  • Toonville Movie
  • Chris McLean makes a competition. The prize? 1,000,000 dollars! El Mabbo and other people catch up to Owen, who is yelling that he's gonna win. Rico is having a crush on Candace. Duncan holds a grudge against Cody and kills him. DJ accidently kills Lumpy when they are starting to skydive. Frylock is fighting El Mabbo before getting the case, but dies trying. Duncan spots it first but Lindsay catches up to the case after Duncan sees it. Heather then steals it when Duncan and Lindsay start fighting over the case. Duncan meets up with Bridgette and they both get killed. Tyler then shoots Cody. El Mabbo sees Skunk and Rabbit fighting, and then the next minute, El Mabbo uses Rasen-Shuriken, disintergrating them both. Owen forms an alliance with Captain Blue and Stanley S. to defeat the Rainbow
  • Chris McLean makes a competition. The prize? 1,000,000 dollars! El Mabbo and other people catch up to Owen, who is yelling that he's gonna win. Rico is having a crush on Candace. Duncan holds a grudge against Cody and kills him. DJ accidently kills Lumpy when they are starting to skydive. Frylock is fighting El Mabbo before getting the case, but dies trying. Duncan spots it first but Lindsay catches up to the case after Duncan sees it. Heather then steals it when Duncan and Lindsay start fighting over the case. Duncan meets up with Bridgette and they both get killed. Tyler then shoots Cody. El Mabbo sees Skunk and Rabbit fighting, and then the next minute, El Mabbo uses Rasen-Shuriken, disintergrating them both. Owen forms an alliance with Captain Blue and Stanley S. to defeat the Rainbow Aliens that look like Roger and to be called the Alien-Busters. Then Flapjack, K'nuckles and Peppermint Larry then see Lord Hotcakes and they talk to him until Lord Hotcakes dies from a heart attack. El Mabbo then sees Chuck Norris and dies, meaning Chuck Norris is God of Death. Tyler shoots Katie, then is killed by Flippy. Katie respawns, then meets up with a raping drill, killing her again. Perry then meets up with Homer and bites him. Harold and Spongebob duel in a Dance Dance Revelution match. Harold wins. Gorgonzola plays sniffleball with Chowder. Ferb fights Trent and kills him. Peter then rapes Bridgette. Geoff and Bridgette pull a trap to kill Flippy. It works. Eva, Joe and Meg try to survive and are blown up. The Alien-Busters start killing aliens. It all ends in a race. Owen spirals out of control and gets crushed by a Gilded Chris statue. Duncan wins, but not the million dollars. Then Duncan gets back with Courtney and promises to marry her when they are 25. Peter wins the 1,000,000 dollars and knows what to do with it.