  • CT-6743
  • CT-6743 was a clone trooper private in the Grand Army of the Republic unit, the 124th Clone trooper attack platoon, which was in the first assault on Geonosis. He survived and was transferred to the 101st Legion. CT-6743 was in many battles, one of the most notable ones being Operation: Knightfall. He was later part of the Stormtrooper Corps and was part of the 124th Stormtrooper attack platoon and later the 555th Stormtrooper Battalion.
  • CT-6743 was a clone trooper private in the Grand Army of the Republic unit, the 124th Clone trooper attack platoon, which was in the first assault on Geonosis. He survived and was transferred to the 101st Legion. CT-6743 was in many battles, one of the most notable ones being Operation: Knightfall. He was later part of the Stormtrooper Corps and was part of the 124th Stormtrooper attack platoon and later the 555th Stormtrooper Battalion.