  • Vani
  • The First City of Danmalastan * It was the location of the First House, the First Village, the First Town and the First City * Also known as the Perfect City * The City of Logic however was a different place. * Vani was built by the Kadeniti in the Golden Age * It was largely quiet in the late Golden Age. * It became inhabited by the Envolvalini after the Flood * It became the capital of Zerendel * It was abandoned to the Vadeli in the Lesser Darkness and replaced as capital by Talarwal. Sources: Revealed Mythologies, Guide to Glorantha
  • Vani is a young demon succubus and one of the chilren of Jahi Gallu who lives in the Threshold district in Alent. She tried to seduce and eat Razravkar Dominus but ended up talking to him instead after Razravkar explained that she and her siblings were in fact being used by the Northern Horde to spread chaos in the city, after which she took him to meet with Jahi. She later tried to seduce Gabriel d'Zarnagon but was stopped.
  • Vani
  • 14
  • Alive
  • Black Mage
  • 160
  • Female
  • Demon
  • The First City of Danmalastan * It was the location of the First House, the First Village, the First Town and the First City * Also known as the Perfect City * The City of Logic however was a different place. * Vani was built by the Kadeniti in the Golden Age * It was largely quiet in the late Golden Age. * It became inhabited by the Envolvalini after the Flood * It became the capital of Zerendel * It was abandoned to the Vadeli in the Lesser Darkness and replaced as capital by Talarwal. Sources: Revealed Mythologies, Guide to Glorantha
  • Vani is a young demon succubus and one of the chilren of Jahi Gallu who lives in the Threshold district in Alent. She tried to seduce and eat Razravkar Dominus but ended up talking to him instead after Razravkar explained that she and her siblings were in fact being used by the Northern Horde to spread chaos in the city, after which she took him to meet with Jahi. She later tried to seduce Gabriel d'Zarnagon but was stopped.