  • Evolutionary Retcon
  • Over the course of time, advances in special effects technology and makeup techniques can allow a series to have bigger and better creatures and monsters. Often, the original version of a creature might not have been that cool or interesting, and so a new model was established using the more advanced technology. In other cases, technological advances can't be credited for the retcon: sometimes a creature's look will change as a series progresses due to Art Evolution. This is often seen in fantasy or Sci-fi media. Examples:
  • Over the course of time, advances in special effects technology and makeup techniques can allow a series to have bigger and better creatures and monsters. Often, the original version of a creature might not have been that cool or interesting, and so a new model was established using the more advanced technology. In other cases, technological advances can't be credited for the retcon: sometimes a creature's look will change as a series progresses due to Art Evolution. This is often seen in fantasy or Sci-fi media. Examples: