  • Cereal
  • Cereal
  • Cereal
  • Cereal generally refers to types of foods made from any variety of cereal grains, such as wheat or corn. Cereal is often prepared with milk or water, and can be served either cold or hot. In human culture, cereal is a traditional breakfast food.
  • Cereal boxes are commonly found in abundance around Columbia, but can also be found on the bodies of defeated enemies. Cereal comes in three variants - corn flakes, wheat cereal, and oatmeal.
  • El Cereal es uno de los objetos de Un Show Más que apareció por primera vez en el episodio Piloto.
  • Cereal is a village of about 120 people in east-central Alberta, Canada. The town had a team in the 1928-29 Alberta Intermediate Playoffs.
  • Cereal is a resource. Cereals should not be confused with Flowers and Plants, which can be gathered by Alchemists.
  • Cereals are breakfast foods in real-life. Two cereals themed with Shrek were released by two companies: Kelloggs' and General Mills.
  • Cereal is a category of flora food.
  • Cereals were types of seed from grass species of plants that were eaten or used as ingredients in food. One type of cereal was Dantooine cereal.
  • "Cereal" is the second half of the second episode in the twentieth season of Arthur.
  • Un Cereal es uno de los tipos de Recursos que hay en el juego. Los Cereales conocidos son: * Arroz * Arroz quemado * Avena * Avena Aurífera * Avena mágica * Cañamo * Cañamo Euforico * Cebada * Cebada Azucarada * Centeno * Centeno resistente * Frostizz * Frostizz inflado * Lino * Lino Tempestad * Lúpulo * Lúpulo brillante * Malta * Malta aurífera * Trigo * Trigo de oro * Maíz * Maíz adlasvelas * Mijo
  • I need a microphone! And a scanner! QUIET, DOGGY. Shhhhhhh. Doink, ploink, they all fell down. GIDDYUP, HORSEY!
  • Cereal was a type of food usually eaten at breakfast. In 2375, while contemplating how to tell Naomi Wildman that her mother was missing after the Delta Flyer crashed, Neelix imagined offering her papalla juice with her cereal, then springing the news on her with little fanfare. (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")
  • Cereal is a food product most commonly made of cardboard (though some modern cereals have turned to the more healthy alternative of plastic) most commonly marketed as a breakfast food. Cereal comes in large, colorful boxes that, though most people don't know it, are also edible and can make quite a crunchy complement to any breakfast. Though it was originally hailed as a classic, nostalgic aspect of American life, many breakfast cereals have recently come under fire from conservative family organizations, who claim that many cereal boxes contain subliminal homosexual images designed to convert children to homosexuality.
  • Cereals are grasses (members of the monocot family Poaceae, also known as Gramineae) cultivated for the edible components of their grain (botanically, a type of fruit called a caryopsis), composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran. Cereal grains are grown in greater quantities and provide more food energy worldwide than any other type of crop; they are therefore staple crops. The word cereal derives from Ceres, the name of the Roman goddess of harvest and agriculture.
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  • Cereal generally refers to types of foods made from any variety of cereal grains, such as wheat or corn. Cereal is often prepared with milk or water, and can be served either cold or hot. In human culture, cereal is a traditional breakfast food.
  • Cereal boxes are commonly found in abundance around Columbia, but can also be found on the bodies of defeated enemies. Cereal comes in three variants - corn flakes, wheat cereal, and oatmeal.
  • El Cereal es uno de los objetos de Un Show Más que apareció por primera vez en el episodio Piloto.
  • Cereal is a village of about 120 people in east-central Alberta, Canada. The town had a team in the 1928-29 Alberta Intermediate Playoffs.
  • Cereal is a resource. Cereals should not be confused with Flowers and Plants, which can be gathered by Alchemists.
  • Cereals are breakfast foods in real-life. Two cereals themed with Shrek were released by two companies: Kelloggs' and General Mills.
  • Cereal is a category of flora food.
  • Cereal is a food product most commonly made of cardboard (though some modern cereals have turned to the more healthy alternative of plastic) most commonly marketed as a breakfast food. Cereal comes in large, colorful boxes that, though most people don't know it, are also edible and can make quite a crunchy complement to any breakfast. Though it was originally hailed as a classic, nostalgic aspect of American life, many breakfast cereals have recently come under fire from conservative family organizations, who claim that many cereal boxes contain subliminal homosexual images designed to convert children to homosexuality. __TOC__
  • Cereals were types of seed from grass species of plants that were eaten or used as ingredients in food. One type of cereal was Dantooine cereal.
  • Cereals are grasses (members of the monocot family Poaceae, also known as Gramineae) cultivated for the edible components of their grain (botanically, a type of fruit called a caryopsis), composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran. Cereal grains are grown in greater quantities and provide more food energy worldwide than any other type of crop; they are therefore staple crops. In their natural form (as in whole grain), they are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, oils, and protein. However, when refined by the removal of the bran and germ, the remaining endosperm is mostly carbohydrate and lacks the majority of the other nutrients. In some developing nations, grain in the form of rice, wheat, millet, or maize constitutes a majority of daily sustenance. In developed nations, cereal consumption is moderate and varied but still substantial. The word cereal derives from Ceres, the name of the Roman goddess of harvest and agriculture.
  • "Cereal" is the second half of the second episode in the twentieth season of Arthur.
  • Un Cereal es uno de los tipos de Recursos que hay en el juego. Los Cereales conocidos son: * Arroz * Arroz quemado * Avena * Avena Aurífera * Avena mágica * Cañamo * Cañamo Euforico * Cebada * Cebada Azucarada * Centeno * Centeno resistente * Frostizz * Frostizz inflado * Lino * Lino Tempestad * Lúpulo * Lúpulo brillante * Malta * Malta aurífera * Trigo * Trigo de oro * Maíz * Maíz adlasvelas * Mijo
  • I need a microphone! And a scanner! QUIET, DOGGY. Shhhhhhh. Doink, ploink, they all fell down. GIDDYUP, HORSEY!
  • Cereal was a type of food usually eaten at breakfast. In 2375, while contemplating how to tell Naomi Wildman that her mother was missing after the Delta Flyer crashed, Neelix imagined offering her papalla juice with her cereal, then springing the news on her with little fanfare. (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")
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