  • CTRL
  • Ctrl
  • Ctrl
  • Ctrl
  • Ctrl
  • Ctrl
  • Ctrl is a science fiction/comedy web-series released in 2009.
  • Several commands are available only in Wizard mode. * Press Ctrl + e to search a room. * Press Ctrl + f to map the level. * Press Ctrl + g to create monster. * Press Ctrl + i to identify all your items. * Press Ctrl + o to show locations of special levels. * Press Ctrl + v to levelport (pressing ? will show you menu with special levels). * Press Ctrl + w to wish for an object. * Press Ctrl + x to show your attributes and intrinsics.
  • Ctrl (czyt. cytyryly) – klawisz wbrew pozorom nie służący do kontrolowania poczynań systemu od Majkrosoftu.
  • Ctrl — клавиша-волшебник, способная заставить простые клавиши творить настоящие чудеса.
  • CTRL is an exclusive mission in Watch Dogs, part of the White Hat Pack.
  • Ctrl is an evil genius/scientist, that is 11th on the Antarctica's 10 most wanted, but is trying to reach 9. He is fascinated in odd or un-usual penguins, such as penguins with powers, or just abnormal features. He has been trying to run tests on Lightpenguin, but needed DNA from Lightpenguin before any tests can be made, so, he decided to KIDDNAP LIGHTPENGUIN! He has taken the Lightpenguin, and we are still searching for the lab that he is working at. Now, after kiddnapping Lightpenguin, he is wanted, and the reward for finding him is currently 1,000,000 coins.
  • Die Ctrl-Taste wird auf deutschen Tastaturen Strg-Taste (Abk. für String) bezeichnet. Umgangssprachlich werden auch oft die Bezeichnungen Tanga-, Slip- oder Schiesser-Taste verwendet. Die Taste ist so wichtig, dass sie auf neuen Rechnermodellen mit Smiley-Symbolen (:-) und :-( ) versehen wird und zusätzlich noch http://- und www.-Tasten hinzugefügt werden, um Nutzern von Linux das Verschicken von E-Mails über die Testkonsole zu erleichtern. Häufigste Verwendung der Taste ist die Tastenkombination "Ctrl+Alt+Delete". Ausgesprochen wird es folgenderweise:"Zrütl"
  • Touche de la frime par excellence, la touche Ctrl permet de se la raconter grave en utilisant 59 raccourcis claviers contre 17 pour la touche Alt et seulement 4 pour la touche Shift. Elle permet de tenir des conversations terriblement intéressantes telles que: Image:Question.png Saviez-tu que... En allemand Ctrl se dit Strg, ce qui est l'abréviation du mot string (quels petits cochons ces teutons). — Ah bon, t’es un pro de l’informatique toi ? — Oui. — Tu utilises les raccourcis claviers ? — Non. — Ben t’es pas un pro de l’informatique alors.
  • Describe Ctrl here. Guy meets girl. Guy likes girl. Guy pines over girl. Guy spills Nestea on keyboard, resulting in it getting Reality Warper abilities. Guy finds that the keyboard has powers such as undoing time, emboldening himself, copy pasting "abilities", and italicizing the universe. Guy sets out to get revenge on his boss and makes his own life better. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Ctrl (pronounced /kə.tɑr.(ə)l/) is a long-form of Control. This letter can be found in almost all keyboards. All other letters of the alphabet can be mixed with Ctrl to do something. Well, except F11 and ?. As the name suggests, the Ctrl button can grant you control over everything, including termination of other people's lives, cloning your brother's iPod for yourself, equipping your house with nuclear missiles, etc. However, no one really knows how this button works and how to use it.
  • Unknown
  • Evil Geniuses
  • Evil
  • Ctrl Alt Delete
  • Evil Ctrl
  • ... et si malgré ce beau tutoriel vous n'y arrivez pas ...
  • Male
  • 100.0
  • Penguin
  • Unknown
  • center|350 px|
  • À la boutique de la nous vendons des extensions clavier avec uniquement les touches nécessaires pour effectuer le raccourci clavier :
  • Ctrl (pronounced /kə.tɑr.(ə)l/) is a long-form of Control. This letter can be found in almost all keyboards. All other letters of the alphabet can be mixed with Ctrl to do something. Well, except F11 and ?. As the name suggests, the Ctrl button can grant you control over everything, including termination of other people's lives, cloning your brother's iPod for yourself, equipping your house with nuclear missiles, etc. However, no one really knows how this button works and how to use it. For example, in MS-DOS, pressing Ctrl with C will cause a massacre, while in Windows such a key combination will only duplicate your homework.
  • Touche de la frime par excellence, la touche Ctrl permet de se la raconter grave en utilisant 59 raccourcis claviers contre 17 pour la touche Alt et seulement 4 pour la touche Shift. Elle permet de tenir des conversations terriblement intéressantes telles que: Image:Question.png Saviez-tu que... En allemand Ctrl se dit Strg, ce qui est l'abréviation du mot string (quels petits cochons ces teutons). — Ah bon, t’es un pro de l’informatique toi ? — Oui. — Tu utilises les raccourcis claviers ? — Non. — Ben t’es pas un pro de l’informatique alors. Elle permet de faire tout ce qu'une souris d'ordinateur fait, mais en beaucoup plus compliqué et ça c'est vraiment classe.
  • Ctrl is a science fiction/comedy web-series released in 2009.
  • Describe Ctrl here. Guy meets girl. Guy likes girl. Guy pines over girl. Guy spills Nestea on keyboard, resulting in it getting Reality Warper abilities. Guy finds that the keyboard has powers such as undoing time, emboldening himself, copy pasting "abilities", and italicizing the universe. Guy sets out to get revenge on his boss and makes his own life better. Hilarity Ensues. * Arc Words: "Just hit Ctrl-Z" * Ass Shove: When the "Insert" key is tapped, the bosses's baseball bat is...relocated. * Bad Boss * Bittersweet Ending: Stuart finally gets girl... at the cost of his old life, psychological trouble, and his Jerkass boss getting the magic keyboard. * Cloning Blues: "Ctrl C, Ctrl V" * Dogged Nice Guy: Stuart. * George Jetson Job Security: Inverted. It's hard to fire someone with a Reset Button. * Groundhog Day Loop * Product Placement: Nestea Red Tea! * Magical Computer: Literally. * Magic A Is Magic A: If it's a shortcut, it can be done. * Mental Time Travel: With Ctrl Z, you travel to the time you were * Running Gag: Stuart always seems to pop up at the exact same place when he spams the Undo key. * Reset Button: Natch. * Shout-Out: To Back to The Future, of course. * Story-Breaker Power: Ctrl Z, temporarily Nerfed. * Where It All Began: Ctrl Home takes you back to your hometown.
  • Several commands are available only in Wizard mode. * Press Ctrl + e to search a room. * Press Ctrl + f to map the level. * Press Ctrl + g to create monster. * Press Ctrl + i to identify all your items. * Press Ctrl + o to show locations of special levels. * Press Ctrl + v to levelport (pressing ? will show you menu with special levels). * Press Ctrl + w to wish for an object. * Press Ctrl + x to show your attributes and intrinsics.
  • Ctrl (czyt. cytyryly) – klawisz wbrew pozorom nie służący do kontrolowania poczynań systemu od Majkrosoftu.
  • Ctrl — клавиша-волшебник, способная заставить простые клавиши творить настоящие чудеса.
  • CTRL is an exclusive mission in Watch Dogs, part of the White Hat Pack.
  • Ctrl is an evil genius/scientist, that is 11th on the Antarctica's 10 most wanted, but is trying to reach 9. He is fascinated in odd or un-usual penguins, such as penguins with powers, or just abnormal features. He has been trying to run tests on Lightpenguin, but needed DNA from Lightpenguin before any tests can be made, so, he decided to KIDDNAP LIGHTPENGUIN! He has taken the Lightpenguin, and we are still searching for the lab that he is working at. Now, after kiddnapping Lightpenguin, he is wanted, and the reward for finding him is currently 1,000,000 coins. Lightpenguin has been released, Ctrl is being looked out for, and Lightpuffle has been kidnapped. See more here and here.
  • Die Ctrl-Taste wird auf deutschen Tastaturen Strg-Taste (Abk. für String) bezeichnet. Umgangssprachlich werden auch oft die Bezeichnungen Tanga-, Slip- oder Schiesser-Taste verwendet. Die Taste ist so wichtig, dass sie auf neuen Rechnermodellen mit Smiley-Symbolen (:-) und :-( ) versehen wird und zusätzlich noch http://- und www.-Tasten hinzugefügt werden, um Nutzern von Linux das Verschicken von E-Mails über die Testkonsole zu erleichtern. Häufigste Verwendung der Taste ist die Tastenkombination "Ctrl+Alt+Delete". Ausgesprochen wird es folgenderweise:"Zrütl" Kürzlich aufgetauchte Gerüchte, die korrekte ausgeschriebene Form von Strg sei Steuerung, werden vom deutschen Finanzamt bis heute bestritten. „Wäre die ausgeschriebene Form Steuerung, würde sie natürlich Steuer lauten“, versicherte vor kurzem der offizielle Pressesprecher D. Duck auf einer spontan auf Ibiza einberufenen Pressekonferenz. „Eine derartige Steuer ist zwar geplant, eine endgültige Einigung mit den Tastaturherstellern steht allerdings noch aus.“ Kategorie:Stumpf Kategorie:Computer Kategorie:Abkürzung
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