  • Spar-class Advanced Recon Commando
  • The Spar-class Advanced Recon Commandos were a class of skilled clone troopers, who went through advanced training from the earliest stage, bred from the DNA of Exhart Martineus. They served the Galactic Republic in the Second Clone Wars as part of the Great Clone Forces. Only eight thousand clones were "born" as Spar-class ARC troopers, with only about six hundred graduating.
  • The Spar-class Advanced Recon Commandos were a class of skilled clone troopers, who went through advanced training from the earliest stage, bred from the DNA of Exhart Martineus. They served the Galactic Republic in the Second Clone Wars as part of the Great Clone Forces. Only eight thousand clones were "born" as Spar-class ARC troopers, with only about six hundred graduating. Eventually, the capibility to receive training as these ARC troopers was made possible for normal clone troopers since 58 ABY. As specified by the Clone Marshal, it was very hard to qualify for receiving the Spar ARC training, and even harder to actually achieve success in the program.