  • Darkspear trolls controversy
  • One area of debate about the Darkspear is whether they are still cannibals or not — some believe that all Darkspear have completely given it up, whilst others believe they have never given it up. Officially, the influence of the orcs and tauren curbed much of the trolls' evil natures, however many still practice voodoo magic and revere their old traditions. (WoWRPG 370) "the Darkspear tribe no longer practices cannibalism — at least not openly". (HPG 145) The Horde made cannibalism 'illegal', (HPG 145) and the Revantusk also submit to this concept. World of Warcraft implies that the majority by far claim to not be cannibalistic, with several troll NPCs denouncing other tribes for continuing to practice it. However, an unknown number are still known to practice cannibalism. These Darkspea
  • One area of debate about the Darkspear is whether they are still cannibals or not — some believe that all Darkspear have completely given it up, whilst others believe they have never given it up. Officially, the influence of the orcs and tauren curbed much of the trolls' evil natures, however many still practice voodoo magic and revere their old traditions. (WoWRPG 370) "the Darkspear tribe no longer practices cannibalism — at least not openly". (HPG 145) The Horde made cannibalism 'illegal', (HPG 145) and the Revantusk also submit to this concept. World of Warcraft implies that the majority by far claim to not be cannibalistic, with several troll NPCs denouncing other tribes for continuing to practice it. However, an unknown number are still known to practice cannibalism. These Darkspear trolls practice it in the secret. In the RPG, Darkspear trolls & Forsaken share the Cannibalize ability (its use is up to individual choice). See Cannibalize for more info. (HPG 145) One of the troll female /silly allude to this phenomena: "If cannibalism be wrong, I don't want to be right!" Of course, the jokes are not to be taken completely seriously. However, it's important to keep in mind that the entire Darkspear tribe didn’t give up their culture overnight, however things might appear. There are a number of trolls who side with the Horde for convenience, much like the Forsaken do, without abandoning their old beliefs. (HPG 181) Some traditions remain, even if the trolls claim to the Horde that they do not. (A&HC 65) Some of the Darkspears still cling to the old ways. They value their elaborate, structured culture, but they know the Horde does not approve. These trolls decided to do what it takes. They maintain the façade of embracing shamanism but either practice their voodoo traditions in secret, or blend the two in a strange amalgam. The Darkspears who have not entirely discarded their tie to voodoo don’t see themselves as betraying their Horde allies. They serve Thrall with utter loyalty, but remain pragmatic. Should the Horde fail the trolls, they have their ancestral faith to fall back on. Trolls who do what it takes also favor becoming witch doctors, but carefully avoid the darker aspects of the calling (at least when other races are watching). (HPG 87)