  • Sol Emeralds
  • The Sol Emeralds are objects that appear in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. They are a set of seven emeralds of great power from Blaze's world and the inter-dimensional counterparts to the Chaos Emeralds. The are protected by their appointed guardian, Blaze the Cat.
  • The Sol Emeralds are objects that appear in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. They are a set of seven emeralds of great power from Blaze's world and the inter-dimensional counterparts to the Chaos Emeralds. The are protected by their appointed guardian, Blaze the Cat. Known as the greatest treasure of their world, the Sol Emeralds are sought by heroes and villains alike due to their immense power. They share a similar role with the Chaos Emeralds in the modern games, serving as necessary plot devices in order for the game's story to progress. As opposed to the brilliant cut Chaos Emeralds, they are emerald cut gems.