  • Mastering Mega Evolution!/Transcript
  • Nurse Joy: Which one of you is Sugar Gem? Sugar: Me, ma'am. Nurse Joy: (smiles) Ah, well a package arrived for you last night. (brings up a package) Sugar: (takes it) Thank you, Nurse Joy. Sugar: Wow! (finds a letter, reads aloud) "Dear Sugar, I hope you will accept this Pokémon egg as thanks for accepting me and your sister back into your life. XOXO Your loving grandma." Polly: Aw, that's so nice. Joel: Agreed. Caber: Maybe you should call your grandma and thank her for the gift, Sugar. Sugar: (smiles) Y'know what? I think I will. (goes to find a phone) Sugar: I will, Grandma. Love you. Joel: Yep.
  • Nurse Joy: Which one of you is Sugar Gem? Sugar: Me, ma'am. Nurse Joy: (smiles) Ah, well a package arrived for you last night. (brings up a package) Sugar: (takes it) Thank you, Nurse Joy. Sugar: Wow! (finds a letter, reads aloud) "Dear Sugar, I hope you will accept this Pokémon egg as thanks for accepting me and your sister back into your life. XOXO Your loving grandma." Polly: Aw, that's so nice. Joel: Agreed. Caber: Maybe you should call your grandma and thank her for the gift, Sugar. Sugar: (smiles) Y'know what? I think I will. (goes to find a phone) Grandma: Hello? (sees Sugar) Oh Sugar. So good to hear from ya, girl. Sugar: You too, Grandma. Thanks for the Pokémon egg! Grandma: Oh that's wonderful, deary. You take care of that egg now, y'hear? Sugar: I will, Grandma. Love you. Grandma: You too, honey. Take care now. Sugar: I can't wait to meet your family, Caber! Big Faye: What a lovely house you have, Caber. Polly: Wow! Look at all the Pokémon! Sugar: Oooh, Mareep are so cute! Amy: Aw, such a sweet little Pokémon, huh, Joel? Joel: Yep. Emily: Caber, you're home! (smiles) Caber: Good to see ya too, mom. (returns the hug) Clefable: (smiles, waves) Clefable. Polly: Wow, a Clefable. How cute. Emily: (notices the others) Oh, are these your friends, honey? Sugar: Hi! I'm Sugar Gem. Polly: I'm Polly Cake! Amy: My name's Amy Joy. Joel: Joel James is my name. Big Faye: They call me Big Faye. Emily: Well, hello to you all. I'm Emily McToss, and you're all very welcome in my home. Caber: So, Mom, you don't mind Big Faye being a giant? Emily: Big, small, doesn't matter to me. We are all God's creatures, including the Pokémon. Caber: (nods) Good point. Big Faye: (touched) Oh, thank you very much, ma'am. I like you already. Emily: (to Sugar) Aw, is that Teddiursa yours, dear? Sugar: Yes, ma'am. Joel: That little one's actually caused some problems for us. Caber: Yeah. You see, Mom, Rainbow has a tendency to be rather gluttonous. Emily: Well, I think I have a solution to your problem. Why don't you all come inside? Polly: (smiles) Thanks, Mrs. McToss. Big Faye: If it's all the same, ma'am, I think I'll stay out here, and keep the Pokémon out here company. Emily: (nods) I understand, dear. Everyone else, come inside. Sugar: Did you compete in Contests, Mrs. McToss? Emily: Oh yes. A long time ago, back when I was your age, dear. And I even participated in Pokémon Showcases while I was in Kalos. Sugar: (amazed) Wow! Emily: Anyway, I think I know how to curb your Teddiursa's hungry tendencies. (brings out some Pokéblock) Give her some of these special Pokéblock. Sugar: Okay. Rainbow: (feeling full) Teddi Ursa. (I feel so full.) Sugar: Ooh! Emily: (smiles) Works every time. Would you like the recipe, dear? Sugar: Oh yes, please! Grandpa: Ah, welcome home, lad. Caber: Hi, Grandpa. Grandpa: (notices the others) Ah, I see you brought your friends over. Joel: Nice to meet ya, sir. Grandpa: Nice to meet you all. Emily: (hands Sugar a piece of paper) There's the recipe, dear. Hope you make good use of it. Sugar: Thanks, Mrs. McToss. I will! Emily: My, you have quite the team here, sweetie. Caber: Thanks, mom. Emily: And Sugar, your Pokémon are simply adorable. Sugar: (grins) Thanks! Grandpa: Caber, you still have the Mega Stone and Key Stone I gave you? Caber: (brings out the Mega Ring with the Key Stone and Charizardite X) Sure do. Grandpa: Ah, good. Because I made something for your Charizard. Come with me. Sugar: W-W-What's going on?! Sugar: (laughs) What's tickling me?! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!! Joel: Okay, I give up. What the heck's going on here? Emily: (smiles, shaking her head) Oh dear. Looks like she's at it again. Amy: (confused) She? Polly: Who's she? Emily: You can make yourself visible now! Big Faye: Oh my. It's a Latias. Sugar: (amazed) Wow! Sugar: (takes her shoe back) Thanks. Emily: Seems Latias loves to play with people she likes. Polly: Really? Emily: Oh yes, dear. She and Latios have been living around here for sometime. Joel: Whoa, there's a Latios here too? Joel and Amy: (in unison) Whaaa! Big Faye: Gosh, I've never seen a Legendary Pokémon before. Hello, Latios and Latias. Caber: Hey, guys. Notice something different about Charizard? Sugar: Cute necklace! Grandpa: I made this collar for when Caber's Charmander became a Charizard. So now I think it's time to test out your Mega Evolution. Caber: Oh yeah. Right. Sugar: What's up? Caber: Well... I'm a little nervous about Mega Evolving Charzard. I mean, what if something goes wrong and he goes wild? Sugar: Aw, you and Charizard have been together for a long time. (smiles) Joel: She's right, man. Your Pokémon trust you completely. Emily: Well I know how to cure this. (brings out a Poké Ball) You and I will have a Pokémon battle. Caber: (gasps) You and me, Mom? Emily: Yes. Your Charizard against my Altaria. We'll let them battle in their normal forms for a bit, then we'll take it to the next level and see how it goes from there. Polly: Do it, Caber! Do it, do it! Sugar: You can do it, Caber! Caber: Let's do it, Charizard. Emily: Go, Altaria! Altaria: (appears) Altaria! Sugar: So Altaria can Mega Evolve too. Polly: (to Sugar, Joel, and Amy) Um, what's Mega Evolution anyway? I mean, I know we only saw it once when Slab used it on his Gallade, but how does it work? Joel: It's kinda complicated. Sugar and others: Whoa...! Emily: Not bad honey. Now it's time to take it to the next level. (touches the Key Stone on her necklace) Altaria, Mega Evolve! Sugar: Ooh! Caber: Right, Charizard. This is the moment of truth. (touches his Key Stone) Charizard, Mega Evolve! Sugar: Wow! Polly: Charizard changed colors. Grandpa: I think that's enough. Polly: Amazing. Charizard looked much stronger than before. Sugar: Yeah, he sure did! Woman's voice: That was quite a battle. Emily: Why, Clair! Were you watching the whole thing? Clair: (smiles) Sure was. And I must say, the way your son battled with his Charizard and used Mega Evolution was excellent. Sugar and Polly: Who's she? Emily: Oh yes. Everyone, this is Clair, a friend of mine. She's the Gym Leader of the Blackthorn Gym. Sugar: Cool! Caber: (blushing) Gosh, to actually get praised by a Dragon-type Trainer like Clair. Clair: So I hear you planning to be in the Johto League. Caber: Uh, y-yes ma'am. And I've already got 7 badges to prove it. Clair: (smiles) Well, then, how bout a Gym Battle tomorrow? Caber: (pause) It would be an honor. Clair: (shakes hands with him) Well I look forward to battling you. Especially against your Charizard. Clair: But don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're Emily's son. Caber: Ma'am, I wouldn't have it any other way. Clair: (nods) Well, I'd better be going. See you tomorrow. (takes her leave) Polly: She seemed nice. Sugar: Yeah. Sugar: Wow! I didn't know Latias could do that. Caber: You enjoyed that battle, huh, Latios? Caber: Well I think that'd be just fine if you and Latias came along and watched. Clair is one of the best Dragon-type Trainers out there, and I'll need all the support I can get. Emily: (singsongy) So, who wants dinner? Kids: We do! Sugar: I wonder if...? Emily: (comes up) Wonder if what, dear? Sugar: Well, I'm wondering if... Maybe I could be a Pokémon Coordinator. Emily: What do you like to do, Sugar? Sugar: Well, I love to make my friends smile, Mrs. McToss. Emily: Well, performing in Pokémon Contests would be one way to do it, dear. But I guess it's up to you. (winks) Good night.