  • Rebel Clone Group
  • The Clone Rebel Group, also referred to as the Campaign for the Rights of Clones, but often referring to their own group as simply The Gang was a rebellious group of Clone Troopers who were at large during the Clone Wars. Originally, they campaigned to allow clones to have more of an identity, but in the end the group, lead by the clone Krane, became a mob of twisted Vandals and Saboteurs. The group occupied a complex of hidden rooms within the Venator Class Star Destroyer Paragon, which was destroyed as a result of a clash between the Rebel Clones and the Jedi. The group used various reprogrammed droids to wreak havoc throughout the ship and elsewhere, including buzz droids, droid spy balls, a heavily armed P2 unit and modified separatist destroyer droids. The groups computer expert Colke
  • The Clone Rebel Group, also referred to as the Campaign for the Rights of Clones, but often referring to their own group as simply The Gang was a rebellious group of Clone Troopers who were at large during the Clone Wars. Originally, they campaigned to allow clones to have more of an identity, but in the end the group, lead by the clone Krane, became a mob of twisted Vandals and Saboteurs. The group occupied a complex of hidden rooms within the Venator Class Star Destroyer Paragon, which was destroyed as a result of a clash between the Rebel Clones and the Jedi. The group used various reprogrammed droids to wreak havoc throughout the ship and elsewhere, including buzz droids, droid spy balls, a heavily armed P2 unit and modified separatist destroyer droids. The groups computer expert Colke used his hacking skills to buy weapons on the black market using the army’s money. The disappearance of over 100‘000 republic credits spent on lightsabers eventually lead to the discovery of the group.