  • Key West
  • Key West
  • Key West, once the southernmost point of the continental United States, now stands as one of the few island cities of the Florida Keys to survive post-war. A free port open to all rafters and traders, Key West serves as a way station for people going around the Gulf Belt who want to avoid the pirate-ridden waters of Miami. The Caribbean Exploration Commission was founded there and uses Key West as a base for its expeditions.
  • Key West is a city in the State of Florida.
  • Key West, a U.S. island city, is part of the Florida Keys archipelago. It's also Florida's southernmost point, lying roughly 90 miles north of Cuba. Famed for its pastel-hued, conch-style houses, it’s a cruise-ship stop also accessible from the mainland via the Overseas Highway. It’s known more for its coral reefs – destinations for diving and snorkeling – than for its beaches.
  • Key West ist ist eine metafiktive Insel, die in dem Buch Bad Twin vorkommt, einem Roman von Gary Troup, einem Passagier des Oceanic Flug 815. In Key West befindet sich das "Tea Shack", in dem Sky Yogaausbilderin ist. Bis zu seinem Verschwinden war Alexander Widmore Stammgast und deshalb führte Paul Artisans Reise auf diese Insel. Sky verweist Paul an Kapitän Jocko, der Artisan bei seiner Suche nach Zander helfen soll. Als Zanders High School Freund Keith Baker verstirbt, findet der Polizeichef Joe Ferrer, Tickets für eine Rundreise nach Key West.
  • Free port and base of the Caribbean Exploration Commission
  • Sack of Key West , founding of the Caribbean Exploration Commission
  • Key West
  • 300
  • Americans
  • N/A
  • 2175
  • Item 47
  • Key West, once the southernmost point of the continental United States, now stands as one of the few island cities of the Florida Keys to survive post-war. A free port open to all rafters and traders, Key West serves as a way station for people going around the Gulf Belt who want to avoid the pirate-ridden waters of Miami. The Caribbean Exploration Commission was founded there and uses Key West as a base for its expeditions.
  • Key West is a city in the State of Florida.
  • Key West, a U.S. island city, is part of the Florida Keys archipelago. It's also Florida's southernmost point, lying roughly 90 miles north of Cuba. Famed for its pastel-hued, conch-style houses, it’s a cruise-ship stop also accessible from the mainland via the Overseas Highway. It’s known more for its coral reefs – destinations for diving and snorkeling – than for its beaches.
  • Key West ist ist eine metafiktive Insel, die in dem Buch Bad Twin vorkommt, einem Roman von Gary Troup, einem Passagier des Oceanic Flug 815. In Key West befindet sich das "Tea Shack", in dem Sky Yogaausbilderin ist. Bis zu seinem Verschwinden war Alexander Widmore Stammgast und deshalb führte Paul Artisans Reise auf diese Insel. Sky verweist Paul an Kapitän Jocko, der Artisan bei seiner Suche nach Zander helfen soll. Als Zanders High School Freund Keith Baker verstirbt, findet der Polizeichef Joe Ferrer, Tickets für eine Rundreise nach Key West.
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