  • Riva
  • Riva
  • Riva
  • Riva
  • Riva
  • Riva was a pop rock band from Zadar, in what was then Yugoslavia, and now Croatia in the late 1980s. They represented Yugoslavia at the 1989 contest in Lausanne and won. The group didn't even make an appearance at the 1990 contest in Zagreb, and disbanded in 1991. In 2008, former band member Emilija Kokić attempted to represent Croatia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 in Belgrade as a soloist but finished in sixth place in the national finals.
  • Riva was the owner of a guest house in Telos IV, where Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi hid in.
  • He used a telepathic 'chorus' to talk to people. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible; TNG episode: "Loud as a Whisper")
  • Riva is the goddess of life and creator of Rintas.
  • Riva är en planet i Pegasus galaxen som har en Stargate. Planeten är hemplanet till Dimas och planeten är en del av Koalition av Planeter. (ATL: "Inquisition") Kategori: Pegasus planeter
  • Riva was a young Centauri nobleman who was in the same squad as the brothers Solla and Durla.
  • The city of Riva is one of the High Cities of Alera. It is ruled by the contemporary High Lord and Lady of the House of Rivus; during the Codex Alera series, the city and surrounding regions/territories are ruled by High Lord Rivus Grantus and his wife, High Lady Rivus. High Lord Rivus also includes the Calderon Valley in his domain, and in Furies of Calderon maintained 2 Cohorts to defend Garrison from the Mirat.
  • Riva was a famed mediator from the planet Ramatis III. He was a member of the ruling family on Ramatis, all of whom shared a genetic condition that rendered them deaf and mute. To communicate, Riva used a chorus of telepathic aides who spoke for him. The trio of telepaths represented different aspects of Riva: the "Scholar/Artist", the "Warrior/Adonis", and "Balance" who held the other two together. Riva was well known for mediating several treaties between the Federation and Klingon Empire; in fact, before Riva, there was no Klingon word for "peace-maker".
  • thumb|Riva (2365) Riva ist ein bekannter und verdienter Vermittler vom Planeten Ramatis III. Er ist Mitglied der herrschenden Familie des Planeten, deren Mitglieder allesamt erblich bedingt taub sind. Um kommunizieren zu können, hat Riva einen Chor von drei Personen, der für ihn spricht. Riva ist sehr angesehen für verschiedene erfolgreiche Vermittlungen zwischen dem Klingonischen Reich und der Föderation – vor seinem Erscheinen hat es kein klingonisches Wort für „Friedensstifter“ gegeben.
  • Nel 2365, avrebbe dovuto negoziare il termine delle ostilità su Solais V. Durante il primo incontro, il suo Coro venne ucciso da coloro che non volevano la pace. Senza i suoi normali mezzi di comunicazione, Riva sentì di non poter portare a termine il suo incarico. Tuttavia, dopo esser stato convinto da Deanna Troi, e con l'aiuto della USS Enterprise-D, decise di far incontrare le fazioni nemiche ed insegnare loro il linguaggio dei segni, cosa che avrebbe aiutato le fazioni ad avvicinarsi. Rimase su Solais V per iniziare il processo di pace. (TNG: "Rumoroso come un sussurro")
  • Dr. Riva was a Komarran five-space physicist from the University of Solstice who was widely regarded as the Barrayaran Empire's top five-space expert. She was described as a thin and intense person, with olive skin and bright black eyes, who smiled readily. Miles Vorkosigan regained her cooperation by means of a short fast-penta interrogation which brought her thoughts on the matter to the surface.
  • thumb|Riva Riva dyplomata oraz rozjemca z planety Ramatis III. Pochodził z dynastii panującej na swej planecie. Z powodu uwarunkowań genetycznych był głuchoniemy (podobnie jak inni członkowie rodziny). Komunikował się z otoczeniem za pomocą trzyosobowego chóru telepatów, którego każda osoba przedstawiała inny aspekt jego osobowości. Trio telepatów reprezentowało różne wymiary osobowości Riva: "Uczony/Artysta", "Wojownik/Adonis" i "Równowaga" który łączył razem dwóch pozostałych. Riva był dobrze znamym mediatorem, negocjował kilka traktatów między Klingonami, a Federacją, tak naprawdę przed Rivą nie było w języku klingońskim żadnego słowa określającego "rozjemce"
  • 1
  • Clasuls
  • N/A
  • Riva
  • Dimas hemvärld
  • 2365
  • Riva
  • Medeltiden
  • Rintas
  • N/A
  • "Inquisition"
  • Zadar, Croatia
  • N/A
  • Active
  • Boško Colić
  • Dalibor Musap
  • Emilija Kokić
  • Nenad Nakić
  • Zvonimir Zrilić
  • Can create living things and see through the eyes of anything.
  • Viridian
  • Riva
  • Pop
  • yes
  • Bils, Cyrr
  • Medieval-era
  • Dimas' homeworld
  • 137
  • captain
  • Riva
  • ''Creator of life
  • 1.0
  • 1989
  • Inferno999
wikipage disambiguates
  • Dr. Riva was a Komarran five-space physicist from the University of Solstice who was widely regarded as the Barrayaran Empire's top five-space expert. She was described as a thin and intense person, with olive skin and bright black eyes, who smiled readily. She'd been a child during the Komarran Revolt; when she realized that the conspirators from the soletta accident had been trying to create a wormhole collapser for the purpose of cutting Barrayar off from Komarr, she was sufficiently conflicted in her wishes that she stopped cooperating with Miles Vorkosigan and Professor Vorthys's investigation. Miles Vorkosigan regained her cooperation by means of a short fast-penta interrogation which brought her thoughts on the matter to the surface.
  • Riva was a pop rock band from Zadar, in what was then Yugoslavia, and now Croatia in the late 1980s. They represented Yugoslavia at the 1989 contest in Lausanne and won. The group didn't even make an appearance at the 1990 contest in Zagreb, and disbanded in 1991. In 2008, former band member Emilija Kokić attempted to represent Croatia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 in Belgrade as a soloist but finished in sixth place in the national finals.
  • Riva was the owner of a guest house in Telos IV, where Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi hid in.
  • He used a telepathic 'chorus' to talk to people. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible; TNG episode: "Loud as a Whisper")
  • Riva is the goddess of life and creator of Rintas.
  • Riva är en planet i Pegasus galaxen som har en Stargate. Planeten är hemplanet till Dimas och planeten är en del av Koalition av Planeter. (ATL: "Inquisition") Kategori: Pegasus planeter
  • thumb|Riva (2365) Riva ist ein bekannter und verdienter Vermittler vom Planeten Ramatis III. Er ist Mitglied der herrschenden Familie des Planeten, deren Mitglieder allesamt erblich bedingt taub sind. Um kommunizieren zu können, hat Riva einen Chor von drei Personen, der für ihn spricht. Riva ist sehr angesehen für verschiedene erfolgreiche Vermittlungen zwischen dem Klingonischen Reich und der Föderation – vor seinem Erscheinen hat es kein klingonisches Wort für „Friedensstifter“ gegeben. Laut dem Drehbuch zur Episode kann Riva nicht lesen oder schreiben und ohne seinen Chor kommuniziert er nur über Zeichensprache, die er im Plaeties-System erlernte. 2365 soll er Verhandlungen führen, um die Streitigkeiten auf Solais V zu beenden. Beim ersten Treffen tötet ein Friedensgegner seinen Chor. Da ihm nun die normale Sprache fehlt, glaubt er die Mission nicht mehr erfüllen zu können. Doch Counselor Deanna Troi kann ihn überzeugen, mit Hilfe der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) und der Gebärdensprachen einen weiteren Versuch zu starten, Frieden zu bringen. Er bleibt auf Solais V und hilft beim Aufbau des Friedensprozesses. (TNG: ) Riva wurde von Howie Seago gespielt, der auch im wahren Leben taub ist. Er bat die Produzenten um eine Folge über taube Menschen um Vorurteile und Unwahrheiten auszuräumen. Im ersten Entwurf lernte Riva über Nacht sprechen, aber Seago schlug das letztlich umgesetzte Ende der Episode vor (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion).
  • Riva was a young Centauri nobleman who was in the same squad as the brothers Solla and Durla.
  • Riva was a famed mediator from the planet Ramatis III. He was a member of the ruling family on Ramatis, all of whom shared a genetic condition that rendered them deaf and mute. To communicate, Riva used a chorus of telepathic aides who spoke for him. The trio of telepaths represented different aspects of Riva: the "Scholar/Artist", the "Warrior/Adonis", and "Balance" who held the other two together. Riva was well known for mediating several treaties between the Federation and Klingon Empire; in fact, before Riva, there was no Klingon word for "peace-maker". According to the script for the episode, Riva did not read or write, and outside of his Chorus, his only way of communicating was via sign language which he learned in the Plaeties star system. In 2365, he was to negotiate an end to hostilities on Solais V. He was transported to the negotiations by the Enterprise-D. Immediately upon meeting her, he was taken with Counselor Troi and asked her to join him for dinner that evening. She accepted and dined with Riva where she learned more about him. Riva was also fascinated with Geordi La Forge's blindness and his use of the VISOR. During the first meeting his Chorus was killed by those who did not wish peace. With his normal means of communication gone, Riva felt he could not complete his mission. However, after some convincing by Deanna Troi, and with the assistance of Commander Data who learned sign language so that he could function as an interpreter, Riva continued his work. Riva decided to bring the warring sides together and teach them sign language, which would help bond the factions and provide common ground to aid in negotiations. He stayed on Solais V to begin the process of peace. (TNG: "Loud As A Whisper" ) Riva was played by Howie Seago, who is deaf in real life. He petitioned the producers to create a show about deaf people to help dispel untrue and prejudiced myths about them. In the first draft, Riva learned to speak overnight after a mechanical translator he used to communicate with his chorus failed. Seago suggested the ending used in the finished episode. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion 2nd ed., p. 73) According to the episode's script , Riva was "around thirty years old" in 2365, placing his birth in or around 2335. Furthermore, according to the script, Riva's name was pronounced as "REE-va".
  • thumb|Riva Riva dyplomata oraz rozjemca z planety Ramatis III. Pochodził z dynastii panującej na swej planecie. Z powodu uwarunkowań genetycznych był głuchoniemy (podobnie jak inni członkowie rodziny). Komunikował się z otoczeniem za pomocą trzyosobowego chóru telepatów, którego każda osoba przedstawiała inny aspekt jego osobowości. Trio telepatów reprezentowało różne wymiary osobowości Riva: "Uczony/Artysta", "Wojownik/Adonis" i "Równowaga" który łączył razem dwóch pozostałych. Riva był dobrze znamym mediatorem, negocjował kilka traktatów między Klingonami, a Federacją, tak naprawdę przed Rivą nie było w języku klingońskim żadnego słowa określającego "rozjemce" Zaznaczyć trzeba, że według scenariusza tego odcinka, Riva nie czytał i nie pisał, na zewnątrz reprezentował go Chór, jedynym sposobem komunikowania sie był język migowy, którego nauczył się w układzie Plaeties. W roku 2365 negocjował zakończenie działań wojennych na Solais V. Podczas pierwszego spotkania, jego Chór został zabity przez ludzi którzy nie chcieli pokoju. Riva stracił normalny dla niego sposób komunikowania, poczuł że nie może dalej kontynuawać swojej misji. Jednakże, Deanna Troi z pomocą Enterprise-D zdołała go przekonć że tak nie jest. Riva pogodził walczące strony i nauczył ich języka gestów, który pomógł związać ze sobą walczące frakcje. Został jeszcze na Solais V by rozpocząć proces pokojowy. (TNG: „Loud As A Whisper”) Postać Riva była grana przez Howie Seago, który w prawdziwym świecie również był głuchy.
  • The city of Riva is one of the High Cities of Alera. It is ruled by the contemporary High Lord and Lady of the House of Rivus; during the Codex Alera series, the city and surrounding regions/territories are ruled by High Lord Rivus Grantus and his wife, High Lady Rivus. High Lord Rivus also includes the Calderon Valley in his domain, and in Furies of Calderon maintained 2 Cohorts to defend Garrison from the Mirat.
  • Nel 2365, avrebbe dovuto negoziare il termine delle ostilità su Solais V. Durante il primo incontro, il suo Coro venne ucciso da coloro che non volevano la pace. Senza i suoi normali mezzi di comunicazione, Riva sentì di non poter portare a termine il suo incarico. Tuttavia, dopo esser stato convinto da Deanna Troi, e con l'aiuto della USS Enterprise-D, decise di far incontrare le fazioni nemiche ed insegnare loro il linguaggio dei segni, cosa che avrebbe aiutato le fazioni ad avvicinarsi. Rimase su Solais V per iniziare il processo di pace. (TNG: "Rumoroso come un sussurro") Riva è stato intrpretato da Howie Seago, che è sordo nella vita reale. Convinse i produttori a creare una storia che includesse le persone sorde, per abbattere i pregiudizi che vi sono su di esse. Nella prima stesura, Riva imparava a parlare nottetempo dopo che un traduttore meccanico, usato per comunicare con il suo coro, non aveva funzionato. Seago suggerì il finale usato poi nell'episodio definitivo. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion)
is hemvärld of
is Ursprung of
is Winner of
is Origin of
is managers of
is Captain of
is Person of
is Home Planet of
is By of
is wikipage disambiguates of