  • Demerara rebellion of 1823
  • The Demerara rebellion of 1823 was an uprising involving more than 10,000 slaves that took place in the former Crown colony of Demerara-Essequibo (now part of Guyana). The rebellion resulted in the deaths of many slaves; estimates of the toll range from 100 to 250. The rebellion, and especially the death, on death row, of a British parson, had a strong impact on Britain, and on the abolitionists’ movement, to emancipate slaves after enactment of the Slave Trade Act 1807 banned the slave trade. Jack Gladstone, leader of one of the slave revolts, after his deportation helped bring attention to the plight of sugar plantation slaves, accelerating the abolition of slavery. Quamina was declared a national hero, with streets and monuments dedicated to him in the capital of Georgetown, Guyana.
image name
  • Plate 2 Retreat of Lt Brady.jpg
  • 1823-08-18
  • 350
Image caption
  • Slaves force the retreat of European soldiers led by Lt Brady.
  • Jack Gladstone, Quamina, 10,000 slaves, plantocracy
  • hundreds slaves dead
Image Alt
  • Large group of blacks force the retreat of European soldiers. Includes canal, boat, drawbridge, dwellings, guns or muskets, flag, hogs, pigs, dogs, and bayonets.
Event Name
  • Demerara rebellion of 1823
  • Demerara
  • The Demerara rebellion of 1823 was an uprising involving more than 10,000 slaves that took place in the former Crown colony of Demerara-Essequibo (now part of Guyana). The rebellion resulted in the deaths of many slaves; estimates of the toll range from 100 to 250. The rebellion, and especially the death, on death row, of a British parson, had a strong impact on Britain, and on the abolitionists’ movement, to emancipate slaves after enactment of the Slave Trade Act 1807 banned the slave trade. Jack Gladstone, leader of one of the slave revolts, after his deportation helped bring attention to the plight of sugar plantation slaves, accelerating the abolition of slavery. Quamina was declared a national hero, with streets and monuments dedicated to him in the capital of Georgetown, Guyana.