| - <default>Kimono</default> Weight 0.25 File:WeightIcon.png Base Value 11 File:GoldIcon.png Type Additional Effects Uses Quality Enchantment Value ID The Kimono is a piece of clothing found in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.
- Categoría:Ropa El kimono (Kimono en inglés) es un traje basado en la típica bata japonesa con lazo. Se compra en las Hermanas Manitas.
- A Samurai robe.
- A kimono was a long-sleeved robe.
- Kimono is a level 4 trade good.
- Kimono on japanilainen, pitkä, vaate.
- Kimonos are samurai robes.
- The kimono is an item of clothing in the World Championship video games. It can be worn by a male and female player.
- Kimono jest to body item w Club Penguin Kosztowało 460 coins w Penguin Style. Tylko członkowie mogli zakupić tą rzecz. Jest to jeden z rzadkich przedmiotów, zważywszy na fakt, że jego ostatnie pojawienie się miało miejsce w czerwcu 2007 roku.
- A kimono was a type of garment. In 12 ABY, New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo temporarily dressed herself in a darkly patterned crimson-and-black local kimono while on the planet Belsavis.
- The kimono(着物) is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children.
- Today, kimono are most often worn by women, and on special occasions. Traditionally, unmarried women wore a style of kimono called furisode, with almost floor-length sleeves, on special occasions. A few older women and even fewer men still wear the kimono on a daily basis. Men wear the kimono most often at weddings, tea ceremony, and other very special or very formal occasions. Professional sumo wrestlers are often seen in the kimono because they are required to wear traditional Japanese dress whenever appearing in public.
- Information on buying and wearing kimono in Tsukuba.
- A Kimono (Kasuri no Kimono/Ikat Kimono in Japan) is a Clothing-class piece of armor found in Golden Sun. It is acquired randomly as a prize from Tolbi's Lucky Medal Spring. Visually, the Kimono resembles a blue tunic. The Kimono's features are somewhat interesting. It features a defense rating of 25, and it increases the wearer's Mars Resistance by 10 and base Agility by 10 points. It is bought for 2800 coins while its resale value is 2100 coins. As a piece of Clothing, it can be worn by all Adepts.
- Also known as Gofuku ("Clothes of Wu"), the kimono's design originated from traditional Chinese clothing from the Han dynasty around the 5th century. The design evolved through the ages, becoming increasingly stylized during the Heian period (794 -1192) though they still wore the "mo" (an apron) over the front. By the Edo period (1603-1867), the sleeves became larger and the "obi" (belt) became wider with various styles of tying coming into fashion. Come the Meiji period the kimono was replaced by western clothing as the most common garment in Japan, though kimono still exist as formal wear.
- In Japan, kimono have a very special place in people's hearts. Demoted from the clothing (its name literally means something you wear hanging by your shoulders) to Extra Special Occasion Wear, kimono nowadays whisper sweet nostalgy. Despite the long history of kimono, there actually is no such thing as "the traditional" kimono. The tubular shape favoured today was created in the mid-20th century by Norio Yamanaka, founder of kimono-wearing schools throughout Japan. The previous styles changed every 100 to 200 years or so. The style geisha wear is only about two hundred years old.