  • Bijou Tells Fievel, Olivia, Bambi, Thumper, Gadget, and the Lost Dumbo Gang About That Timothy Gets Kidnapped By The Junkyard Dogs
  • Meanwhile, Fievel, Olivia, Bambi, Thumper, Gadget, Pooka, Flower, Jim, Big Daddy Lou, Zachariah, Tyrone, Timothy, Lil' Urle, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Discord, Fluttershy, and Bijou are returning home, while licking their ice cream cones. "Hey, Bijou." Fievel said, "Tomorrow I'm gonna teach you how to fly!" "I love to fly!" Bijou smiled. "And I'm gonna teach you how to glow in the dark." Jim added, "That'll be fun!" Suddenly, Lil' Urle's alarm watch goes buzzing, as Lil' Urle gasped in surprised. "No, Big Daddy Lou! IT'S HOT!!" Zachariah begged.
  • Meanwhile, Fievel, Olivia, Bambi, Thumper, Gadget, Pooka, Flower, Jim, Big Daddy Lou, Zachariah, Tyrone, Timothy, Lil' Urle, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Discord, Fluttershy, and Bijou are returning home, while licking their ice cream cones. Fievel had chocolate ice cream. Olivia had peach. Bambi had vanilla. Thumper had lime sherbet. Gadget had grape. Pooka had panda paws. Flower had blue raspberry. Jim had cherry. Big Daddy Lou had Southern apple pie. Zachariah had cookie dough. Tyrone had French roast coffee. Timothy had strawberry. Lil' Urle had peanut butter cup. Twilight had maple walnut. Rainbow Dash had birthday bash. Sunset had pumpkin. Pinkie Pie had superhero. Applejack had fireball. Rarity had mint chocolate chip. Discord had caramel praline turtle. Fluttershy had raspberry, and Bijou had blue moon "Hey, Bijou." Fievel said, "Tomorrow I'm gonna teach you how to fly!" "I love to fly!" Bijou smiled. "And I'm gonna teach you how to glow in the dark." Jim added, "That'll be fun!" Suddenly, Lil' Urle's alarm watch goes buzzing, as Lil' Urle gasped in surprised. "Dinner! Yikes! We're late!" Lil' Urle explained, "We better get back to the Ham-Ham Encampment, before Boss does!" "And let's fix Sawyer her favorite macaroni & cheese!" Tyrone added. But they didn't noticed that Buster, Mooch, Sparky, François, and Ruby are stalking behind them, they were hidden behind the tree. Meanwhile in the Ham-Ham Encampment kitchen, the gang were making Sawyer's famous macaroni & cheese. "The Ants In France, Stay Manley In My Pants." Zachariah added to himself. Applejack uses her hooves to get Sawyer's perfect mother of bowl china for putting macaroni & cheese in it. "Better?" Twilight asked to Bijou, as Bijou nodded agreement. Then the oven dings. "Voila! Sawyer's favorite macaroni & cheese is ready." Applejack said. As Big Daddy Lou took out the pot, suddenly Zachariah gasped in shocked. "No, Big Daddy Lou! IT'S HOT!!" Zachariah begged. But it was to late, Big Daddy Lou started to scream, "OOOOWWW!!! MY WINGS ARE BURNING!!!!" He throw the pot outside while break the window. "I'll get it." Timothy explained, as he runs outside to get it. "Next time, you need your oven gloves." Fievel chuckled. "Guys! I'm home!" Sawyer called. "I'd better go outside and see it does." Bijou explained as she runs outside, suddenly, she noticed that Timothy's kidnaped! "Oh, no!" She gasped in fear. "Hey, guys, guess who's playing at the premiere tonight." Sawyer said. "Great!" Bambi and Thumper exclaimed. Sawyer smells the pot. "Mmm. Something's smells great!" She walks towards to pot and takes a peek, "Macaroni & Cheese? That's my favorite! Yummy!" "Guys! Come quick! It's the emergency!" A voice panicked, it was Bijou who was calling them for help. "Guys? Fievel? Olivia?" Sawyer asked, but no sign of them. Outside, the others were stand the front of Bijou. "What's wrong, Bijou?" Olivia asked. "Someone left this note. Look!" Bijou said, while she hold the letter, handing it to Fievel. "Timothy was kidnapped!" Gadget gasped. "Where's Timothy?" "It's those five again! They have captured poor Timothy! It was awful!" Bijou explained. "Who did it to Timothy?" Fievel asked. "Was it... Captain Cat R. Waul?" Thumper asked. "No." Bijou added. "No-No-Nanette?" Bambi asked. "The Hunchback?" Big Daddy Lou asked. "No! Worse than..." Bijou explains as she took out the wanted poster of Buster, Mooch, Sparky, François, and Ruby in it with writtings says 'WANTED: THE JUNKYARD DOGS: DEAD OR ALIVE'. "Them!!" She cried. Zachariah gasped in fear, "The Junkyard Dogs captured Timothy!" "We've gotta save him!" Bijou said. Meanwhile back at the kitchen, Sawyer was holding a pot of macaroni & cheese. "Guys, quick fooling around." She called, "We've got a premiere to get to!" "We're leving right now." Zachariah said. "Yeah-- See you there!" Tyrone added. "Gee, Timothy sounds like he's getting cold." Sawyer said to herself as she eats macaroni & cheese.