  • Ogron
  • Ogron
  • Ogron
  • Ogron (auch Ogrons) sind eine auf Draenor beheimatete Spezies und zählen zu Draenors Steinkreaturen. In der ursprünglichen Zeitlinie wurden sie durch die aufkommende Horde ausgemerzt.
  • Ogron is the leader of the Wizards of the Black Circle, and is therefore the main antagonist of Season 4 of Winx Club. He has long red hair. He is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal in the nickelodeon version. Ogron possesses the power to absorb energy, or even turn damage into power.
  • Ogron is the leader of the Wizards of the Black Circle.
  • power is 6900.He can absorb energy and other bakugan power
  • Ogron - Hf Leitender Admiral des Königs Kondelf der Befreier von Dirhael bei der Flotte der Lichtliga um das Jahr des Drachen 412 n.P.
  • Blue-skinned, hulking giants who are notoriously dim-witted. They are well suited for hard labor as they are physically strong, capable of spliting logs with their bare hands. They are also reknowned as very poor archers.
  • Ogres, gronn, and magnaron all share a common lineage, with the beastly ogron demonstrating the missing link between savage gronn and their smaller, more numerous children. They take in their surroundings with a single yellow eye—slow to blink and even slower to comprehend. Too idiotic to disobey orders, but big and dangerous enough to keep even unruly ogres in line, ogron serve as expendable muscle for ogre leaders from warlords all the way up to the emperor himself. Any champions seeking to overthrow ogres in power had best prepare to face down one or more ogron towering in their way.
  • Oger, Gronn und Magnaron haben alle einen gemeinsamen Ursprung, wobei die bösartigen Ogron das fehlende Glied zwischen den brutalen Gronn und ihren kleineren, in thumb|320pxgrößerer Zahl vorhandenen Kindern darstellen. Ihre Umgebung nehmen sie mit einem einzigen, gelben Auge war, das nur selten blinzelt und kaum zu ergründen ist. Ogron sind zu dumm, sich Befehlen zu widersetzen, aber groß und gefährlich genug, um selbst aufsässige Oger in Schach zu halten. Sie dienen daher den Ogeranführern, vom Kriegsfürst bis hin zum Kaiser selbst, als entbehrliche Muskelprotze. Helden, die den mächtigen Ogern den Garaus machen wollen, sollten sich also darauf vorbereiten, es mit mindestens einem der gewaltigen Ogron zu tun zu bekommen. Kategorie:Gegner Kategorie:Oger Kategorie:Warlords od Draenor
  • Their ability to manipulate technology, despite being otherwise barely sapient, coupled with their complete obedience to their masters, suggests some sort of artificial breeding might have been involved in their creation. The Ogron homeworld is a barren landscape inhabited by enormous beasts which hunt and devour Ogrons, yet are religiously revered by them.
  • "Lo step evolutivo tra gli ogre e la melma" - Opinione dell'imperatore Mar'gok Gli Ogron sono giganti che un tempo vivevano sul pianeta Draenor, ma qui furono cacciati fino all'estinzione dalla prima Orda. Rokhan li descrive come bruti, creature di un tempo che è meglio dimenticare. Ciò che gli mancava a livello mentale lo avevano nella forza, nella violenza e nella cupidità. Queste creature sono di fatto rintracciabili nell'universo parallelo di Warlord of Draenor.
  • Ogrons had a mix of human and ape traits. It was believed that this mixture of traits was due to climatic changes on their home planet. (PROSE: The Romance of Crime, PROSE: Mission: Impractical) They were around 7 feet tall, with bowed legs, long arms and barrel chests. Their faces were flat, with a powerful jaw and small eyes. Ogrons had immense strength, far greater than a human. Their nervous systems were highly resistant to shock and were protected by muscles, meaning that they could survive multiple bullets. Their only weak spot was the top of their head. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks, COMIC: Fugitive)
  • Garsha, Lost Boy, Brarshak, 78351
  • File:Ogron(Comics).png
  • Ogron
  • Absorb magic and become stronger
  • Turn injuries into power
  • Unknown, supposedly many centuries old
  • Yuri Lowenthal
  • Ogron
  • Ogron
  • Patrizio Prata
  • Day of the Daleks
  • Wizard
  • Male
  • Ogron.jpg
Winx Club
  • Terence Scammel
  • Ogron (auch Ogrons) sind eine auf Draenor beheimatete Spezies und zählen zu Draenors Steinkreaturen. In der ursprünglichen Zeitlinie wurden sie durch die aufkommende Horde ausgemerzt.
  • "Lo step evolutivo tra gli ogre e la melma" - Opinione dell'imperatore Mar'gok Gli Ogron sono giganti che un tempo vivevano sul pianeta Draenor, ma qui furono cacciati fino all'estinzione dalla prima Orda. Rokhan li descrive come bruti, creature di un tempo che è meglio dimenticare. Ciò che gli mancava a livello mentale lo avevano nella forza, nella violenza e nella cupidità. Queste creature sono di fatto rintracciabili nell'universo parallelo di Warlord of Draenor. Ogre, gronn e magnaron condividono con loro la stessa origine e sono l'anello evolutivo che lega i selvaggi gronn ai loro più piccoli e numerosi discendenti. Essi osservano l'ambiente circostante con il loro unico occhio giallo. Gli ogron sono utilizzati dai leader degli ogre per i loro muscoli in tutti i modi, anche dall'imperatore stesso. E' difficile dover ammettere che possa esistere una creatura più brutale di un ogre, ma gli ogron corrispondono a questa descrizione. Trovarsi faccia a faccia con un ogron in un'arena è un'impresa, trovarne uno sulla propria strada è ancor più pericoloso.
  • Ogron is the leader of the Wizards of the Black Circle, and is therefore the main antagonist of Season 4 of Winx Club. He has long red hair. He is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal in the nickelodeon version. Ogron possesses the power to absorb energy, or even turn damage into power.
  • Ogron is the leader of the Wizards of the Black Circle.
  • power is 6900.He can absorb energy and other bakugan power
  • Ogron - Hf Leitender Admiral des Königs Kondelf der Befreier von Dirhael bei der Flotte der Lichtliga um das Jahr des Drachen 412 n.P.
  • Blue-skinned, hulking giants who are notoriously dim-witted. They are well suited for hard labor as they are physically strong, capable of spliting logs with their bare hands. They are also reknowned as very poor archers.
  • Ogres, gronn, and magnaron all share a common lineage, with the beastly ogron demonstrating the missing link between savage gronn and their smaller, more numerous children. They take in their surroundings with a single yellow eye—slow to blink and even slower to comprehend. Too idiotic to disobey orders, but big and dangerous enough to keep even unruly ogres in line, ogron serve as expendable muscle for ogre leaders from warlords all the way up to the emperor himself. Any champions seeking to overthrow ogres in power had best prepare to face down one or more ogron towering in their way.
  • Oger, Gronn und Magnaron haben alle einen gemeinsamen Ursprung, wobei die bösartigen Ogron das fehlende Glied zwischen den brutalen Gronn und ihren kleineren, in thumb|320pxgrößerer Zahl vorhandenen Kindern darstellen. Ihre Umgebung nehmen sie mit einem einzigen, gelben Auge war, das nur selten blinzelt und kaum zu ergründen ist. Ogron sind zu dumm, sich Befehlen zu widersetzen, aber groß und gefährlich genug, um selbst aufsässige Oger in Schach zu halten. Sie dienen daher den Ogeranführern, vom Kriegsfürst bis hin zum Kaiser selbst, als entbehrliche Muskelprotze. Helden, die den mächtigen Ogern den Garaus machen wollen, sollten sich also darauf vorbereiten, es mit mindestens einem der gewaltigen Ogron zu tun zu bekommen. Kategorie:Gegner Kategorie:Oger Kategorie:Warlords od Draenor
  • Their ability to manipulate technology, despite being otherwise barely sapient, coupled with their complete obedience to their masters, suggests some sort of artificial breeding might have been involved in their creation. The Ogron homeworld is a barren landscape inhabited by enormous beasts which hunt and devour Ogrons, yet are religiously revered by them.
  • Ogrons had a mix of human and ape traits. It was believed that this mixture of traits was due to climatic changes on their home planet. (PROSE: The Romance of Crime, PROSE: Mission: Impractical) They were around 7 feet tall, with bowed legs, long arms and barrel chests. Their faces were flat, with a powerful jaw and small eyes. Ogrons had immense strength, far greater than a human. Their nervous systems were highly resistant to shock and were protected by muscles, meaning that they could survive multiple bullets. Their only weak spot was the top of their head. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks, COMIC: Fugitive) Ogrons were relatively unintelligent, spoke in simple sentences and had obedient, stoic personalities. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks) They had some skills, such as piloting spaceships, but this was believed to be advanced mimicry. Despite this, Ogron speech used subsonic frequencies, which meant that they may have been more intelligent than they appeared. (PROSE: Interference - Book One and Book Two)
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