  • Alibi
  • Alibi
  • Alibi
  • Alibi
  • Alibi
  • Alibi
  • Alibi
  • Alibi - цифровой телевизионный канал в Соединенном Королевстве и Ирландии в рамках сети каналов UKTV .Канал начал вещание 1 ноября 1997 года и был перезапущен в нынешнем формате 7 октября 2008 года. Телеканал доступен на спутниковой платформе Sky, в кабельных сетях Virgin Media и Smallworld Cable, в сетях IP телевидения BT TV и TalkTalk Plus TV.
  • Alibi is a digital television channel broadcasting in the United Kingdom, as part of the UKTV network of channels. The channel is available on Sky Digital and Virgin Media.
  • Alibi é il quarto lavoro da solista del rapper Tormento, uscito il 29 Giugno 2007 per Sony BMG.
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Alibi]] alibi (“‘elsewhere, at another place’”).
  • An alibi in the general sense is information that attempts to show that a person was not at the place where an act they are being accused of was committed. In Latin alibi literally means "somewhere else".
  • Ein Alibi ist eine Erklärung dafür, wo jemand in der Zeit, in der ein Verbrechen begangen wird, gewesen ist oder was jemand getan hat. Diese Erklärung beweist, dass dieser Jemand nicht der Verbrecher sein kann. Während der Untersuchung des vermeintlichen Mordes an Ibudan, kann Odos Alibi ihn nicht schützen. Er gibt an, in seinem Büro in seiner natürlichen Form gewesen zu sein, ohne Zeugen. Dieses Wissen benutzt Ibudan um Odo den Mord an ihm – beziehungsweise seinem Klon – anzuhängen. (DS9: )
  • An alibi was an explanation of one's whereabouts or activities during the commission of a crime. Such an explanation was usually given to a detective with a police force who was investigating a crime. If other evidence was found which supported such an alibi, the police then investigated other individuals. If there was no other evidence, the police investigated such an individual more closely. When Jadzia Dax was accused of murder, the Klaestron Enina Tandro gave Dax, at that time Curzon Dax, an alibi. (DS9: "Dax")
  • Sony BMG
  • Sir Merigo; Michael Baker; Soulcombo
  • Alibi
  • 2007-06-29
  • 3808.0
  • 2007
  • Alibi.jpeg
  • Alibi - цифровой телевизионный канал в Соединенном Королевстве и Ирландии в рамках сети каналов UKTV .Канал начал вещание 1 ноября 1997 года и был перезапущен в нынешнем формате 7 октября 2008 года. Телеканал доступен на спутниковой платформе Sky, в кабельных сетях Virgin Media и Smallworld Cable, в сетях IP телевидения BT TV и TalkTalk Plus TV.
  • Alibi is a digital television channel broadcasting in the United Kingdom, as part of the UKTV network of channels. The channel is available on Sky Digital and Virgin Media.
  • Alibi é il quarto lavoro da solista del rapper Tormento, uscito il 29 Giugno 2007 per Sony BMG.
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Alibi]] alibi (“‘elsewhere, at another place’”).
  • An alibi in the general sense is information that attempts to show that a person was not at the place where an act they are being accused of was committed. In Latin alibi literally means "somewhere else". In the Duke lacrosse case, two of the three defendants had alibis. One of them, Reade Seligmann, revealed his alibi to the public within 48 hours of his arrest. Shortly after, Seligmann's alibi witness was arrested on a years-old warrant in an unrelated case; he said that the detective who arrested him had asked first if he had "anything new" to say about the lacrosse case and then arrested him when he said no. Nifong also changed the timeline of his theory of the case shortly thereafter. Colin Finnerty revealed publicly during the case that he had alibi evidence but he did not reveal what that evidence was until Attorney General Roy Cooper declared the players innocent.
  • Ein Alibi ist eine Erklärung dafür, wo jemand in der Zeit, in der ein Verbrechen begangen wird, gewesen ist oder was jemand getan hat. Diese Erklärung beweist, dass dieser Jemand nicht der Verbrecher sein kann. Während der Untersuchung des vermeintlichen Mordes an Ibudan, kann Odos Alibi ihn nicht schützen. Er gibt an, in seinem Büro in seiner natürlichen Form gewesen zu sein, ohne Zeugen. Dieses Wissen benutzt Ibudan um Odo den Mord an ihm – beziehungsweise seinem Klon – anzuhängen. (DS9: ) Als Ilon Tandro Curzon Dax für den Verrat an seinem Vater und dessen Tod verantwortlich macht, gibt ausgerechnet seine Mutter dem Trill ein Alibi für die entsprechende Zeit und gesteht deren Verhältnis ein. (DS9: ) Während einer Morduntersuchung gesteht Quark 2365 Odo, dass Kira Nerys ihm Geld für ein Alibi für den Zeitraum des Mordes an Vaatrik gegeben hat. Obwohl sich ihr Alibi als falsch herausstellt, glaubt er immer noch an ihre Unschuld. Fünf Jahre später findet Odo heraus, dass sie doch die Mörderin ist. (DS9: ) Während der Untersuchung des versuchten Mordes an Elim Garak 2371 schließt Odo eine Verdächtige aus, indem er Garak sagt: Major Kira hat ein wasserdichtes Alibi. (DS9: )
  • An alibi was an explanation of one's whereabouts or activities during the commission of a crime. Such an explanation was usually given to a detective with a police force who was investigating a crime. If other evidence was found which supported such an alibi, the police then investigated other individuals. If there was no other evidence, the police investigated such an individual more closely. During the investigation of the supposed murder of Ibudan, Odo's alibi failed to clear him. He had assumed his natural state in his security office, with no witnesses. The knowledge of this was used by Ibudan in his attempt to frame Odo for his murder. (DS9: "A Man Alone") When Jadzia Dax was accused of murder, the Klaestron Enina Tandro gave Dax, at that time Curzon Dax, an alibi. (DS9: "Dax") In 2365, while investigating a murder, Quark eventually confessed to Odo that Kira Nerys had paid him for an alibi for the time of the murder. Despite her disproved alibi, he did believe that she was innocent. He did not find out until five years later that Kira actually was the murderer. (DS9: "Necessary Evil") While investigating the attempted murder of Elim Garak in 2371, Odo ruled out one suspect by telling Garak "Major Kira has an airtight alibi." (DS9: "Improbable Cause")
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