About: 2008-10-23 - The Invasion of Oona   Sponge Permalink

An Entity of Type : owl:Thing, within Data Space : associated with source dataset(s)

Oona: Main Street - Lower End Here on the lower end of the road, at the bottom of the red dirt hill, the area is dominated by a government building made of three shiny transparisteel rockets, put together to form three columns. Further down is a hospital of shiny spaceship parts, and at the bottom is a huge junkyard and mines in the earth. Nearer, an offshoot of the road forks off up the hill toward the water tower, which, in its immensity, dominates the whole settlement. Overhead, the sky is almost red. He pauses. Jun'i whispers to Lee'm. The man atop the platform rests his hand on a railing.

  • 2008-10-23 - The Invasion of Oona
  • Oona: Main Street - Lower End Here on the lower end of the road, at the bottom of the red dirt hill, the area is dominated by a government building made of three shiny transparisteel rockets, put together to form three columns. Further down is a hospital of shiny spaceship parts, and at the bottom is a huge junkyard and mines in the earth. Nearer, an offshoot of the road forks off up the hill toward the water tower, which, in its immensity, dominates the whole settlement. Overhead, the sky is almost red. He pauses. Jun'i whispers to Lee'm. The man atop the platform rests his hand on a railing.
  • ?
  • ?
  • Too many to count!
  • The Invasion of Oona
  • The undead walk
  • ?
  • Undead yucky things crashed a speech and caused death.
  • Oona: Main Street - Lower End
  • Oona: Main Street - Lower End Here on the lower end of the road, at the bottom of the red dirt hill, the area is dominated by a government building made of three shiny transparisteel rockets, put together to form three columns. Further down is a hospital of shiny spaceship parts, and at the bottom is a huge junkyard and mines in the earth. Nearer, an offshoot of the road forks off up the hill toward the water tower, which, in its immensity, dominates the whole settlement. Overhead, the sky is almost red. A large number of men and women begin to crowd around the government complex's entrance. Just outside is a large platform, made from Carrack Cruiser plates, that supports two men. One is rather tall and middle aged and the other is noth much older than fifteen. Clan banners sway with a gentle breeze while members of the order of Eorl, nearly a lost society, stand below. Many greet one another with a familiar air. Shopping, that is what has brought Chas to Oona. But so far it appears as if the trip was a waste of his time. For the man carries nothing an seems about to leave. That is till he happens upon the large crowd. He shrugs and stays at the fringes, wanting to see what it is all about. A Bantha wrap dripping oil, firmly gripped in one hand and a local drink in the other, Jai was merely continuing his galaxy tour in search of the best food to be had. His slow swagger eventually brings him by the large crowd and he comes to a halt, his curiosity getting the best of him. Athaura stands out rather dramatically in her currently environment, a figure shrouded in gold and tan set against the steel backdrop of a junkyard. Her arrival here is subtle, and her approach halts a short distance from the outskirts of the crowd. Though the woman's eyes are shrouded, they seem to be fixed quite accurately upon the figures utilizing the platform. - Another out of place figure moves through. A white robed being. Dark haired and with a serene smile. Kamli Valen steps slowly down the lane with a quiet gait. Remnaniel, the young man atop the platform, nods quietly and begins to step towards the ladder. He moves down quickly, then out into the crowd. The older man clears his throat and yells, "Order of Eorl! Another year has passed, making this the one thousandth year since his stand against the armies of tyranny!" A large shout erupts from the crowd, which now has begun to collect the townspeople. "Welcome to this year's Eorlomath. Those who have gathered are among the last of a great tradition, but still one that is not forgotten." He pauses. A Vanixian, joins a party with a Togruta and two Twi'leks. Fiero glances at his guests, so to speak, and pushes past the crowd of Eorlings and others, watching the older man's speech. A bemused smile rests on Chas as he clasps his hands behind his back. He cocks his head slightly to one side as he listens to the fellow. That sounds like the start of some great joke! A Vanixian, a Togruta, and two Twi'leks walk into a party.... it is a great joke that Jun'i seems to be glad to be a part of. She walks in, her rich blue skin causing her to stand out, along with the lekku wrapped around her neck. It helps that she's side-by-side with another Twi'lek, too. To him she leans over, murmuring something quietly, a grin at her lips. Jun'i whispers to Lee'm. Athaura's face, what can be seen of it, remains unswervingly neutral at the start of the speech. She lifts her hands, digits knitting together against her midsection, near her lightsaber-laden sash. The woman does seem a bit distracted, perhaps, head turning away from the platform now and again. Hovering around the edge of the crowd, shifting as needed when he couldn't see the platform and those on it clearly, Jai continues munching on his sandwhich, a frown crossing his face as the shouting and such begins. "What's rollomath...?" He mutters. One of the Twi'lek showing up somewhere around the same time as the Vanixian, Togruta, and the other Twi'lek is red-skinned; not just red, but bright red, what's visible of it, with lekku curled around his neck and shoulders. The tip of the left one, a little less securely positioned, twitches a little as he leans in to smirk at Jun'i and murmur something back accompanied by a faint shrug of a shoulder. Lee'm glances around with indigo eyes before splitting off from the group and moving through the crowd, himself, hands kept rather casually at his sides. Gand ambles into the area, along with it's entourage of other gands. The group all reeks of the ammonia they exhale from their breathing masks. Following along with the two Twi'leks and the Vanixian, Ranodom is looking around distractedly, just taking in the sights. Still not long off of Shili, almost everything the Togruta sees is a fairly new sight. She looks towards Fiero and asks him in a bit of a hushed voice, "So what is supposed to be going on here again?" "Some sort of thousandth year celebration of the victory against some oppressive forces," Fiero comments to the Togruta, and watches his Twi'lek companions with a grin. He notices Athaura, then, and nods to the woman. - Kamli turns and looks interestedly at the speech. He loves local celebrations like these. The man atop the platform rests his hand on a railing. "I see we have many offworlders!" The Eorlings look around amongst themselves and nod. Many take particular interest in Athaura and her clothing. "Very well, perhaps a tale of Eorl and his heroic deeds." He smiles and rubs his thick beard. "One thousand years ago a galactic tyrant rose up against the Republic. As the Republic fell, a coalition of planets bound themselves together and stood as one. Eventually each of them fell, leaving Oona as the final homeland to peace and freedom. But soon she too was conquered." He sighs dramatically. Jun'i's grin only widens at whatever Lee'm whispered back, but she doesn't move to immediately follow him, instead stepping over to speak quietly with Fiero, as the speech goes on. Her thumbs have found their way to her empty belt hoops, a favored stsance, and she remarks softly, "You've been to one of these things before?" As Chas sees the area fill up, he moves back till he rests upon a wall. One foot is raised and braises on the same wall, arms now crossed over his chest. He listens to the story, but his eyes scan the crowd. James Loro walks into the area, his guards formed loosely around him and settles in to listen to the speech. Gand listens politely, rasping a puff of ammonia. "Shlurp! Shluuurp!" Jai drains the last of his drink. The empty cup is given a shake to ensure that it is empty before being...tossed. The dreadlocked human takes a couple steps to the side, away from the litter. He continues listening to the speech and eyeing the people who were gathered with a amused smirk hovering on his lips. "A story..." He mutters. "No, never. Well, I tried to, on Alderaan, but it appears a Hutt had other plans for the evening. You know, damn slavers, and all of that." Fiero says, and leads the group to the front, pushing past people as he makes room for the entire entourage of 4. None of them are clones, though. Different species and all that! Except for the Twi'leks. Athaura's head turns slightly to regard an approaching group. Endowed with the Force, her eyes fix upon Fiero's familiar aura. She inclines her head politely to him before her attention is drawn back to the fellow delivering the speech. As her shrouded eyes resume their forward positions, Athaura becomes aware of the fact that many Eorlings are looking at her. She maintains her disciplined demeanor as best she can, regardless of such flattering attention. A slender Ubese, or what appears to be an Ubese, slinks into the area and finds a perch next to Chas. "Yyyato. Yyyato," it garbles while adjusting the blasters at its hips. Keiko is here for whatever reason - maybe she was even following Fiero after seeing his ship take off at the spaceport. She doesn't seem to have a great idea of what's going on; though she's good enough at dodging through crowds that she too, manages to get a fairly front-row seat. Yyyato slips out of hiding. Erusielp stands in oona uniform, one denoted as part of the local militia, behind the speaker and off to the side. He stands with hsi hands behind his back and his eyes sharply taking in the crowd. He is in charge of security for this event and does not want any problems to occur.. "Oh," says Ranodom, swinging her bag slightly, looking towards the man giving the speech, idly listening, head-tails twitching slightly. "I had no idea that was happening," she says to Fiero. Mostly because she has no idea about anything going on off Shili. She scans the crowd, pretty much just looking to spot some of the interesting looking species out there. Lee'm looks back to see Fiero, Jun'i, and Ranodom moving; after a moment he parts off to follow at a casual sort of ambling pace. Indigo eyes catch hold of someone and he adjusts his course a little in an apparent effort to get a better view, and he ends up aiming a shoulder bump at Keiko's own shoulder and then looking at her with apparent suprise. "Oh, my bad, honey, didn't see you there. Your eye's looking great, by the way. Excuse me, but I don't have time to talk. . ." Graham steps in staying near the back of the group for the moment his white robes pulled around him and his hood covering his head. The young man stands listening and gazing about the crowd. He finds a place to lean as to relax as much as he can "Eorl led Oona to victory, and then re-formed the coalition of planets. The cruel empire lost many ships over our skies, as you can see," the man atop the platform gestures out at the hulls and scrap metal scattered about, "and ruined our once lush forests. But we remained! The descendants of Eorl and his armies remain, and we-" a sudden clash of metal interrupts the speaker. Two hulls slip and slide against one another, scraping, as something else lands nearby! Looking up, the speaker gasps; a multitude of black dots have apeared in the sky and descend towards the planet's surface! Without further warning hulking pods slam into the ground, and into those gathered, crushing and denting anything that they hit. Chas is not wasting any time. As soon as he hears the noise, sees the cause he is sprinting off. Dodging for cover as he goes. Bits of metal fall, kicking up dust around the black haired man and one sharp piece comes dangerously close to his head, embedded into the wall he was just at. "Holy he##" he cries out. James Loro curses as some of his guards are crushed by strange pods and he narrowly avoids their fate, then whips a scope out of his coat and begins scanning the surronding areas. James Loro raises his KDY Digital Monoculars to his face and looks towards Junkyard... The Eorlings look around and yell in panic as dozens of mansized vessels crash amongst them, holding who knows what. They begin to shift around, like massive eggs, as deep rumblings emit from within them. Gand looks to the sky, and then rasps, "Dropships! Prepare for battle!" Athaura's head quickly turns from left to right, her eyes sighting the dull auras of the pods as they descend. Though she remains outwardly calm, she is quick to react. "Fiero," says the Tirasian, addressing the man standing near her. "A disturbance in the Force drew me here, and I suspect that we now see why. You may wish to look after your companions. I cannot request your assistance in whatever danger these pods may present, as I am currently on my Trials." Having said that, Athaura turns to face the nearest pod. She remains close to the platform and the prominent figures still standing upon it. COMBAT: Gand wields his Avernus SOTH Sniper Blaster. Is that a girly scream that just escaped Jai's lips?! He assumes the duck and cover position, squatting on the ground, his Bantha wrap forgotten, as he tries to make himself a very very small target and avoid being crushed. The Ubese dives for cover behind a nearby fallen log, two blaster pistols springing to his hands. Bits of bark and debris shower him as the pods continue to descend. Yyyato glances around the side of the tree to see what happens next. COMBAT: Yyyato wields his Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol. James Loro confirms that there will not be any threats from nearby then begins issuing orders to his troops as he pulls out a blaster. - Kamli Valen looks up at the incoming ships. He grimaces and then moves toward some of the other Force users he senses. Specifically Graham who he suddenly sees. He runs over. "Graham. I have no weapons. Do you have an extra saber? I can help defend these people." COMBAT: James Loro wields his BVR-5X Handblaster. "Strange." Fiero's reaction is just that. Then, Athaura approaches him and he nods to her, curling his hand into a fist as an average object floats by a cocoon shaped vessel. "I wish I still had a-- oh, what the hell, I'll just man up and use my other abilities." He glances at the Twi'leks, and the Togruta who accompanied him. "Stick together, don't leave one another's eyesight." The call about an attack, not just some crash, causes Chas to bring his own pistol out. "Bloody heck, out of one battle and into another," he mumbles to no one in particular. It's a second before the fact that hulking metal pods are crashing to the ground really sinks into Lee'm's head, apparently, but then he's twisting around to see a particular pod crush a soldier flat. "I knew I should have gotten food first!" he declares, giving Fiero a look of vague annoyance before a blaster finds its way into his hand. "Seems like this is a little more exciting than-- where'd Jun'i go? You see her? And yeah, you two stick together," he adds, nodding over at the Togruta and Jun'i -- wherever she may be. Because plainly, the red-skinned Twi'lek plans nothing of the sort. COMBAT: Chas wields his Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol. Keiko glances towards Lee'm - fist balled as if she's ready to strike him in the face, when all of a sudden the various pods start to fall from the sky - and she's preoccupied with that. Hackles raised like a wild wolf as her brown eyes dart around the field nervously. "Hgrrr..." she grits her teeth - ready to dodge should one of those things come down on top of her. Looking around with a panicked expression, Ranodom says, "What's going on?" She pulls her bag close to her chest and looks up at the sky, trying to see if any more of those pods are coming down, "I don't want to die, not now..." She then looks around after hearing Lee'm's questions, and says, "I don't know where she is. I'll stay back..." Thousands of pods crash against Oona's surface. The large platform is ripped in two by one, making it crash down towards the Eorlings. The man atop it jumps off at the last second and lands in the arms of Remnaniel, who is flattened to the ground. "Run.. for.. your.. life!" the older man mutters. Pods continue to fall. Claws begin to push out of the pods, emitting more black goo onto the ground. Roars sound from within the strange vessels. "Stick behind me, then." Fiero advises the Togruta, and turns his wrist. He keeps a careful eye on the pod he's targetting, fist still clenched and he narrows his eyes. Gand, apparently unconcerned with gands that were squished by a landing pod, gathers up with it's entourage, insectoid aliens preparing for battle with their mysterious foes. Athaura may not be able to see as others can, but her ears certainly bear no faults. "Not soldiers," she mutters, somehow managing to calmly consider the situation and the impending threat therein. Reaching down, the shrouded woman grabs hold of the old man's shoulders, lifting him with quite a bit of strength. "Get up," commands Athaura. "Your people look to you. Tell them to run for their lives, and you will see them all killed in the ensuing chaos. Guide them calmly toward shelter and they may yet survive." As her hands slip away from Ramnaniel, the right one falls upon the hilt of her lightsaber. She brandishes it as she faces the closest pod, holding the weapon in a single-handed stance. Lee'm seems to think about it a second before his blaster slides back into his holster and he's slinging the rifle from his shoulders around and into his hands. "That's a lot of ugly slugs," he notes, glancing over at Fiero with a look of faint suprise on his face as hundreds upon hundreds upon -- let's face it -- thousands of pods crash around. He looks at somewhat of a loss as to how to proceed, instead just sort of staring at everything happening right now. COMBAT: Athaura ignites her white lightsaber. COMBAT: Lee'm puts away his BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol. COMBAT: Lee'm wields his Awesome SoroSuub RF70 Hunting Blaster Rifle. Peering up from his cover, Chas looks at the carnage that the landing pods have created. He raises his blaster, looking till he spots the hexapedal clone "Now this is just getting better all the time." He aims his pistol but holds his fire...for now. The Eorlomath, a yearly celebration of Eorl's liberation of Oona from over a millenia ago, was recently disturbed by mansized, black oozing pods that have reigned havoc and devastation all across Oona. Several have already been slain by the falling pods, which have begun to open. Magnus comes down the dirt road and then notices there is something terrible going on. He frowns a little bit and draws his blaster... looking at the lightsabers and blasters coming up. He makes for a bit of cover. COMBAT: Magnus wields his Modified BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol. The young man stands from his leaning position quickly. "Hmm." though his attention is taken away from the scene as his name is called. "I do not not usually something I keep with me I am sorry." he says with a sigh. Graham steps forward towards the group now his saber brought to his hand but not ignited. "Void! Void!" Jai mutters over and over, perhaps wishing he was /in/ the void and not crouched near one of those pods with its bubbling black goo. His scarred hands lower. His head raises, eyeing the pod. He raises a bit, and starts slowly backing away. "Claws! Void suck it!" The Ubese says nothing but continues to watch as the pods rain down. Both of his hands grip blasters and he seems ready to use them should a threat present itself. James Loro looks around before raising his voice to it's highest volume "If anyone needs weapons I have spares just let me know if you prefer blade or blaster!" COMBAT: Fiero wields his Black Force Pike. Gand rasps cheerfully, apparently looking forward to what comes next, "Guns for sale!" JUDGE: An unfortunate occurrence kills two of Band of Gand. Reason: 'Pod Shower.'. JUDGE: An unfortunate occurrence kills two of Loro's formal guard. Reason: 'Pod Shower.'. JUDGE: An unfortunate occurrence kills two of Crowd of Eorlings. Reason: 'Pod Shower.'. From the pods emerge massive beasts in thick, black armor. They growl and beat the ground viciously. Those nearest the crowd charge them while goo slips off their backs and tails in a dark wake. Strange creatures also slip out of the pods, hissing their contempt, and rush towards corpses. Their thick tendrils shove into the mouths of the men and women who are close to death, or already dead. Their bodies begin to shake. Anneke as sneaking around through the crowd the whole time. And now? Well... uh oh. Things sound like they just got really, really bad. And in the distance? She looks. Then closes her eyes and suddenly heads over in Graham's direction once they're opened again. She looks nervous. Nodding at Fiero, the Togruta woman makes sure to stay close behind him. Ranodom doesn't exactly want to put herself at risk, and she's certainly not a great fighter, so she ignores the calls of various people offering weapons. Besides, she needs to keep her hands free in case she needs to offer some assistance to someone who gets injured. She looks over towards the beasts, tensing up. "Oh no..." Erusielp looks at the pods hitting the ground and the devastation starting from the dirt and debris being flown into the sky as they land. The Oonian looks around and wields the Cannon and rests it on the podium while yelling at the speaks "Get for cover....it is an Invasion!!!".. Hearing a voice volnteering weapons, Jai straightens completely and begins running, full out, in the direction of the voice and away from the disgusting sight slithering froth from the pods. "A blade! Gimme a blade! I don't wana die!" He shouts at James as he draws nearer. Asori's just arrived, and comes to a skidding halt, peering around and above the crowd. Dark brows slide upwards, "Hmm..I swear..It's like magnents.." COMBAT: Erusielp Lana wields its Merr Sonn Omega Cannon. James Loro reaches into his coat and hands Jai his Crysblade. "Here and good luck we're going to need it probably." Enough is enough it would seem. Chas has seen more than enough. He steps clear of the shelter he had taken when the pods had come down. He takes aim and pulls the trigger of his weapon at one of the creatures. The Ubese chuckles to himself and disappears into the debris before fighting breaks out. He doesn't want any part of this! A mere whisper of Yyyato is all that remains as he huries off down the path, keeping to the shadows. What a nice finding! Some poor sod who died dropped his forcepike, and Fiero picks it up, quickly getting into the right posture of a Vanixian battle form as the object's blade is pointed against the cocoon. "I am ready." James Loro gives his Modified Pale Crysblade to Jai. Keiko glances at the insects, and then glances at James - and then back at pods. Oh, oh /great./ More looking around, "Anneke!" she shouts loudly, "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" the girl waves an arm, and then glances at James again, drawing in a breath. Bare hands probably won't work on these things, "Gimme a knife! Or something!" she shouts, "I can help!" Kerion slips out of hiding. One of the Kerion, in a recently occupied body, hisses at the crowd. A long scythe extends from his forearm as fangs, like needles, grown out of his jaw. With a leap his sagging skin waves and his entire form descends upon Erusielp Lana! The boned scythe slashes madly towards his head. As weapons are handed out to those around him, Lee'm sort of shifts his weight and lifts his blaster to raise toward one of the insectoid beasts in a casual manner. To Fiero, he murmurs out of the side of his mouth, "This is a little more fun than I thought it'd be. I suppose I owe you again." Then he's taking aim, leaning his head down to put an eye to the scope. If nobody else is going to start shooting. . . COMBAT: Kerion attacks Erusielp Lana's head with its Hooked Scythe! COMBAT: Erusielp Lana tries to dodge, but Kerion's Hooked Scythe hits and shreds Erusielp Lana's head, destroying Erusielp Lana's Grey Cap. Magnus leans against a starship spar, whatever that is, and looks at the creatures rising up out of pods. He curses under his breath, "I knew it. This is just the tip of the iceberg." Athaura finds the old man's response to be less than satisfactory. What's more, the head of security is busy being attacked. "Eorlings," she hails, volume rising despite her unswerving composure. "You must take shelter. Go calmly to the government tower, and if you have weapons, keep them at the ready." Now comes the matter of buying time for the civilians. Though a self-professed scholar, Athaura moves with bewildering speed. Golden robes billow about her form as she moves toward the Myrmid, the Tirasian's white lightsaber issued with a fencer's form. The creature is many times her size, true, but devotion to her charge outweighs the poor odds. COMBAT: Athaura swings her white lightsaber at Myrmid! COMBAT: Myrmid tries to dodge, but Athaura's white lightsaber strikes and shreds it. Graham steps forward as more enter he sighs and flicks his wrist his saber igniting as he moves towards the disturbance to help out. The young man's face is deep in concentration as he looks to all in attendance quickly. COMBAT: Graham ignites his white lightsaber. - Kamli sighs as no saber is available, despite him likely be the best swordsman in the area. He holds out his hand and launches some artifact toward the oncoming beasts. FORCE: Kamli Valen calls upon the Force. COMBAT: Kamli Valen hurls a durasteel segment toward Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Kamli Valen's flying debris kills one of them. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 lash out at Kamli Valen with their Perforate Horn! COMBAT: Kamli Valen tries to dodge, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 hits and moderately wounds him. Just because one is an ineffective swordsman, doesn't mean they cannot fight enemies. Fiero readies his stance, and doesn't head for Myrmid. No, the Vanixian's crazy enough to target Kerion, and while the thing is busy ripping the head off of Erusielp, he unleashes an attack at the beast, to distract it from the other. COMBAT: Fiero attacks Kerion with his Black Force Pike! COMBAT: Kerion parries Fiero's Black Force Pike with its Hooked Scythe. Gand rasps a puff of ammonia and sights with it's blaster, aiming carefully, and fires a shot at the scythe-wielding creature! COMBAT: Gand fires his Avernus SOTH Sniper Blaster at Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Gand's blaster bolt. Marbo has not immediately known what to expect, but after a moment it seems as if he has been given somewhat of a bigger picture. With a flick of a switch he ignites a lightsaber and launches forward next to Fiero, "Greetings Fiero.....what manner of creatures are these?" he asks trying to lend aid to the padawan. He inhales deeply and tries to flank the creature with him. COMBAT: Marbo ignites his blue lightsaber. COMBAT: Marbo swings his blue lightsaber at Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Marbo's blue lightsaber. Anneke finally manages to get near where Graham was, and then turns to take stock of the combat as the Vassals are charging too. Kerion. The other troops. And Myrid. She seems a bit indecisive at first, but then notices the charging Barghests around Valen. And finally, her hand raises and some debris flies towards Myrmid. FORCE: Anneke calls upon the Force. COMBAT: Anneke hurls a durasteel segment toward Myrmid! COMBAT: Myrmid dodges Anneke's flying debris. The blade is snatched from James' hands, a wild look of pure fear and disgust scribbled in long, horrid strokes across Jai's face. He grips the blade's handle like his life depended on it. And perhaps it does. "Luck!? Fft! Run if it start gettin' bad, yes." He advises the other man before moving away, the blade twirling and flickering in his hand as he tests out the weight of it. A wild, fearful laugh spilling from his lips, Jai moves forward, falling in behind a golden robed figure with one of those laser weapons. He breaks into a run, leaping past the woman after she strikes, one hand reaching out to grab hold of one of the beast's horn so he could plant his blade in its eye. COMBAT: You lash out at Myrmid with your fists! Type +ABORT to abort your attack. COMBAT: Myrmid tries to dodge, but Jai hits and moderately wounds it. Enough is enough it would seem. Chas has seen more than enough as one of the creatures takes down the locals. He steps clear of the shelter he had taken when the pods had come down. He takes aim and pulls the trigger of his weapon at one of the creatures. COMBAT: Chas fires his Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Myrmid's head! COMBAT: Myrmid tries to dodge, but Chas's blaster bolt hits and mauls its head. James Loro moves forward and lines his pistol up on Myrmid and opens fire from near the outer edge of the blaster's effective range. COMBAT: James Loro fires his BVR-5X Handblaster at Myrmid! COMBAT: Myrmid dodges James Loro's blaster bolt. Not being any kind of fighter, Ranodom continues to keep behind people who are. Now that she's calmed herself down a little more, she is scanning for anyone nearby who might need her aid. COMBAT: Lee'm puts away his Awesome SoroSuub RF70 Hunting Blaster Rifle. COMBAT: Lee'm wields his BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol. Rising from his crouching position, the red-skinned Twi'lek drops the sights of his blaster rifle as he lets the weapon sling around back around his shoulder again. "These things are -fast-" he notes to whomever is nearby before his right hand dives into his strapless holster and he draws his BlasTech AD2, squeezing off a blue bolt of energy toward Kerion. COMBAT: Lee'm tries to stun Kerion with his BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol! COMBAT: Kerion dodges and Lee'm's stun beam misses. Remnaniel, the young man, charges towards the former Sith's side. Long talons extend from his fingertips. "Creature of darkness, begone!" he screams as his hand makes a swift sweep. COMBAT: Remnaniel attacks Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 with his Spined Claws! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Remnaniel's Spined Claws hits and wounds a member of Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 lash out at Remnaniel with their Perforate Horn! COMBAT: Remnaniel dodges Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's attack. The Myrmid growls as something white and hot slices into its chest... but it does not stop. Instead it roars at Athaura, and beats its tail against the ground. With a lurch it leaps to the side, avoding a bit of metal from Anneke, but it is not swift enough to avoid the palms of Jai, not the blaster bolt of Chas. Its horn is nearly ripped off, causing him to jump out of the way. He dodges a second attack, then looks up at Athaura and spits black venom at her! COMBAT: Myrmid lashes out at Athaura with its Perforate Horn! COMBAT: Asori wields her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol. Or rather charges her. COMBAT: Athaura parries with her white lightsaber and mauls Myrmid. Asori shakes her head, pulling out her blaster when she fully realizes that she just walked into yet another fight. With..corpse wearing creatures. Lovely. She turns her attention to Myrmid, looking for a clear shot. Once she thinks she has it, she fires. COMBAT: Asori fires her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Myrmid! COMBAT: Myrmid dodges Asori's blaster bolt. The others seem to have the large one in hand - so Keiko goes after the smaller ones; there seems to be a lack of weapns, so she'll just have to make do with what she's got. She tears a couple strips off of her jacket, wrapping them around her fists, and then... "STUPID JERKS!" the girl charges into the middle of them - hey, they're sort of between her and her ship, /anyway./ No reason to just hide, right? ... Right? Or she could just be insane. One boot heel heads towards what passes as a torso for the bugs in a flying kick. COMBAT: Keiko lashes out at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 with her fists! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 dodges Keiko's attack. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 lash out at Keiko with their Perforate Horn! COMBAT: Keiko dodges Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's attack. Eva arrives on the scene to only find out she's quite outmatched and useless in this whole battle. From the sidelines she watches the battle, ready to assist if things become critical. As it stands, she's quite useless, however. The Oonian stands shooting the cannon at the incoming aliens, large blasts of energy bolts are slamming into some of the pods and off into the oonian landscape. The man yells to the other militia and to the people "Get the people and crowd to cover, those with battle experience blast those th..." The human's words are cut off as a large alien with amazing skill hits the battle field and jumps at him with a large scythe cutting through the air toward the his head. He tries to dodge but the scythe was quicker and sliced a deep wound across the man's forehead down his nose and across his cheek. The pause seems to last an eternity of the Oonian standing below the towering Alien who delivered a critical blow to the him, but it only lasted a few seconds and his face and skin seems to split open revealing the bony structure of his skull, cut muscle and blood flowing from the wound. Erusielp finally screams a blood gurgling scream and as he is falling to the ground he hits the ground with the cannon going off in the direction of the large creature and Erusielp trys to hold his face together at Kerion's feet.... COMBAT: Erusielp Lana fires its Merr Sonn Omega Cannon at Kerion's legs! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Erusielp Lana's blaster bolt. Gand rasps cheerfully as the creature dodges it's blaster bolt, "Ha ha! What fun! Gands! Form up and kill them all!" The entourage seems as enthused as their leader, and viciously attack! The Band of Gand <61 Gands> engage the Slaves of Barghest 1 <80 of 250 Myrmids> in mass combat. The Band of Gand open fire with Modified Blasted TM-7 Repeaters ... The Slaves of Barghest 1 defend bare-handed ... CASUALTIES: Band of Gand: 3 killed. Slaves of Barghest 1: 28 killed. James's guards form up and fire into the larger swarm of creatures taking care to miss the Gands. The Loro's formal guard <26 Humans> engage the Slaves of Barghest 1 <80 of 221 Myrmids> in mass combat. The Loro's formal guard open fire with BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistols ... The Slaves of Barghest 1 defend bare-handed ... CASUALTIES: Loro's formal guard: 3 killed. Slaves of Barghest 1: 9 killed. The Eorlings follow Athaura's orders and rush the myrmid! The Crowd of Eorlings <45 Humans> engage the Slaves of Barghest 1 <80 of 212 Myrmids> in mass combat. The Crowd of Eorlings open fire with BlasTech X92 Advanced Blasters ... The Slaves of Barghest 1 defend bare-handed ... CASUALTIES: Crowd of Eorlings: 7 killed. Slaves of Barghest 1: 13 killed. The Myrmid, in retaliation, charge the Gand armies! They growl and lower their heads for the attack... The Slaves of Barghest 1 <80 of 198 Myrmids> engage the Band of Gand <58 Gands> in mass combat. The Slaves of Barghest 1 charge, Perforate Horns at the ready ... The Band of Gand open fire with Modified Blasted TM-7 Repeaters ... CASUALTIES: Slaves of Barghest 1: 25 killed. Band of Gand: 8 killed. Kerion hisses at Fiero as a hooked scythe, connected to its arm, sweeps up and bats the force pike aside with a bloody arc. Its black eyes narrow on the Jedi and its mouth widens; fangs, like daggers, extend towards the Vanixian in a gruesome display. Before it can attack it dodges a blaster bolt, then reals its head around. The hooked scythe lowers swiftly, again towards the Chief of Oona's Defenses' torso! "There will be no dawn for you," it hisses. COMBAT: Kerion attacks Erusielp Lana with its Hooked Scythe! COMBAT: Erusielp Lana tries to dodge, but Kerion's Hooked Scythe hits and vivisects Erusielp Lana. Erusielp Lana collapses, critically injured. Despite the fact Erusielp was the one Fiero was trying to protect, the man's blaster bolt came just in time. The Padawan focuses on the task at hand, however, and jumps westward, using the Force, to gain an edge on the creature. "Evacuate the civilians!" he shouts at the group of offworld visitors/heros, and flicks a switch on the Force Pike, aiming haphazardly in Kerion's general direction as he uses the Force to become a blur, and draw the scythe-wielding terror away from the populace. Rising up from the torso that was just cut in half is a fountain of red blood splattering hot wetness all over the kerrion and those that might be close enough. Erusielp makes a last noise from his lips as his life force was taken and his body was cut in half. Entrails and abdominal organs rest on the ground from each half of his torn body.... Athaura's senses serve her well. By the time the disgusting venom is leaving Myrmid's mouth, her feet are already moving. She darts aside and sweeps her lightsaber upward, the toxic fluid burned away upon the white blade. The Tirasian bursts through the cloud of steam which lingers, mauling the beastly creature with a precise thrust. "What ..." The shrouded woman is less than pleased to see the Eorlings joining in on the battle, but at this point, she can do little for her charge save for protecting as many as is possible. Athaura's focus returns to Myrmid, her dilemma of the moment, and she patiently awaits the moment to strike. An opening. Athaura sprints toward Myrmid, white blade lashing out. COMBAT: Athaura swings her white lightsaber at Myrmid! COMBAT: Myrmid tries to dodge, but Athaura's white lightsaber strikes and shreds it. COMBAT: Fiero fires his Black Force Pike at Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Fiero's force beam. - Kamli reaches out with the Force and once again uses it to throw an object at the Vassals. His intent it to disable them, not kill them. FORCE: Kamli Valen calls upon the Force. COMBAT: Kamli Valen hurls a starship spar toward Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Kamli Valen's flying debris wounds a member of them. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Kamli Valen with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Kamli Valen tries to dodge, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn hits and lightly wounds Kamli Valen. Gand opens fire on the hooked creature, rasping laughter all the while, "Ha ha ha! Dodge again!" COMBAT: Gand fires his Avernus SOTH Sniper Blaster at Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion tries to dodge, but Gand's blaster bolt hits and maims it, destroying Kerion's Denegerating Cadaver. Marbo watches as the creature is able to dodge and then is horrified as it absolutely tears Erusielp to pieces. He shakes head as the beast's carnage sends flesh in multiple directions. "Oh no...." he states in utter horror. He nods in Fiero's direction, "We must evacuate this area....immediately....that beast that Fiero is fighting is too strong.....and in its completely blood lust state....there is no way that I can attempt to communicate with it." he looks for individuals who are in need of evacuation, and then notices the Myramid closing off one exit. He launches forward in an attack and shouts, "Evacuate all the sentients you can.....we cannot let these beasts kill any more innocents..." Anneke's hand falls to the dagger at her side and withdraws it from her belt in a blade down position. She shifts her gaze as the Myrmid is brought down, and then looks over towards the Vassals and her friend Keiko as she engages. Her hand raises and some more debris comes flying out towards the Vassals. COMBAT: Anneke wields her Jaymbai Dagger. FORCE: Anneke calls upon the Force. COMBAT: Anneke hurls a speeder stabilizer toward Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Anneke's flying debris wounds a member of them. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Anneke with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Marbo swings his blue lightsaber at Myrmid! COMBAT: Myrmid tries to dodge, but Marbo's blue lightsaber strikes and shreds it. Myrmid collapses, critically injured. COMBAT: Anneke tries to parry with her Jaymbai Dagger, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn grievously wounds her. Myrmid Hexapedal and only a meter tall, but several meters broad, this horrendous creature is covered in massive black scales that clank and shudder while it gallops or walks. Short, stubby legs allow it to move, though its massive back keeps it from standing upright, and keeps most of its anatomy, sans its head, from view. Several large horns stick out around its front, back, and sides, though a single massive horn, on its cranium, serves as a primary weapon. Its entire shell is black, but not sleek; this armored creature is rough and often leaves a trail of black excrement in its wake that is spread unevenly by a thick tail with a massive ball at its end. STATUS: Myrmid is a hermaphroditic Clone in incapacitated condition. It is unarmed and wears Teutonic Scales and a Gorgonian Skull. "Void!" Jai cries out as he clings to the horn for dear life, trying not to be gored by the rest of the things as the beast lurches around, or slashed by a lightsaber, or shot up by incoming balster fire! "Watch it! Give a next man some room!" He shouts, tightening his grip on the horn as the monster charges at the jedi woman and receives one wound after the other. The blade flickers in his hand as he shifts his grip. Light flashes off of it, and then it descends slashing downwards at the downed monster's head. COMBAT: You wield your Modified Pale Crysblade. Black specs suddenly fill the sky again and another swarm of pods are seen soaring down to the Oonian surface. These are landing in the distance and a good distance from this location. This is beginning to show the signs of a full planetary invasion as in the distance there are loud alarm horns being signaled across the backwater mining planet alerting the local militia to take arm and action in defending the inhabitants... Chas sees that his first target is taken care of and the attacks continue on the clone. So he shifts while on the run. Blaster bolts, the streak of lightsabers, the firing of force pikes all become a blur to the man as he charges after the other foe that would dare to disrupt the festivities. Even on the run he takes quick aim, relying on his skills, pulls the trigger of his highly modified pistol and says "Here, try this out." COMBAT: Chas fires his Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Kerion's head! COMBAT: Kerion tries to dodge, but Chas's blaster bolt hits and grievously wounds its head. James Loro watches as one of the smaller groups of creatures attacks Anneke and his left arm begins trembling. He lines up his weapon one the creature in wuestion and fires while hissing change in target orders to his guards. COMBAT: James Loro fires his BVR-5X Handblaster at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 dodges James Loro's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack James Loro with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: James Loro dodges Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's attack. Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 What with combatants around her seeming to do fairly well against the threat, Ranodom calms down a little bit more, still making sure to stay well away from anything that can cause her harm. She crouches down to open up the bag she is carrying, searching for anything inside that might be of use. COMBAT: Lee'm puts away his BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol. COMBAT: Lee'm wields his Merr Sonn F1 Flamer. A grimace tugs on Lee'm's lips as he watches his shot blow by the largest creature on the battlefield; he's not paying much attention as the Ooran governer dies, but instead sparing a glance over to Ranodom - perhaps looking for his fellow Twi'lek that seems to have disappeared - briefly and then lean up against a fallen piece of large durasteel debris. His blaster slides back into its holter and he begins to run forward a little, doding and leaping over various parts of the battle-strewn fields; a jetpack even lights at one point to bring him closer to one of the engaged swarms of beasts as he pushes northwest toward the fight between Kerion and Fiero. The red-skinned Twi'lek's finally stop is to hop up on a rock and raise his left wrist, pressing his right hand against a box there and gouting flames at the insect-like creature, making sure to angle away from the Vanixian with the force pike. COMBAT: Lee'm fires his Merr Sonn F1 Flamer at Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Lee'm's jet of flame. Zhet'eel'achisala arrives on Oona expecting it to be a quiet world. Instead, she finds herself looking at a scene of horror. The Chiss sidles unobtrusively around the perimiter to get a better view of the situation without placing herself in the line of fire. She draws her blaster in case the violence heads in her direction, ducking behind the nearest obstacle. COMBAT: Teela wields her BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol. Remnaniel swiftly dodges the myrmid's attack and reaches up with his claws. "You cannot win!" he yells, though already there is growling from around the city streets. The earth begins to shake. COMBAT: Remnaniel attacks Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 with his Spined Claws! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Remnaniel's Spined Claws hits and wounds a member of Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Remnaniel with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Remnaniel dodges Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's attack. The lightsaber tears through Myrmid's skull, biting into his jaw, before he is able to dodge more blasterfire. He roars in outrage and shakes his massive head, then is struck, yet again, by the ancient weapon of Athaura. It collapses violently, its metalic armor forcing it to the ground with a rough crash. Marbo's blue blade sinks into the beast's shoulderblades, ending its life. The body quickly begins to decompose, becoming black goo. JUDGE: Myrmid heals. When the first target falls, Asori looks around for the second one, biting her bottom lip for a moment before raising her blaster once more, this time firing upon another of the corpse wearing beasts. COMBAT: Asori fires her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Myrmid! COMBAT: Asori breaks off her attack upon Myrmid. COMBAT: Asori fires her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 dodges Asori's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Asori with their Perforate Horns! Keiko turns her head after flying past her intended target - just in time to see Anneke get gored by one of the horns. "NEKE!" she shouts, rushing that particular one again - her fist a blur as it seeks to make contact with the intended target. COMBAT: Asori tries to dodge, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn hits and moderately wounds Asori. COMBAT: Keiko lashes out at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 with her fists! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 dodges Keiko's attack. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Keiko with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Keiko dodges Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's attack. In the distance of the town there can be heard many blaster shoot and loud yells and screams as there seems to be pockets of fighting going on throughout the town. The horns of alarm continue to blast throughout the city and its outskirts as a call of arms to the local militia in defense of the invading myrmids.... Eva looks to Teela as she approaches, nodding slightly. "Would you happen to have a weapon I could use?" She asks this in a very apathetic way, it's amusing given the current situation. Gand huffs, "Hrmph! Hardly worth the ammo!" it opines of the hooked horror. Instead it turns its attention to it's troops, who are busily slaughtering more of the enemy. The Band of Gand <49 Gands> engage the Slaves of Barghest 1 <80 of 172 Myrmids> in mass combat. The Band of Gand open fire with Modified Blasted TM-7 Repeaters ... The Slaves of Barghest 1 counterattack with Perforate Horns ... CASUALTIES: Band of Gand: 9 killed. Slaves of Barghest 1: 22 killed. James Loro 's guards are too busy to follow his orders so they press the attack beside the Gands. The Loro's formal guard <22 Humans> engage the Slaves of Barghest 1 <80 of 150 Myrmids> in mass combat. The Loro's formal guard open fire with BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistols ... The Slaves of Barghest 1 counterattack with Perforate Horns ... CASUALTIES: Loro's formal guard: 10 killed. Slaves of Barghest 1: 8 killed. The Eorlings begin to quiver in fear. They fire their weapons once more, trying to stay the enemy, as more Myrmid surround them! The Crowd of Eorlings <37 Humans> engage the Slaves of Barghest 1 <80 of 141 Myrmids> in mass combat. The Crowd of Eorlings open fire with BlasTech X92 Advanced Blasters ... The Slaves of Barghest 1 counterattack with Perforate Horns ... CASUALTIES: Crowd of Eorlings: 17 killed. Slaves of Barghest 1: 10 killed. The myrmid roar and shake their massive heads. They advance on the Gand, in outrage! The Slaves of Barghest 1 <80 of 131 Myrmids> engage the Band of Gand <40 Gands> in mass combat. The Slaves of Barghest 1 charge, Perforate Horns at the ready ... The Band of Gand open fire with Modified Blasted TM-7 Repeaters ... CASUALTIES: Slaves of Barghest 1: 19 killed. Band of Gand: 9 killed. Kerion hisses violently and licks blood away from its mouth with a massive, black tongue. It cackles and raises its scythe again, prepair for another strike. It swiftly dodges the force beam, then looks up. Two shots strike its body, ripping it to shreds, though it does not stop. Laughing, the venemous creature leaps towards Gand! COMBAT: Kerion attacks Gand with its Hooked Scythe! COMBAT: Gand tries to dodge, but Kerion's Hooked Scythe hits and grievously wounds Gand. Athaura takes a quick step back as the myrmid first collapses, and then begins to melt away. Her eyes shift toward the sky for a brief moment of consideration. "Consolidate your forces," shouts the shrouded woman. "We may have to draw back and find a more suitable location to fortify." Calm despite the carnage, something else catches the Jedi's attention, and she moves after it. Her movements fleet with the aid of the Force, Athaura swiftly arrives in Kerion's company. "Parasite," says the Tirasian, lifting her white blade to point at the decaying figure. "Destroying your body will do little good, I suspect. You thrive upon death. Nevertheless, I have a charge to defend." She conforms to her words, moving to strike. COMBAT: Athaura swings her white lightsaber at Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion tries to dodge, but Athaura's white lightsaber strikes and shreds it. - Again, Kamli throws debris at the Vassals. FORCE: Kamli Valen calls upon the Force. COMBAT: Kamli Valen hurls a speeder stabilizer toward Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Kamli Valen's flying debris wounds a member of them. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Kamli Valen with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Kamli Valen dodges Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's attack. His distraction no longer working, Fiero stops, no longer a blur, and watches as Athaura fights Kerion. He shifts his forcepike, and jumps towards Myrmid now, extending a hand at the creature as debris flies towards it, during his approach. FORCE: Fiero calls upon the Force. COMBAT: Fiero hurls a starship spar toward Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Fiero's flying debris wounds a member of them. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Fiero with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Fiero dodges Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's attack. Gand is flung backwards by the hooked scythe, crushing an unfortunate Oonian when it lands. The insectoid is hardly down for the count, however, and it picks itself up, firing at the creature with it's blaster rifle. COMBAT: Gand fires his Avernus SOTH Sniper Blaster at Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Gand's blaster bolt. A slender, grey-uniformed figure stalks awkwardly down the beaten path, a hand drawn to his blaster holster. Peeking from the shadow of a chipped wall, Rayin's eyes grow terribly wide at the black-scaled creatures that lumber forth. "What the f-..." mouths the young man, sharp features darkening in shock. Rayin's eyes dart furiously through the brutal melee. They finally land on Fiero. "Private, chance meeting you here!" he yells, strained voice barely heard over the roar of battle, "what in the Maker's name are these things?" He levels the barrel of his silvery blaster towards a Myrmid that charges by, jaw clenched. Marbo pauses as he strikes down one of the Myrmids and then notices as the large Kerion launches an attack on Gand. He motions with his hand, "Be careful Gand....that beast is quite formidable....." when the beast's teeth sink in, he moves to come to the insectoid's aid, but that effort is thwarted by the Myrmids who swarm about. With a launch of his large body, he swaths a path through the Myrmids and swings his saber about his body in a figure 8 motion. COMBAT: Marbo swings his blue lightsaber at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Marbo's blue lightsaber strikes and kills one of them. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Marbo with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Marbo parries with his blue lightsaber. Marbo ripostes and wounds a member of Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1. COMBAT: Rayin Taemil wields his BlasTech NO1 Officer's Pistol. COMBAT: Rayin Taemil fires his BlasTech NO1 Officer's Pistol at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 dodges Rayin Taemil's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Rayin Taemil with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Rayin Taemil tries to dodge, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn hits and seriously wounds Rayin Taemil. It seems that Anneke's most recent attack gained too much attention, and suddenly one of the Vassals is charging towards her. She desperately tries to bring her dagger in the way of it... and instead ends up with a horn penetrating right through stomach. She screams in pain. "AAAAAH!" As she stumbles back, the blood starts to blossom out, staining her dress around the ragged hole. "Ooooow... oww..." She whimpers, stumbling and falling backwards. Her hand idly moving towards the wound. She starts trying to scamper backwards. "Got.. leave.. Ooow." She whimpers. "Leave.. leave alone." She slashes up with her jaymbai at the Vassal that skewered her. COMBAT: Anneke attacks Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 with her Jaymbai Dagger! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Anneke's Jaymbai Dagger hits and wounds a member of Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Anneke with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Anneke tries to dodge, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn hits and grievously wounds Anneke. His blade descends into the place where the beast's head used to be, slamming into the ground and the black goo. "Oh geed! Dai dutty!" He shrieks, yanking his crysblade back and scrambling back to his feet. His dark eyes flicker across the area as, cursing, he searches for something to kill by himself. Spotting more monsters similar to the one that had just fallen, Jai turns in their direction, his feet shifting constantly as the ground trembles beneath them. His free hand flickers. COMBAT: You hurl a run-down power unit at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! Type +ABORT to abort your attack. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 dodges Jai's flying debris. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Jai with their Perforate Horns! Defense options: +PASS - +DODGE - +PARRY with weapon You have 5 minutes to react, or you will +dodge automatically. COMBAT: Jai tries to dodge, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn hits and grievously wounds Jai. Chas is still running, just dodging some debris that some how goes sailing past him, and there is a gleam in his eye as yet another shot of his hit's it's mark. He lets out a "Yee haaa." But he then sees the Gand take a bad hit. Anger now flushes out the glee, his lips pull tight as he takes another aim at the clone once more. COMBAT: Chas fires his Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Kerion's head! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Chas's blaster bolt. James Loro narrows his eyes as the first creature tht attacked Anneke falls and carefully takes aim at the second to target Anneke. "now be a good monster and Die Already!" COMBAT: James Loro fires his BVR-5X Handblaster at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but James Loro's blaster bolt hits and wounds a member of them. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack James Loro with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: James Loro tries to dodge, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn hits and moderately wounds James Loro. Turning when she hears Anneke's cry of pain, Ranodom picks up her bag and shouts towards Fiero, "I have to help." She can't do anything about the monsters there, but she runs over and gets as close as she can to Anneke and says loudly to anyone nearby, "Keep that thing away. I can help." She kneels down and starts digging in her bag. COMBAT: Lee'm puts away his Merr Sonn F1 Flamer. COMBAT: Lee'm wields his Awesome SoroSuub RF70 Hunting Blaster Rifle. The flame gouts into the air -- poor Erusielp, or what's left of him -- and somehow, somehow that huge parasitic creature avoids the flames. Lee'm, a little too close for comfort now, drops his hand with the flamer on the flexi-band bracer and pulls his blaster rifle back up and around and off his shoulder even as he shifts targets to another one nearby, pressing the stock up against a shoulder and leaning his head down to draw a bead on the creature as he steps back and pulls the trigger with a sharp-toothed smirk. COMBAT: Lee'm fires his Awesome SoroSuub RF70 Hunting Blaster Rifle at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 tries to dodge, but Lee'm's blaster bolt hits and wounds a member of them. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Lee'm with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Lee'm tries to dodge, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn hits and moderately wounds Lee'm. Teela continues to watch from cover. The hostiles seem not to have noticed her yet, so she remains hidden. The Chiss is certain she cannot hope to stand against the foes on equal terms, but then she remembers something she was told. She focuses herself, quashes her fear with determined resolve and steadies her aim. Her blaster reports as she fires at one vicious-looking Myrmid. In the chaos she barely hears the request of Eva, and only after she has already opened fire. COMBAT: Teela fires her BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 dodges Teela's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Teela with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Teela tries to dodge, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn hits and grievously wounds Teela. Remnaniel cowers as, without warning, hundreds of Myrmid storm into the area! In their wake are the corpses of Oonans already killed in the attack. Their mouths hold massive fangs, and an arm has become a bone hooked scythe. "Enough of this. Fellow patriots, fly!" He turns tail and departs. Slaves of Barghest 3 comes up the dirt path from the junkyard to the west. Slaves of Barghest 4 comes up the dirt path from the junkyard to the west. Slaves of Barghest 2 comes up the dirt path from the junkyard to the west. Order of Revnants 1 comes up the dirt path from the junkyard to the west. Order of Revnants 2 comes up the dirt path from the junkyard to the west. Vassals of Barghest 2 - VB2 comes up the dirt path from the junkyard to the west. Vassals of Barghest 3 - VB3 comes up the dirt path from the junkyard to the west. Vassals of Barghest 4 - VB4 comes up the dirt path from the junkyard to the west. Asori hisses as she's gored, stumbling just a little. It doesn't stop her though, from raising her blaster once more, firing again, "Bastards." COMBAT: Asori fires her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1! COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 dodges Asori's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1 attack Asori with their Perforate Horns! COMBAT: Asori tries to parry with her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol, but Vassals of Barghest 1 - VB1's Perforate Horn mauls her, destroying Asori's Silk Bodice. Five hundred Kerion leap over buildings and hulls, hissing their content. "There shall be no dawn for Oona," one hisses. Their eyes glow maliciously as the Myrmid, their trusty dogs, charge forward. The monstrous assault tears into the Chiss, sending her to the ground in a splurt of red blood. The crimson against blue is a dramatic contrast as she lies on the edge of consciousness, the furious light in her eyes dimming to a more subdued luminescence. However, despite the serious injury she is not out yet. Teela pulls herself to her feet and feeling her aim is impaired by her state, throws the blaster to Eva as requested. COMBAT: Teela puts away her BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol. Teela gives her BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol to Eva. A fire..and a miss. As the horn heads her way, Asori tries to knock it aside with her pistol. Instead, the sound of ripping skin and flesh are heard instead, a wide eyed, surprised expression crossing her face as she's shaken from side to side. As skin and fabric tear, she falls, landing on the ground with a thud, laying there still, bleeding into the ground. Eva frowns watching the bloodshed, it doesn't quite effect her like most. Competition between tribes and industry is something fierce. It is then she notices the pistol coming to her. Rightly she catches it, pulling it out towards the insect-like race. * VZZN VZZN* The pistol fires multiple times at Kerion while Eva keeps to the sides. "Anneke! We are GETTING THE OUT OF HERE!" Keiko charges towards her fallen friend - one of the few people apparently left standing in the rather large fight; she scoops up Anneke with a strength that's surprising for her side - and then she starts booking it - back towards her ship. They /are getting off of this planet./ Now. strategy! COMBAT: Eva wields her BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol. COMBAT: Eva fires her BlasTech AD2 Custom Blaster Pistol at Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion tries to dodge, but Eva's blaster bolt hits and moderately wounds it. Magnus heads back toward his ship! At a run. Magnus goes north on Main Street, toward the top of the hill. Gand and it's entourage make a fighting withdrawl, heading for the spaceport with what's left of it's entourage. COMSYS: (all channels) Fiero says, "Wait until all surviving civilians are out of the area." The Band of Gand <30 Gands> engage the Slaves of Barghest 1 <80 of 112 Myrmids> in mass combat. The Band of Gand open fire with Modified Blasted TM-7 Repeaters ... The Slaves of Barghest 1 counterattack with Perforate Horns ... CASUALTIES: Band of Gand: 8 killed. Slaves of Barghest 1: 15 killed. Gand and it's band fight their way free, and make for the spaceport! Cursing as the monsters avoid his attack and, rushing in, launch a counter attackat him, Jai tries to leap out of the way. Too slow, the horns rip open a horrible gash on his left thigh, tearing through cloth and flesh alike. Snarling angrily, Jai swings his empty hand, a clenched fist, towards the creature that attacked him, as /lots/ more of the creatures start showing up. Not caring whether his blow landed or not, the dreadlocked human turns and begins limprunning as fast as possible, away from the Death that is pouring across the area. His ship would be a nice destination. The other side of the galaxy would be better. Another horn impales Anneke, this one through her right chest or shoulder. Probably near, or through, her lung. As soon she's coughing up blood. "ooow.." Her whimper barely audible, and the girl somehow manages to scoot back, dragging, or rather, pushing herself away. She doesn't seem coherent now, though. Or even like she realized Ranodom is trying to help her. "Cold... cold.. So cold..." she says, softly. Her tone growing more distant, spacey. She doesn't even notice further when Keiko starts trying to pick her up... and Loro's bodyguards start helping too. Kerion is struck again. It turns towards Athaura and hisses, its venomous mouth coughing up something dark and terrible. "They warned me of your kind," it hisses before a massive black spew jets out of its mouth! Remnaniel runs towards Asori. "Let me help you!" he declares. Picking up her bag once more when people start assisting Anneke, Ranodom says to Keiko, following after whoever is bringing Anneke to safety, "If I may, I will come with you. I think I might be of some help here. She needs a doctor." JUDGE: An unfortunate occurrence grievously wounds Kerion. Reason: 'Fixing.'. JUDGE: An unfortunate occurrence grievously wounds Kerion. Reason: 'Fixing.'. Asori doesn't respond to Remnaniel, in fact, she's breathing rather shallowly, a hand weakly going to press against her stomach, blood seeping through her fingers. JUDGE: An unfortunate occurrence grievously wounds Kerion. Reason: 'Fixing.'. Instead of the venom, Kerion swings his arm towards Athaura. COMBAT: Kerion attacks Athaura with its Hooked Scythe! Eva rushes into the field despite all the flooring with the freak clones. Her form is a low sprint as she tries to avoid blaster fire, then stopping at Asori. "Lot of slimeballs.." Eva kneels next to Asori, "Are you able to come with me?" Remnaniel kneels over Asori and prepares to scoop her up. "Oh, how the innocent doth suffer in the war of demons." He prepares to run away. COMBAT: Athaura tries to parry with her white lightsaber, but Kerion's Hooked Scythe lightly wounds her. COMSYS: (all channels) Fiero says, "There are still civilians in this area!" Kamli Valen activates his ZS2 Comlink. COMSYS: (all channels) Kamli Valen says, "No one goes anywhere until the innocent are safely away." Eva activates her RAZR Comlink. COMSYS: (all channels) Rayin Taemil says, "There's still people down /here/, vessel." "GO GO GO!" Fiero shouts at all of those still in this area, clutching his comsys. He looks at Lee'm, and gestures northward. "GO!" He repeats, and throws his forcepike at Kerion! Probably to distract the creature. COMBAT: Fiero throws his Black Force Pike at Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Fiero's thrown Black Force Pike. Eva heads for cover as well. Blaster in hand she moves behind a run down power unit. Athaura moves with unnatural speed, but even that does not allow her to evade Kerion's scythe. It slices through her robes and a thin length of flesh, though the wound is not grievous. "You were rightly warned," states the Tirasian, lifting her lightsaber in a fencing stance, its tip pointed at the creature. "No matter how ghastly, a Jedi will always stand against darkness to bitter end. I will not allow you to harm these innocents." She knows well that others are taking flight, and she endeavors to buy them time. Athaura's arm strikes forward, lancing at the corpselike figure. COMBAT: Athaura swings her white lightsaber at Kerion! The monstrocities begin to charge in various directions. Many rush into the Government tower, hissing venemously as they charge into the buildings! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Athaura's white lightsaber. Far too slow, and a far too unsteady aim. One of the creatures bellows an angry roar, tumbling straight for Rayin in black-scaled and clawed fury. The young man attempts to bolt towards the left, but a claw swipes him fully in the shoulder, darkening his grey uniform to a crimson-red. A shriek of hot agony rips from the slender man's mouth, and he tumbles backwards, his jade eyes flaring. "You #@($ing..." He lifts up his blaster shakily, lips a cold, flat line. Upon hearing his comlink buzz, his mouth drops somewhat agape. "... Get the frag out of here!" He turns to limp at a haggard pace back up the road. Indigo eyes had been on the goverment tower, and they widen a bit as nearly a thousand of the cadaverous parasite beasts rush that way in a stampeding herd. "So much for jumping out that way," he notes, before flagging a hand up toward Fiero and smirking at him. "Now you owe -me-! I'll stick around until whenever there's a retreat. I can see I'm needed!" he adds, putting the rifle back to his shoulder and squeezing off a shot at the nearest Kerion. COMSYS: (all channels) Fiero says, "Recklessness!" COMBAT: Lee'm fires his Awesome SoroSuub RF70 Hunting Blaster Rifle at Kerion! Marbo moves along and starts to usher civilians. "Come on now....we have to get ourselves out of here......" he lifts a child up who has hurt his leg. "Its ok son....I will help get you to safety..." he looks back as the child grabs onto the bandoliers and holds onto his back. "We must move and move fast.....perhaps this will slow them down." he reaches his hand up and motions throwing debris in the way of the oncoming hordes attempting to slow their approach as he makes his way towards the north. - Kamli listens to his comlink and his eyes go wide. "MOVE!" He yells and takes off running toward the hospital. COMSYS: (all channels) Fiero says, "I-..." COMSYS: (all channels) Fiero says, "Give us 45 more seconds." Chas comes down Main Street from the north. COMBAT: Kerion tries to dodge, but Lee'm's blaster bolt hits and lightly wounds it. FORCE: Marbo calls upon the Force. COMBAT: Marbo hurls a durasteel segment toward Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Marbo's flying debris. "GO!" Fiero leaps towards Lee'm, grabs the Twi'lek's attire, and drags him northward, with him. Meanwhile, he flicks his hand at the wounded Kerion, to buy some time, perhaps. FORCE: Fiero calls upon the Force. COMBAT: Fiero hurls a speeder stabilizer toward Kerion! COMBAT: Kerion dodges Fiero's flying debris. And the red-skinned Twi'lek's knocked off balance by the Vanixian suddenly grabbing at him; Lee'm glances over to snort once, baring sharp teeth and disentangling himself to follow along. As the forces depart, ordered by an unknown hand, Kerion stands toe-to-toe with Athaura. "I can die one hundred times in darkness, but still I rise again. Like my master." It hisses, then lashes out towards Athaura, its scythe whipping through the air! Its body continues to fall apart. "By the way? This was at once the worst and best outer rim backward planet social gala that I've ever been to," Lee'm notes as he hurries off. COMBAT: Kerion attacks Athaura with its Hooked Scythe! COMBAT: Athaura tries to parry with her white lightsaber, but Kerion's Hooked Scythe seriously wounds her. Chas comes out of hiding, He sees the Kerion attacking Athaura and he yells "No you don't!" and he is running. His blaster pointed out in front of him, he jumps over debris and once he is close enough, he takes his shot. COMBAT: Chas fires his Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Kerion's head! COMBAT: Chas breaks off his attack upon Kerion.
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