  • Hadley Sanchez-Hawkins-Parkman
  • Hadley is an English name meaning "field of heather". Her middle name, Paige, is also English and means "page", a position in a noble household. The surname Sanchez means "sons of Sancho" and "saints", while Hawkins means "a hawker" or "a person who looks like a hawk". Parkman refers to a park-keeper or someone who works at or owns a park.
  • Hadley is an English name meaning "field of heather". Her middle name, Paige, is also English and means "page", a position in a noble household. The surname Sanchez means "sons of Sancho" and "saints", while Hawkins means "a hawker" or "a person who looks like a hawk". Parkman refers to a park-keeper or someone who works at or owns a park.
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