  • Torbis Rakis
  • Torbis Rakis (30 BBY - 3 ABY) was the Moff of Irig sector. He seized control of Aantooine and its surrounding systems during the rule of the Galactic Empire. Occasionally, Rakis would meet with Moff Lorn Sine of the neighboring Quanton sector. Rakis attempted to uncover large mineral deposits on Ocia Island but was stopped by tens of Imperial dissenters and killed immediately.
  • Torbis Rakis (30 BBY - 3 ABY) was the Moff of Irig sector. He seized control of Aantooine and its surrounding systems during the rule of the Galactic Empire. Occasionally, Rakis would meet with Moff Lorn Sine of the neighboring Quanton sector. Rakis attempted to uncover large mineral deposits on Ocia Island but was stopped by tens of Imperial dissenters and killed immediately.