  • Junius Blaesus
  • Junius Blaesus was an underofficer in one of the three cohorts commanded by Marcus Scaurus during a "reconnaissance in force" in Gaul and was transported to Videssos sometime in year Zero+1200. Blaesus commanded a squad of scouts. He and his men caught a Gaul skulking in the underbrush and brought him to Scaurus for questioning. However, they failed to find a knife he had slung under his shoulder and to hold him tightly so the Gaul managed to get loose long enough to kill himself. Scaurus chastised Blaesus and then ordered him to double the patrols he sent out. This was for naught as a Gaulish force twice the size of the Roman one soon blocked their passage and forced battle.
type of appearance
  • Direct
  • Junius Blaesus
  • Soldier
  • Roman Republic
  • Junius Blaesus was an underofficer in one of the three cohorts commanded by Marcus Scaurus during a "reconnaissance in force" in Gaul and was transported to Videssos sometime in year Zero+1200. Blaesus commanded a squad of scouts. He and his men caught a Gaul skulking in the underbrush and brought him to Scaurus for questioning. However, they failed to find a knife he had slung under his shoulder and to hold him tightly so the Gaul managed to get loose long enough to kill himself. Scaurus chastised Blaesus and then ordered him to double the patrols he sent out. This was for naught as a Gaulish force twice the size of the Roman one soon blocked their passage and forced battle. Almost immediately after the three cohorts were transported, Blaesus reconnoitred the immediate surroundings. He concluded that they were no longer in Gaul since the foliage seemed to be more of that of Greece or Scaurus. He also reported a good location to set up a camp for the night. Scaurus looked it over, agreed and set the legionaries to work. However, after dark, unknown constellations appeared showing that they were in a different world.