  • Newbie
  • Newbie
  • Newbie
  • Newbie
  • Newbie
  • Newbie
  • Newbie
  • Newbie
  • A newbie is a person or player character who is a novice at mudding. Some people are eternal newbies as they never learn even simple techniques of play; others habitually pose as newbies or claim that status.
  • A newbie is any newcomer to the PPC, either a Boarder or an agent. When a newbie is introduced on the Board, he or she will be welcomed by enthusiastic PPCers who will shower that person with virtual gifts, such as plushies and bumper stickers. Before engaging in PPC activities, newbies are encouraged (by which we mean required) to read Da Rules, and before writing PPC stories, they must get Permission. Aside from that, there is no formal initiation for new Board members, although for new agents, there are certain initiation rites.
  • Newbie is a term used to call the people who are just starting to play and still do not know much information/content about the game. "Newbie" is not equivalent to "noob" or "n00b" (although people mistake them together). Noob or "n00b" usually refers to someone who is behaving badly, asking for free items constantly, or in a childish way and has a negative meaning which "newbie" does not have.
  • Newbie is a term used to call the people who are just starting to play and still do not know much information/content about the game. "Newbie" is not equivalent to "noob" or "n00b" (although people mistake them together). Noob or "n00b" usually refers to someone who is behaving badly, asking for free items constantly, or in a childish way and has a negative meaning which "newbie" does not have.
  • Newbie ist ein Kosename für Neulinge im Internet.
  • A newbie (aka newb, nub(cake), noob, or n00b) is a player who is either new to World of Warcraft or experienced in the game yet ignorant of how to play. Note that while all these terms are derived from the word newbie and have the same literal meaning, their connotations are quite different. Some examples are "The Paladin bubbled while carrying the flag, NOOB!" and "Even though I've been through Waling Caverns 3 times, I still feel like a noob there."
  • 無料体験期間なし&無料クライアントも配布されていません(2007年11月現在)ので TRをはじめる為にはまずクライアントパッケージを購入する必要があります。 日本語版が出ることは公式発表があり確実ですが 2007/11月現在プレイできる言語は英語、ドイツ語、フランス語版のみとなります。 以下は、英語版でプレイする場合の説明です
  • A newbie (or "n00b" for more experienced or "leet" internets users) is someone new to something. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Newbie"is a part of's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
  • Newbie - pojęcie wymyślone przez graczy. Najczęściej stosowane w grach Multiplayer. Oznacza początkującego użytkownika, który dopiero poznaje zasady rozgrywki ew. regulamin. Bardzo często mylone z noobem, choć znacząco się od niego różni.
  • Terme, plus ou moins péjoratif ("noob" l'étant plus que "newbie" par exemple) qui désigne les joueurs découvrant le jeu, et par extension les débutants. C'est un dérivé de "New by there", c'est à dire nouveau dans ce lieu, dans ce domaine.
  • Newbie – osobnik początkujący, starający się ze wszystkich sił ogarnąć zasady rządzące daną grą lub innym zjawiskiem społecznym, z różnymi skutkami, jak pokazuje doświadczenie. Nikt nie traktuje go poważnie, chyba, że wyjątkowo zajdzie Ci za skórę. Jest formą wyjściową dla noobów i innych internetowych poczwar. Zazwyczaj niegroźny, pozostaje pod ochroną adminów przez krótki okres ochronny, po którym normalni użytkownicy internetu mogą zacząć na niego polowanie. Skuteczność zależy od typu danego osobnika (patrz niżej).
  • This article is written for those of you new to Garou, or those who need a quick refresher on how to set up a new character. It's also written for those who have spent hours trying to explain things to new players. It assumes you are at least somewhat familiar with MUSH coding. If you are not, please get a copy of Amberyl's MUSH manual and give it a good read. See 'news OOC resources'. Next, if you haven't read the GarouMUSH primer, do so now. If you've only read it once, read it again.
  • "Newbie" is the word used in Ogame to refer to new players. This is a common gaming word, not specific to Ogame, usually used in a semi-disparaging manner, to reference anyone who doesn't know the rules or methodology for a given game or task. Variants include "noob" and "n00b" and are commonly used for players who are annoying or claim to have a lot of knowledge but actually do not. This terminology is commonly associated with Leet Speak.
  • Map Name: Newbie * /join Newbie * Battleon - Down From Cleric Joy * Dragonfire - Click the Back Down Button * Dragonfire - Deafeat Princess Tera * Greengarud (West)
  • When spoken rather than typed, it is hard to differentiate which word is being used. In speech, a "you" sound ("nyoob") can be used in the word "newb", and a simple "oo" sound can be applied to "noob".
  • Its great to be here, looking forward to this site. thanks Its great to be here, looking forward to this site. thanks
  • Its great to be here, looking forward to this site. thanks Its great to be here, looking forward to this site. thanks
  • "Newbie" est un terme péjoratif courant pour les nouveaux joueurs, et n'est pas spécifique à OGame. C'est un terme tiré de l'anglais signifiant débutant. Les mots newb, noob, n00b ou naab sont couramment utilisés par les joueurs qui sont ennuyants ou qui prétendent avoir une grande connaissance alors que ce n'est pas le cas. Cette terminologie du mot est souvent associé avec le 1337 5p34k (article également disponible en français).
  • A newbie is the name for a newcomer to the Community, not to be used in a derogatory fashion. It is worth bearing in mind that these new users might need additional detail when discussing Creatures related topic and are often initially unfamiliar with existing customs and netiquette.
  • にゅーびーと読む。初心者のこと。 NOOBと呼んだりもする。始めた直後はまったく右も左も分からないのは万国共通。踊りながら歩いてる人、箱を右手につけてウロウロしている人、動きがやたらと直線的な人、を見かけたら「Welcome to Second Life!」とでも言って暖かく対応してあげましょう。あなたもきっと始めたころはそんなだったハズです :-)
  • Newbie tarkoittaa pelaajaa, joka on juuri aloittanut RuneScapen pelaamisen. Newbiet käyttäytyvät paremmin kuin niin sanotut Noobit.
  • Newbie is the 9th level of Bloons Player Pack 4. As the name suggests, it is very easy to complete, the player must just pop the Lightsaber Bloon besides the monkey and then pop the other Lightsaber Bloon to pop the Spikey Bloons which will pop the bloons at the bottom.
  • Newbie is a first rank in Omerta. Being a newbie gives you ability to theft, steal cars and get into prizefight. You can't whack while you are newbie. Newbies are easiest targets to whack.
  • A newbie (aka newb, nub[cake], noob, or n00b), also called a scrub (or to some a "rookie"), is a player who is either new to World of Warcraft or knowledgeable (or feigning knowledge) about the game or certain elements yet ignorant of how to actually play. Note that while all these terms are derived from the word newbie and have the same literal meaning, their connotations are quite different. Newb commonly speaks of a new player, while a noob, n00b, or nub means someone who thinks he knows everything, criticizing others while doing many of the things listed below and calling people who tell them they're doing something wrong a n00b.
  • A newbie (also spelled noob, newb, or n00b in the leetspeak of internet culture) is a newcomer to a particular field, the term being commonly used on the internet, where it might refer to new users of a game, a newsgroup, the World Wide Web itself, or an operating system.
  • An inexperienced or new resident. Also known as a "new user", "newcomer", or less kindly "noob", "n00b", "playdope." Most residents try to help newbies who are polite, including grants of objects, help, or even money. Mentors, both formal and informal, often offer help in the form of advice and training. Concierge services are aimed at training new users quickly. Many content providers offer free or very cheap items to new users, such as skins, hair and clothes. (See Newbie Trail, Freebies)
  • Puedes volver hacia la parte izquierda inferior del mapa y automaicamente cuando estes crca del sacerdote resucitaras. * ¿Cómo voy a este Dungeon?. Pagas el boleto 2,10 al 113 y te lleva hasta la puerta. * ¿Son fuertes estos bichos/NPCs?. No, están al nivel de un usuario nivel 1 en adelante. * ¿El usuario newbie tiene alguna diferencia con el no newbie?. Claro, un usuario newbie es PETE. El otro es medianamente PETE.. -Dato a tener en cuenta:
  • A newbie is a player new to the game or a task. The connotations differ depending on the context and the circumstance: * New and inexperienced: A player who says, "I'm a newbie" means that they are inexperienced; they might offer this as an excuse for getting lost or not knowing which foes to target. Similarly, a veteran might ask, "any newbies here?" when offering assistance to first-timers. * Ignorant, unaware or clueless: A negative usage offered by some to criticize a player who made a bad move (e.g. over-aggro'd or set-off traps). For example, "Are you a noob?!!!" Also used as a term of exclusion, e.g. "LFG: mish (no n00b)," would be a party-search request for veterans. * Obnoxious, uncooperative or does not listen: Players who rush into battle without paying attention to
  • 9
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Pop Requirement
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Starting Darts
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  • Kotaku
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  • 250
  •|desc=Idiot in Azeroth series
  •|desc=WoW Rookie: How not to be a noob
  • kotaku
  • A newbie is a person or player character who is a novice at mudding. Some people are eternal newbies as they never learn even simple techniques of play; others habitually pose as newbies or claim that status.
  • A newbie is any newcomer to the PPC, either a Boarder or an agent. When a newbie is introduced on the Board, he or she will be welcomed by enthusiastic PPCers who will shower that person with virtual gifts, such as plushies and bumper stickers. Before engaging in PPC activities, newbies are encouraged (by which we mean required) to read Da Rules, and before writing PPC stories, they must get Permission. Aside from that, there is no formal initiation for new Board members, although for new agents, there are certain initiation rites.
  • Newbie is a term used to call the people who are just starting to play and still do not know much information/content about the game. "Newbie" is not equivalent to "noob" or "n00b" (although people mistake them together). Noob or "n00b" usually refers to someone who is behaving badly, asking for free items constantly, or in a childish way and has a negative meaning which "newbie" does not have.
  • Newbie is a term used to call the people who are just starting to play and still do not know much information/content about the game. "Newbie" is not equivalent to "noob" or "n00b" (although people mistake them together). Noob or "n00b" usually refers to someone who is behaving badly, asking for free items constantly, or in a childish way and has a negative meaning which "newbie" does not have.
  • Newbie ist ein Kosename für Neulinge im Internet.
  • A newbie (aka newb, nub(cake), noob, or n00b) is a player who is either new to World of Warcraft or experienced in the game yet ignorant of how to play. Note that while all these terms are derived from the word newbie and have the same literal meaning, their connotations are quite different. Some examples are "The Paladin bubbled while carrying the flag, NOOB!" and "Even though I've been through Waling Caverns 3 times, I still feel like a noob there."
  • 無料体験期間なし&無料クライアントも配布されていません(2007年11月現在)ので TRをはじめる為にはまずクライアントパッケージを購入する必要があります。 日本語版が出ることは公式発表があり確実ですが 2007/11月現在プレイできる言語は英語、ドイツ語、フランス語版のみとなります。 以下は、英語版でプレイする場合の説明です
  • A newbie (or "n00b" for more experienced or "leet" internets users) is someone new to something. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Newbie"is a part of's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
  • Newbie - pojęcie wymyślone przez graczy. Najczęściej stosowane w grach Multiplayer. Oznacza początkującego użytkownika, który dopiero poznaje zasady rozgrywki ew. regulamin. Bardzo często mylone z noobem, choć znacząco się od niego różni.
  • Terme, plus ou moins péjoratif ("noob" l'étant plus que "newbie" par exemple) qui désigne les joueurs découvrant le jeu, et par extension les débutants. C'est un dérivé de "New by there", c'est à dire nouveau dans ce lieu, dans ce domaine.
  • Newbie – osobnik początkujący, starający się ze wszystkich sił ogarnąć zasady rządzące daną grą lub innym zjawiskiem społecznym, z różnymi skutkami, jak pokazuje doświadczenie. Nikt nie traktuje go poważnie, chyba, że wyjątkowo zajdzie Ci za skórę. Jest formą wyjściową dla noobów i innych internetowych poczwar. Zazwyczaj niegroźny, pozostaje pod ochroną adminów przez krótki okres ochronny, po którym normalni użytkownicy internetu mogą zacząć na niego polowanie. Skuteczność zależy od typu danego osobnika (patrz niżej).
  • This article is written for those of you new to Garou, or those who need a quick refresher on how to set up a new character. It's also written for those who have spent hours trying to explain things to new players. It assumes you are at least somewhat familiar with MUSH coding. If you are not, please get a copy of Amberyl's MUSH manual and give it a good read. See 'news OOC resources'. Next, if you haven't read the GarouMUSH primer, do so now. If you've only read it once, read it again.
  • An inexperienced or new resident. Also known as a "new user", "newcomer", or less kindly "noob", "n00b", "playdope." Most residents try to help newbies who are polite, including grants of objects, help, or even money. Mentors, both formal and informal, often offer help in the form of advice and training. Concierge services are aimed at training new users quickly. Many content providers offer free or very cheap items to new users, such as skins, hair and clothes. New users are often the target of scams or attempted scams (see Reap The Newbies). Conversely they often have a reputation for being ill mannered, clumsy, or insufficiently versed in the manners of Second Life. (See Newbie Trail, Freebies)
  • "Newbie" is the word used in Ogame to refer to new players. This is a common gaming word, not specific to Ogame, usually used in a semi-disparaging manner, to reference anyone who doesn't know the rules or methodology for a given game or task. Variants include "noob" and "n00b" and are commonly used for players who are annoying or claim to have a lot of knowledge but actually do not. This terminology is commonly associated with Leet Speak.
  • Map Name: Newbie * /join Newbie * Battleon - Down From Cleric Joy * Dragonfire - Click the Back Down Button * Dragonfire - Deafeat Princess Tera * Greengarud (West)
  • When spoken rather than typed, it is hard to differentiate which word is being used. In speech, a "you" sound ("nyoob") can be used in the word "newb", and a simple "oo" sound can be applied to "noob".
  • Its great to be here, looking forward to this site. thanks Its great to be here, looking forward to this site. thanks
  • Its great to be here, looking forward to this site. thanks Its great to be here, looking forward to this site. thanks
  • A newbie is a player new to the game or a task. The connotations differ depending on the context and the circumstance: * New and inexperienced: A player who says, "I'm a newbie" means that they are inexperienced; they might offer this as an excuse for getting lost or not knowing which foes to target. Similarly, a veteran might ask, "any newbies here?" when offering assistance to first-timers. * Ignorant, unaware or clueless: A negative usage offered by some to criticize a player who made a bad move (e.g. over-aggro'd or set-off traps). For example, "Are you a noob?!!!" Also used as a term of exclusion, e.g. "LFG: mish (no n00b)," would be a party-search request for veterans. * Obnoxious, uncooperative or does not listen: Players who rush into battle without paying attention to the team leader's instructions are also referred to as newbies. This usage also applies to those who refuse to heed advice from others on the team. For example, "don't be a newbie; wait for the ranger to pull the group to the choke point." See also: Kilroy Stonekin.
  • "Newbie" est un terme péjoratif courant pour les nouveaux joueurs, et n'est pas spécifique à OGame. C'est un terme tiré de l'anglais signifiant débutant. Les mots newb, noob, n00b ou naab sont couramment utilisés par les joueurs qui sont ennuyants ou qui prétendent avoir une grande connaissance alors que ce n'est pas le cas. Cette terminologie du mot est souvent associé avec le 1337 5p34k (article également disponible en français).
  • A newbie is the name for a newcomer to the Community, not to be used in a derogatory fashion. It is worth bearing in mind that these new users might need additional detail when discussing Creatures related topic and are often initially unfamiliar with existing customs and netiquette.
  • にゅーびーと読む。初心者のこと。 NOOBと呼んだりもする。始めた直後はまったく右も左も分からないのは万国共通。踊りながら歩いてる人、箱を右手につけてウロウロしている人、動きがやたらと直線的な人、を見かけたら「Welcome to Second Life!」とでも言って暖かく対応してあげましょう。あなたもきっと始めたころはそんなだったハズです :-)
  • A newbie (also spelled noob, newb, or n00b in the leetspeak of internet culture) is a newcomer to a particular field, the term being commonly used on the internet, where it might refer to new users of a game, a newsgroup, the World Wide Web itself, or an operating system. It can be both a disparaging and friendly term, always referring to a neophyte, or someone who behaves as such. The word itself is likely a corruption of new boy; a new arrival in a school and who is, therefore, vulnerable to bullying of various kinds. On Google's Usenet archive, the word first appears in 1988 [1]. The term was used prior to this as slang in the U.S. Military to denote men who had finished technical school and were just arriving to their first permanent assignment. The words newbie and n00b are sometimes differentiated. If they are, a newbie is someone who follows all protocols and essentially acts like an established user but still in the process of learning, while a n00b is an obnoxious person who has not even considered that they might be irritating others. A stereotype is that they all type in Internet shorthand, which is sometimes known as "AOLer" or "AOL-speak." There are numerous spelling variations, usually substituting different letters for the vowel sounds and dropping the second syllable (newb, noob, nub). Different spellings may carry different connotations within a particular community, but in general the spelling does not affect the meaning. In practice, differences in interpretation tend to depend more on context than on spelling.
  • Newbie tarkoittaa pelaajaa, joka on juuri aloittanut RuneScapen pelaamisen. Newbiet käyttäytyvät paremmin kuin niin sanotut Noobit.
  • Newbie is the 9th level of Bloons Player Pack 4. As the name suggests, it is very easy to complete, the player must just pop the Lightsaber Bloon besides the monkey and then pop the other Lightsaber Bloon to pop the Spikey Bloons which will pop the bloons at the bottom.
  • A newbie (aka newb, nub[cake], noob, or n00b), also called a scrub (or to some a "rookie"), is a player who is either new to World of Warcraft or knowledgeable (or feigning knowledge) about the game or certain elements yet ignorant of how to actually play. Note that while all these terms are derived from the word newbie and have the same literal meaning, their connotations are quite different. Newb commonly speaks of a new player, while a noob, n00b, or nub means someone who thinks he knows everything, criticizing others while doing many of the things listed below and calling people who tell them they're doing something wrong a n00b. Some examples are "The Paladin bubbled while carrying the flag, NOOB!" and "Even though I've been through Waling Caverns 3 times, I still feel like a noob there."
  • Puedes volver hacia la parte izquierda inferior del mapa y automaicamente cuando estes crca del sacerdote resucitaras. * ¿Cómo voy a este Dungeon?. Pagas el boleto 2,10 al 113 y te lleva hasta la puerta. * ¿Son fuertes estos bichos/NPCs?. No, están al nivel de un usuario nivel 1 en adelante. * ¿El usuario newbie tiene alguna diferencia con el no newbie?. Claro, un usuario newbie es PETE. El otro es medianamente PETE.. -Dato a tener en cuenta: * Al principio costara subir, dependiendo los horarios en los cuales entremos va a variar la cantidad de gente y la cantidad de PKs (son los que matan ciudadanos, los que se uniron a la Horda, también se llaman Criminales), lo que dificultara mas o menos el leveo, ya que estos usuaris aprovechan cualqueir oportunidad para matarte y robarte tus items.
  • Newbie is a first rank in Omerta. Being a newbie gives you ability to theft, steal cars and get into prizefight. You can't whack while you are newbie. Newbies are easiest targets to whack.
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