  • Tsutanai
  • Tsutanai was born in the small Sugi Village, which history of have formed powerful shinobi is very short, since the vast majority of its inhabitants prefer to exercise professions that attract fewer risks becoming mostly artisans or exporters. Little is known about Tsutanai's life of as a shinobi, although he claims to have become a shinobi influenced by his cousins ​​and although he has not performed many missions to the village, his promotion to chūnin as well as his position as ambassador were granted because of his intelligence and his oratorical skills.
  • Tsutanai was born in the small Sugi Village, which history of have formed powerful shinobi is very short, since the vast majority of its inhabitants prefer to exercise professions that attract fewer risks becoming mostly artisans or exporters. Little is known about Tsutanai's life of as a shinobi, although he claims to have become a shinobi influenced by his cousins ​​and although he has not performed many missions to the village, his promotion to chūnin as well as his position as ambassador were granted because of his intelligence and his oratorical skills. Although many times he believes has only become a chūnin, because the number of shinobi of his village was very small and that the Village Head was forced to promote him just to be able to send him to some dangerous mission that could kill him, ridding the village of the nuisance that many believe he is.