  • Sacred Library of Irva
  • The Library is a map exclusive to the Elona+ mod of Elona. It is located just west of the center of the Lost Irva continent. It is an indoor map, and has the same appearance as a shop on the world map. The regular include seraph, dominions and arkhai. The neutral NPCs include geese, exiles, and scholars. The shopkeepers are also a unique type, shopkeeper crows. There is one fountain in the lower left part of the map. It uses track number 71 for it's music (mcTown12).
  • The Library is a map exclusive to the Elona+ mod of Elona. It is located just west of the center of the Lost Irva continent. It is an indoor map, and has the same appearance as a shop on the world map. The regular include seraph, dominions and arkhai. The neutral NPCs include geese, exiles, and scholars. The shopkeepers are also a unique type, shopkeeper crows. There is one fountain in the lower left part of the map. It uses track number 71 for it's music (mcTown12).
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