  • Tom Osgood
  • Tom Osgood
  • Tom Osgoog ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er arbeitet seit den frühen 1970er Jahren für UNIT und diente unter Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. Während seines Dienstes bei UNIT traf Osgood den Dritten, Sechsten und Achten Doctor.
  • Osgood joined UNIT shortly before the Third Doctor's arrival, as a corporal. He was the most technically proficient UNIT soldier, having attended universities, where he studied scientific subjects, although he admitted that he was out of his depth where the Doctor and Liz Shaw were concerned. (PROSE: The Eye of the Giant) Soon after this, Osgood became engaged to a woman named Becky, whom he met at a folk festival. (PROSE: Dancing the Code) In 2001, Osgood was a civilian in his fifties. He was brought in to help UNIT and the Sixth Doctor with an alien incursion. (PROSE: The Shadow in the Glass)
  • Dancing the Code
  • Faithful Friends: Part 3
  • The Dæmons
  • The Eye of the Giant
  • The Face of the Enemy
  • The Scales of Injustice
  • The Shadow in the Glass
  • männlich
  • 260
  • Alec Linstead
  • Tom Osgood
  • The Dæmons
  • Human
  • 59
  • Osgood joined UNIT shortly before the Third Doctor's arrival, as a corporal. He was the most technically proficient UNIT soldier, having attended universities, where he studied scientific subjects, although he admitted that he was out of his depth where the Doctor and Liz Shaw were concerned. (PROSE: The Eye of the Giant) After he was promoted to sergeant (PROSE: The Scales of Injustice), he was called in to assist in the rescue of the Doctor, Jo Grant, Sergeant Benton and Captain Yates from the heat barrier that surrounded Devil's End. With the Doctor's help, he devised a way to penetrate the heat barrier surrounding Devil's End. (TV: The Dæmons) Soon after this, Osgood became engaged to a woman named Becky, whom he met at a folk festival. (PROSE: Dancing the Code) In 2001, Osgood was a civilian in his fifties. He was brought in to help UNIT and the Sixth Doctor with an alien incursion. (PROSE: The Shadow in the Glass) Osgood was invited by the Eighth Doctor to have Christmas dinner at the Brigadier's house. (PROSE: Faithful Friends: Part 3)
  • Tom Osgoog ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er arbeitet seit den frühen 1970er Jahren für UNIT und diente unter Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. Während seines Dienstes bei UNIT traf Osgood den Dritten, Sechsten und Achten Doctor.