  • StarJump Corporation
  • StarJump Corporation is an interstellar Hydrogen and Helium-3 company headquartered on . It is the oldest human helium-3 corporation and the second largest, making it one of the supermajor corporations. It has operations on over 70 different celestial bodies, most of which being on asteroids, and produces over 9.4 million barrels per day. It's largest division is "StarJump Exodus", which is the biggest producer of Helium-3 producer in the Exodus Cluster and is headquartered on .
  • StarJump Corporation is an interstellar Hydrogen and Helium-3 company headquartered on . It is the oldest human helium-3 corporation and the second largest, making it one of the supermajor corporations. It has operations on over 70 different celestial bodies, most of which being on asteroids, and produces over 9.4 million barrels per day. It's largest division is "StarJump Exodus", which is the biggest producer of Helium-3 producer in the Exodus Cluster and is headquartered on .