  • Reign of Terror
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  • Reign of Terror was a flag on the Viridian Ocean founded in the year 2007 on January 29th.
  • Reign of Terror was the tenth episode (out of 30) produced and released for The Time Tunnel.
  • Reign of Terror is a greater power acquired by vampires in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion upon reaching stage three of vampirism. Much like Vampire's Seduction, this spell is useful when you need to take a break from combat to restore health, fatigue or magicka or when taking on multiple opponents. Being a greater power, reign of terror can only be used once per day.
  • The input for this move is b+3,1,4,3. There is also another variation of this move called Demon's Wrath with an input of b+3,1,4,1.
  • Salmoneus is having problems with a bee sting on his butt. Salmoneus and Hercules decide to go to the daughter of Palamedes to get the sting healed. A couple of guys are unhappy because the king has ordered them to take down a statue of Aphrodite, and not just because they are guys and the statue is quite accurate to what Aphrodite looks like. The king has ordered that the temple of Aphrodite is to be converted for Hera. The guys are upset because the king is going insane. Melapie has made a weird cream to rub of Salmoneus' butt. He does not seem to mind. The pain's gone and he is grateful.
  • Finally, La RĂ©sistance has won, the revolution has occurred and the tyrannous President Evil has been deposed. This should be the end of The Empire, the establishment of a new era of freedom, peace, prosperity and equality. Named after the Reign of Terror in The French Revolution, when the guillotine was used and overused against many people. Examples of Reign of Terror include:
  • Master
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  • Reign of Terror
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  • Viridian
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  • Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
  • Reign of Terror
  • no
  • Augeus Attacks Hercules
  • King Augeus and Hera
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Episode Name
  • Reign of Terror
Directed By
  • 60.0
Original Air-Date
  • 1997-04-14
Episode Order
  • 18
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  • 250
  • No new messages this month.
  • Reign of Terror was a flag on the Viridian Ocean founded in the year 2007 on January 29th.
  • Salmoneus is having problems with a bee sting on his butt. Salmoneus and Hercules decide to go to the daughter of Palamedes to get the sting healed. A couple of guys are unhappy because the king has ordered them to take down a statue of Aphrodite, and not just because they are guys and the statue is quite accurate to what Aphrodite looks like. The king has ordered that the temple of Aphrodite is to be converted for Hera. The guys are upset because the king is going insane. King Augeus has just freed the livestock and Palamedes is not too thrilled on the freedom. The king thinks he is Zeus and throws a rock with a lightning bolt painted on it at Palamedes' head. He then runs off in a fancy chariot that is decorated to look like Zeus'. The guys are still to move the statue by lifting it with rope, but one of the arms breaks off. Aphrodite shows up and gets mad at them. Hercules sees her and they start talking, leaving Salmoneus confused. She makes herself visible and is very seducing to Salmoneus . After she leaves, Salmoneus decides to melt the arm of the statue to make coins. Hercules and Salmoneus find Palamedes and he tells them of Augeus and his new founded godliness and Hercules goes to find the livestock. "King Zeus" is changing the temple because he thinks that Hera is his wife. Hercules also goes in to look for the king when a pretty blonde that Salmoneus falls for, named Malapie shows and goes to grieve over her wounded dad. Aphrodite visits the king; who, of course, thinks she is her daughter. She is not too thrilled at her "father". After he leaves, she decides to redecorate her temple. Hercules meets up with the general and Augeus shows up and they call him by his real name. He gets mad. A big long fight scene breaks out. Aegeus ends up running to his wife's temple, but he finds the decorations that Aphrodite left and gets madder. He starts breaking things when Hera shows up and she plays along with the whole him thinking he is Zeus thing. She strikes him with a lightning bolt and he now has the power to throw lightning bolt type balls. She tells him to kill Hercules by dusk. The villagers have all the livestock back, but they want Hercules to kill the king. Hercules tells them that he will talk to him. Aphrodite takes a walk with Hercules. She is happy because she has her temple back. Palamedes shows up and tells Hercules that the villagers are mad at Aphrodite because of her lack of help with the king. He says all of this in her presence and she gets mad. She shows herself and to Palamedes. Melapie has made a weird cream to rub of Salmoneus' butt. He does not seem to mind. The pain's gone and he is grateful. Palamedes is visited by Aphrodite again. They have a little talk on what she has or has not done. He told her that she was wrong and she now respects him. Hercules is still looking for Augeus when Palamedes comes by talking about Aphrodite. He says that she has a beautiful soul. While the general was looking for Augeus, when he shows up and starts throwing lightning rocks around. He then visits Hercules and beats the stuffing out of Hercules. Palamedes shows up, gets hurt, and dies. Aphrodite pops up and puts an aura on Palamedes' body to protect his spirit until dusk. She then goes outside to cry because he respected her. They make a plan for to keep Augeus busy while Hercules works on bringing Palamedes back to life. King is working on his aim with the help of the general when Aphrodite shows up and wants her "dad's" attention. It works. Hera shows up and gets mad at Aphrodite. Aphrodite's plot fails and Hera and king trap her in a lightning bolt type cage. Salmoneus melts down the arm from the statue and made coins. He got a guy to engrave them, but Hercules shows up and takes them. Hercules thinks that the lightning bolts with the copper coins will revive Palamedes. Aphrodite is getting frusturated inside her cage. She ends up dressing herself in a tight black leather type of outfit to get herself out of the cage. Hercules, Salmoneus, Melapie, and the late Palamedes set up in Aphrodite's temple, when Augeus shows up with lightning balls. One of the balls breaks the other arm off of the statue, which makes Aphrodite mad, and she does this hip thing with a ball. Both Augeus and Palamedes get hit by balls. Palamedes is now alive and Augeus now thinks he is Ulysses. Salmoneus now thinks the statue is useless without arms, Hercules likes it, and Aphrodite thinks it should be fixed. More meaningful talk between the siblings.
  • Finally, La RĂ©sistance has won, the revolution has occurred and the tyrannous President Evil has been deposed. This should be the end of The Empire, the establishment of a new era of freedom, peace, prosperity and equality. Well, as soon as Les Collaborateurs have been judged, condemned and executed, of course. And we need to take care of all the enemies and reactionaries within us who still wish to undermine the new regime. And I'm afraid those people who fought for the revolution along with me have just been revealed to be traitors as well! I have no choice, I have to seize more powers to deal with all the dangers which threaten our ideals, create a special force charged to investigate those who would betray the revolution and an extraordinary jury to condemn them quickly. This trope is for the aftermath of a revolution or rebellion, when the former leaders of the uprising find themselves in power and may become tyrants themselves, while the ideals that led to the revolution are forgotten by the populace and buried under bloody infighting between former allies. This is often a consequence of The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized and having an army of Knights Templar in your ranks. Named after the Reign of Terror in The French Revolution, when the guillotine was used and overused against many people. Compare and contrast with Full-Circle Revolution which has virtually no change in the way things are governed after the revolution. These revolutions are compatible -- in that a revolution can produce no real change even after ruthlessly slaughtering large chunks of the population, and indeed, after all this slaughter, people may be quite content to merely get back to the old ways. The Empire variant is Crushing the Populace where you make sure no one will oppose you through sheer brutality. Examples of Reign of Terror include:
  • Reign of Terror was the tenth episode (out of 30) produced and released for The Time Tunnel.
  • Reign of Terror is a greater power acquired by vampires in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion upon reaching stage three of vampirism. Much like Vampire's Seduction, this spell is useful when you need to take a break from combat to restore health, fatigue or magicka or when taking on multiple opponents. Being a greater power, reign of terror can only be used once per day.
  • The input for this move is b+3,1,4,3. There is also another variation of this move called Demon's Wrath with an input of b+3,1,4,1.
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