High Hope, The Blessed
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| - Gondolindrim, Elves of the Havens of Sirion
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| - Eärendil the Mariner, also known as Eärendil Half-Elven, was the son of the human hero Tuor and Elf Princess Idril. He is the father of Elros and Elrond by his wife Elwing. Eärendil brought about the eventual defeat of Morgoth. His name is Quenya for Sea-Friend. Eärendil was born in the city of Gondolin to Tuor, a human hero of the House of Hador, and Idril. Idril's father was Turgon, the King of Gondolin and at that time rightfully High King of the Noldor after the death of his older brother Fingon. When Eärendil was seven, Morgoth, the First Dark Lord of Middle-Earth, launched an attack on Gondolin. Maeglin, Turgon's treacherous sister-son, had assisted Morgoth and attempted to kill Eärendil, however Tuor slew his villainous cousin-in-law. Eärendil, his parents, and some of the people of Gondolin escaped, though many of its population, including Turgon, died. In the mountains a Balrog attacked, but the Elf Glorfindel died slaying it. Eärendil married Elwing, another Half-Elf and daughter of Dior and Nimloth. She had the Silmaril Dior's parents Beren and Lúthien had taken from Morgoth's crown. Eärendil built the ship Vingilot in which he sailed the sea. While he was away the sons of Fëanor, the crafter of the Silmarils, attacked. Elwing threw herself with the Silmaril into the sea, but the Valar of the Waters Ulmo turned her into a great white bird and with the Jewel she flew to her husband. Together they travelled to Valinor, home of the Valar, which had been closed to the Noldor due to the kinslaying of the Teleri Elves. Eärendil, on behalf of Elves and men, convinced the Valar to go to Middle-Earth and save it from Morgoth. The Valar sent a great host to Middle-Earth and succeeded in defeating Morgoth. Eärendil participated in the battle. In Vingilot and wearing the Silmaril he slew the greatest of the winged dragons Ancalagon the Black. Eärendil sailed the skies in Vingilot with the Silmaril bound to his brow, becoming the Morning Star seen in the West.
- Eärendil, conosciuto anche come Eärendil il Marinaio, fu uno dei più grandi eroi della Prima Era. Figlio di Tuor e di Idril nacque a Gondolin nel 503 PE e nel 530 PE sposò Elwing, figlia di Dior Re del Doriath. Suoi figli furono Elrond Mezzelfo e Elros Tar-Minyatur; il primo divenne Signore di Gran Burrone, mentre il secondo fu il primo Sovrano di Númenor. Attualmente Eärendil guida la sua nave Vingilótë nei cieli di Arda assieme al Silmaril che Beren e Lúthien rubarono a Morgoth formando la stella che gli Elfi chiamano Eärendil, la Stella della Speranza.
- thumb|222px|Earendil - Šárka Škorpíkova Eärendil (qya. Miłośnik morza) – syn Tuora i Idril, urodzony przed upadkiem Gondolinu. Był półelfem. Jego żoną była Elwinga. Jego synami byli Elrond i Elros. W jego wyprawach towarzyszył mu marynarz Aerandir. Po matce odziedziczył Elessar. Eärendil urodził się w roku 504 PE w Gondolinie. Jako dziecko osiadł w Arvernien – ośrodku morskim, gdzie Círdan zaszczepił mu szczególną miłość do morza. Później Eärendil stał się władcą Arvenien. Na swym okręcie Vingilot przemierzał wody Belegaeru w poszukiwaniu Amanu. Za każdym jednak razem błądził na obszarach Mórz Cienia. Gdy w 538 PE Arvenien zostało splądrowane i zniszczone przez synów Fëanora, Eärendil odbywał właśnie jeden ze swoich rejsów. Legenda mówi, iż Elwinga, zamieniona w ptaka przez Ulma, odnalazła małżonka i dała mu jeden z Silmarili. Ten właśnie klejnot miał otworzyć Eärendilowi drogę do Amanu. Tam prosił Valarów, aby pozwolili mu odpłynąć z powrotem do Śródziemia, jednak nie było to możliwe. Zamiast tego Eärendil wraz ze swym statkiem został przeniesiony na niebo, gdzie blask Silmarila sprawiał, że był widzialny jako jedna z najjaśniejszych gwiazd. W Wojnie Gniewu wsławił się, zabijając Ancalagona Czarnego.
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