  • Swimmer Delivery Vehicle
  • For long-range missions, SDVs can carry their own onboard compressed air supply to extend the range of a swimmer's own air tank or rebreather equipment. There are two kinds. The "wet" type, where combat swimmers ride on the outside, exposed to the water. Examples of wet SDVs include the American "SEAL Delivery Vehicle". There is also the "dry" type, where swimmers ride in a compartment inside, not exposed to the water. Examples include the American "Advanced SEAL Delivery System". For extended missions on land, a team can be re-supplied by contact with other SDVs.
  • The Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (SDV) is a type of non-propulsion torpedo that is designed to transport combat swimmers from a combat swimmer unit or naval Special Forces underwater, over long distances to and from maritime mission objectives on land or at sea. SDVs can carry their own onboard compressed air supply to extend the range of a swimmer's own air tank or rebreather equipment. The SDV can go as fast as 115 miles per hour. To reach such speeds, the vehicle needs to make use of supercavitation. A bubble of gas is generated around an object, reducing drag and making high speed underwater possible. It is equipped with a camera on its front, as well as thermal imaging and night-vision capabilities. It is developed by DARPA.
  • The Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (SDV) is a type of non-propulsion torpedo that is designed to transport combat swimmers from a combat swimmer unit or naval Special Forces underwater, over long distances to and from maritime mission objectives on land or at sea. SDVs can carry their own onboard compressed air supply to extend the range of a swimmer's own air tank or rebreather equipment. The SDV can go as fast as 115 miles per hour. To reach such speeds, the vehicle needs to make use of supercavitation. A bubble of gas is generated around an object, reducing drag and making high speed underwater possible. It is equipped with a camera on its front, as well as thermal imaging and night-vision capabilities. It is developed by DARPA. Solid Snake used an SDV during the Shadow Moses Incident to gain access to Shadow Moses Island. It was launched from from a torpedo tube on board the submarine Discovery, which could not get too close to the island, as the facility located there was equipped with sonar detection equipment. Since the SDV used no engine, it did not carry the same risk.
  • For long-range missions, SDVs can carry their own onboard compressed air supply to extend the range of a swimmer's own air tank or rebreather equipment. There are two kinds. The "wet" type, where combat swimmers ride on the outside, exposed to the water. Examples of wet SDVs include the American "SEAL Delivery Vehicle". There is also the "dry" type, where swimmers ride in a compartment inside, not exposed to the water. Examples include the American "Advanced SEAL Delivery System". SDVs are used in maritime missions such as infiltrating combat swimmers into an enemy port or planting limpet mines on the hull of target vessels. They are also used to land a combat swimmer team covertly on a hostile shore in order to conduct missions on land. After completing their mission, the team may return to the SDV to exfiltrate back to the mother-ship. For extended missions on land, a team can be re-supplied by contact with other SDVs. The origins of the SDV stems from the Motorised Submersible Canoe created during WWII.