  • There Are No Adults
  • In storylines involving children or teenagers, the issues raised by the Adults Are Useless trope sometimes are handled more dramatically. Adults become rare to non-existent, occurring primarily as off-screen background. The adults might continue to set the contextual rules of the story, but they are not individuals to whom the children can appeal. See also: Invisible Parents, Teenage Wasteland, World of No Grandparents, and Parental Abandonment. Sometimes caused by a catastrophe of some sort that was Only Fatal to Adults. Examples of There Are No Adults include:
  • In storylines involving children or teenagers, the issues raised by the Adults Are Useless trope sometimes are handled more dramatically. Adults become rare to non-existent, occurring primarily as off-screen background. The adults might continue to set the contextual rules of the story, but they are not individuals to whom the children can appeal. See also: Invisible Parents, Teenage Wasteland, World of No Grandparents, and Parental Abandonment. Sometimes caused by a catastrophe of some sort that was Only Fatal to Adults. Examples of There Are No Adults include: