  • The Department
  • When the British government was secretly hijacked by Korven from the year 50,000 for their planned invasion of Earth in the past, MI5 and MI6 were replaced with The Department. The British government itself was led by the secret Korven Lomax, who hid his form by conversing with his subordinates via viewscreen, seen only as a shadowy silhouette. (TV: The Eclipse of the Korven) The British government was in control of at least the United Kingdom, the Americas, the Pacific Union and other lesser countries, so the Department had jurisdiction in all those countries. (TV: Lost Library of Ukko) Lomax needed an ally on Earth and found one in the form of Inspector Thorne who made it a policy to be on the winning side. Thorne was the governor of Dauntless Prison, and was implanted with Meron DNA by
  • British government, Korven, fallen angels
  • The Department
  • When the British government was secretly hijacked by Korven from the year 50,000 for their planned invasion of Earth in the past, MI5 and MI6 were replaced with The Department. The British government itself was led by the secret Korven Lomax, who hid his form by conversing with his subordinates via viewscreen, seen only as a shadowy silhouette. (TV: The Eclipse of the Korven) The British government was in control of at least the United Kingdom, the Americas, the Pacific Union and other lesser countries, so the Department had jurisdiction in all those countries. (TV: Lost Library of Ukko) Lomax needed an ally on Earth and found one in the form of Inspector Thorne who made it a policy to be on the winning side. Thorne was the governor of Dauntless Prison, and was implanted with Meron DNA by the Korven, effectively turning him into one. The Korven had aided the Merons in the war against the Jixen by destroying the Jixen homeworld. (TV: Hound of the Korven) There were at least two other Merons in the Department. (TV: Liberation) The Department kept the population under control with its robotic forces. The CCPCs were notorious for police brutality, robot surveillance cameras and hovering orange spheres with lasers. The Department also created androids. They would go to any lengths to gain the public's obedience, using publicity stunts and propaganda messages. (TV: Liberation/The Bounty Hunter/Sirens of Ceres) Although the Department generally assumed extremely broad powers, in some situations Department members sought warrants from the Public Safety Council before making an arrest. (TV: Jaws of Orthrus) The Department maintained a harsh policy on aliens, capturing any that came to Earth. They were referred to as fallen angels and imprisoned in Dauntless Prison. It was later revealed that Lomax was actually a Korven, and Thorne was a spy, implanted with both Korven and Meron DNA. Both were killed shortly afterwards (TV: The Eclipse of the Korven); What this meant for the future of the Department is not known.
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