  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Anton is the owner of Pork E. Pine's in the series Part Timers. He is played by Anthony.
  • Anton is a level 71 Forsaken meat vendor found in Howling Fjord. He sells [Fresh Pound of Flesh] needed for File:Horde 15.png [71] Parts for the Job.
  • Anton wird meist in der Palmtree Panic gefunden. Antons sind auf einem "Rad" und rollen öfters hin und her. Mann kann Antons mit den Angriffen Spin Jump oder Spin Attack besiegen, wo sie Blumensamen fallen lassen.
  • Anton is labeled The Stoner in Total Drama Teens.
  • Anton.
  • Is a Cabal worker.
  • Though the business is never encountered during the events of BioShock, advertisements for it can be seen around the city. Neon signs promoting the shop can be seen on buildings during Jack's descent into the city via Bathysphere. Later on, in Apollo Square, the same marquee can be seen in the transit tunnel to the Artemis Suites.
  • Anton was a European scientist who discovered the genetic modification Anton's Key. He was first introduced in Ender's Shadow.
  • Anton (original version: Puten) is the manager of the Russian team, Team Lovushka in Beyblade: Metal Masters. He is also the commander of the "Russian Space Endeavour". Anton is a person who does everything by cheating but behaves like a gentleman. Team Lovushka fires him for making them cheat. His Beyblade is Evil Wolf DF145FS.
  • Anton was a powerful and immortal warlock with the powers of super strength and glamouring, as well as the ability to resisr molecular powers. He fell in love with P. Russell, a witch from the Warren Line, and seduced her to evil.
  • Anton is a man who appeared in "Matryoshka Part 1".
  • Anton était un mauvais sorcier (Warlock) puissant et immortel qui possédait les pouvoirs de Fascination (Glamouring) et de Super Force ainsi que la possibilité de voler les pouvoirs des sorcières vaincues.
  • Anton was hanging out in the nightclub in Moscow. As he enjoying his time in the nightclub, CIA deep-cover agent John "Jack" McClane, Jr. comes in with a Makarov PM pistol and says that Chagarin's former partner Yuri Komarov sends his regards and goodbye before assassinating him. The guards then tackled Jack and arrests him for the assassination of Anton, which led to the string of events that involved Jack, his father John McClane and the weapons-grade uranium conspiracy. He is the first terrorist to die in the events, and the first to die by John McClane Jr's hands.
  • Anton talks to himself as he makes the rounds of his shop, extolling the virtues of his wares, but also stating "Ow, my toe! That armour is heavy." for a bit of armoury humour.
  • Anton – postać, występująca w Gothic 3: Zmierzch Bogów. Jest karczmarzem, prowadzi gospodę w Silden.
  • Anton (Russian: Антон) was a multiplayer character in Grand Theft Auto IV. He was a member of the Petrovic Family who was murdered by the Korean Mob. Once given the task, the player must retrieve his head and dispose of it in the water. There is also another character in Mafiya Work named Anton. The only difference is that in one task the player must kill another Anton which turned against the organization.
  • Anton (アントン Anton?), znany również jako Robot Ant – badnik pojawiający się w grach Sonic the Hedgehog CD i Sonic Lost World. Jest robotem przypominający mrówkę. Porusza się na jednym kole, połączonym z resztą korpusu, od którego odstaje silnik.
  • Anton ist ein männlicher Affe. Er hat am 24. Mai Geburtstag und ist ein bequemer Dorfbewohner.
  • Norris Wimple revealed in the Issue 253 edition of Encyclopedia Badnika that Anton was powered by flowers, although only as a temporary measure.
  • Anton (Bekannt als Tonne), wird von Roland Schreglmann in Kurze Pause.
  • Anton thumb|leftAnton (アントン en Japón) es un Badnik de tipo hormiga creado por Robotnik que sólo aparece en Palmtree Panic.
  • Anton is the leader of the "evil" Salvagers in Denver in 2253.
  • Anton is a neighbor of Muffy Crosswire. He appeared in "The Cherry Tree" when Muffy's dad did a land swap with him. He appears again in "Through the Looking Glasses," playing chess with Brain at the Ice Cream Shop.
  • Anton Hauser is a vampire and a baron of an unknown region. He maintains a residence in Noctemburg. He is striking in appearance, blond and devastatingly handsome, as well as particularly gifted in his anatomy.
  • Anton (アントン Anton) est un personnage apparaissant dans The Wind Waker. Anton est un homme qui peut être rencontré sur Mercantîle. Sa deuxième activité préférée est la marche car il garde toujours ses jambes en position tandis que son activité préférée est le kickboxing. Il a le béguin pour Linda et si Link prend une photo d'eux et l'amène à Autofocus, ils tomberont amoureux. En retournant voir Anton au Café-Bar, il se verra récompensé d'un fragment de Cœur.
  • Anton was a former member of Yuri Dimitrov's Thugs who supposedly founded the Batmen.
  • Anton is a human assassin hero in Eye of the North. He is from Ascalon. He escaped from Death Row during the Searing and later joined the Ebon Vanguard. He is loyal to the Ebon Vanguard, but this may change if their leader is dead.
  • Anton Griffin is a hero and protagonist in Might & Magic: Heroes VI.
  • As the academy’s math and physics teacher, Anton must not only deal with students who more often than not know at least as much as him, but who also spend a good deal of their time stopping time or teleporting themselves to the four corners of the universe. It’s certainly a change to his last job at a high school in the city’s Eastern quarter.
  • en:Anton Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site allemand Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site polonais Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site brésilien Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site chinois Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site taiwanais (assassin) Anton est l'un des Héros Assassin de Eye of the North. Le joueur l'obtient dans la quête "La vengeance de l'assassin" ; ce choix est optionnel et n'influe pas le déroulement de la campagne de Eye of the North.
  • Anton is the Chief Tactical Officer of the Rebellion and is Othello's step-brother.
  • Anton on Nanan sulhanen. Hän esiintyy Muumilaakson tarinoiden jaksoissa "Jysähdyksiä yössä" ja "Salaperäistä ilotulitusta". Ensimmäisenä mainitussa jaksossa hän tosin näkyy vain vilaukselta jakson lopussa. Hän valmistaa juhannukseksi ilotulitusraketteja, ja hän on Hemulin tuttu. Hän oli myös salaperäisten jysähdysten ja valoilmiöiden tekijä. Antonin nimeä ei lainkaan mainita sarjan suomenkielisessä versiossa, häneen viitataan vain "Nanan sulhasena". Antonin ääninäyttelijä on Timo Torikka.
  • Anton puede referirse a los personajes siguientes: * Anton Brunwin, hermano gemelo de Sturn Brunwin. * Anton Kale, un capitán Imperial en Kuat. * Anton Saar, autor de Of Droids and Men. * Anton Standish, comandante de una Flota de Sector de la Nueva República. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN * La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
  • Anton (アントン Anton?), or Robot Ant, is an enemy in the Sonic the Hedgehog series that first appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog CD. They are ant-based Badnik models created by Dr. Eggman. Anton is one of many upgraded variations of the Moto Bug Badnik, that can be seen moving around back and forth like its predecessor.
  • Anton is the apprentice of Alagner. Alagner, in his search for proof about the Fellowship's true goals, had sent out his apprentice Anton to find out more. However, the Fellowship caught him and put him into their prison on Buccaneer's Den, where the torturer troll Grod tried to make him reveal everything he knew. However, Anton resisted, but the beatings became worse with each day.
  • Anton arrives to dinner with his brothers and a harp falls out of his pocket, Arlo realizes that he's been in the treasury again looking through human artifacts and Abraham crushes the harp, much to Anton's dismay. He then runs away from the dinner table and climbs down the beanstalk, down below, he is approached by Jack and James, the former of which gives him a mushroom from Wonderland which will temporarily shrink him to human-size. Anton thanks the two of them and heads into a bar with them where they make nice and tell him that he's their friend. When James is hassled by a knight, Jack explains that James and his father owe a lot of money to a neighboring kingdom, and asks if Anton can help. The giant explains that he has lots of treasure back home, enough to pay off the kingdom's dep
  • Anton was a test subject of Jigsaw. There isn't much known about Anton's past, however, it is believed that the reason he was tested was for scaring "the faces of innocent people." If the player manages to save Anton from his demise, he gives Michael a key and leaves to find his brother, who Jigsaw promised would be unscathed as long as he succeeded in his game. It is unknown which possible ending for Anton is canon with that of the series, as he is not seen nor mentioned in any of the entries in the Saw franchise that are set after Saw II: Flesh & Blood's events. He can be killed by Michael if he doesn't properly use the valve which causes acid to go on his face which makes him angry and he tries to kill you which means you must kill him and get the key from his body.
  • Anton - czarnoksiężnik, prawdopodobnie niższej hierarchii (czarodziejki unicestwiły go przez odbicie płomieni), chociaż nie jest to do końca pewne, ponieważ był odporny na zamrażanie P. Baxter. Był nieśmiertelny. W latach 20-stych, XX wieku zakochał się w dobrej czarownicy - Pearl Russel (poprzednie wcielenie Phoebe) i sprowadził ją na złą stronę. W serialu widzimy go dwa razy w 14 odcinku 2 serii i w 8 sezonie gdy Coop pokazuje Phoebe wszystkie jej sympatie. Podarował jej magiczny amulet, który chronił przed mocami. Nakłonił P. Russel left|Anton i P. Russel.także do wypicia napoju zwiększającego moc 3-krotnie, aby pokonać kuzynki (poprzednie wcielenia Piper i Prue). W przeszłości jednak Pearl została unicestwiona przez kuzynki. Ponownie powrócił gdy Phoebe cofnęła się w czasie i zamieniła
  • Anton is naturally a very nervous person, but loves technology and is eager to become a professional inventor. Despite his big aspirations, some of his devices are prone to malfunctions or adverse effects. Brianna describes him as having lots of potential but says he needs to focus better.
  • 3
  • 6
  • 20
  • 71
  • Welcome to Rapture
  • Scaled to player character level
  • Green, usually reddened
Portrayed By
  • Evil
  • Bad, later Good
temp companion
  • no
  • "Tiny"
  • Relationship with P. Russell
first-ncis la
Posiadana Broń
Inne nazwy
  • Robot Ant
  • Mężczyzna
  • Anton Lost World.png
perm companion
  • no
Row 4 info
  • Scared faces of innocent peaple
  • Karczmarz
  • c
  • Sonic CD *Palmtree Panic Sonic Lost World *Desert Ruins
Miejsce urzędowania
last-ncis la
Première Apparition
  • Männlich
  • männlich
Erster Auftritt
  • Anton
  • Bequem
Liczba Odcinków
  • 1
Row 1 info
  • Anton
Inne media
Inne wystąpienia
  • Armour shopkeeper.
  • Student
  • Anton
  • Niebiesko-żółty
  • "miekmiek"
Weitere Auftritte
  • Sonic Lost World
  • -
  • Czarnoksiężnik
  • Anton_.png
Row 4 title
  • Portrayed by:
  • Saw II: Flesh & Blood
Pierwszy odcinek
  • Pardon My Past
  • San d'Oria
  • 2
Row 2 info
  • Male
  • Puten
cartoon first appeared
  • "The Cherry Tree"
  • Hume
Row 1 title
  • Name:
  • hide
  • *Selbstzerstörung
Row 2 title
  • Gender:
quests started
  • *Kill the Evil Salvagers
Kod na przywołanie
  • Anton
Posiadana Zbroja
  • Antons Sprite aus Sonic the Hedgehog CD
  • -
Only appearance
Terre Natale
  • *Schwarz
  • *Türkis
  • No
  • 2
Row 3 info
  • Owner
  • Common
Row 3 title
  • Postion at Pork E. Pine's:
Miejsce zamieszkania
  • 24
  • Anton
Poziom postaci
  • 5
Imię i nazwisko
  • Anton
  • 2008
  • Goat
  • Humanoid
Box Title
  • Anton
  • Batmen
  • Brian Douglas
  • Alexander Wolf - nephew
  • Anastasya Griffin - sister
  • Cate Stag - mother
  • Gwendolyn Falcon - wife
  • Irina Griffin - sister
  • Ivan - descendant
  • Kiril Griffin - brother
  • Morvan Falcon - Son
  • Pavel Griffin - grandfather
  • Sandor Griffin - half-brother
  • Slava Griffin - father
  • Sorsha Griffin - daughter
  • Sveltana Griffin - great-aunt
  • Vyacheslav Griffin - son
  • The Dark Knight
  • Ender's Shadow
  • Shadow Puppets
  • Shadow of the Giant
  • ''Batman: Gotham Knight
  • Saw II: Flesh & Blood
  • Stealing good witches' powers
  • Horde
  • Killer Losers
  • Green
  • Brown
  • Green, usually reddened
  • Earth
  • Next door to Crosswires' Mansion
  • *Glamouring *Super Strength
  • Self-detonation
  • A Good Day to Die Hard
  • "Lacey"
  • 46
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Nie żyje
  • Alive or Deceased
  • Inactive as one of the Batmen
  • 20623
  • Anton 213.png
  • Anton 219.png
  • Jack 213.png
Color Scheme
  • Blue, yellow, grey
  • Leader
  • Test Subject
  • Hero
  • Blond
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Might & Magic: Heroes VI
  • Killed by Michael to obtain a key
  • Deli
  • Anton
  • Anton
  • Duke Anton Griffin
  • yes
  • File:Anton.gif
  • 250
  • A trio of Antons from Sonic Lost World.
  • Male
  • Brother , David Tapp , Michael Tapp
  • *Spell Casting *Potion Making *Scrying
cartoon last appeared
  • "Through the Looking Glasses"
Character Name
  • Anton
  • +3 Pillz
  • Yes
  • Bobo
  • 200
  • Killed by Jack McClane
Data śmierci
  • 2002-02-17
  • Protection Amulet
  • Warriors' Guild
  • Anton
  • show
  • *Sonic the Comic *Archie Comics
  • left
  • right
  • Skeelz
Real Name
  • Unidentified
  • 2
  • Magogo
  • 2013
  • --02-17
  • Anton
  • Eye of the North
  • Mercenary
  • デリー
  • Scientist
  • Duke of the Griffin Duchy
  • Former manager of Team Lovushka
  • Evil
  • 24291
  • Cana
  • Abraham - Brother
  • Andre - Brother
  • Argyle - Brother
  • Arlo - Brother
  • *Adjusting *High Resistance *Immortality *Power Absorption
  • 2006-06-12
  • 2009-08-17
  • Light
  • White
  • 1.0
  • Fairytale Land
Eye Color
  • *Black *Cyan
  • Male
  • M
  • Männlich
  • Rizwan Manji
  • 33
  • Anton.jpg
  • 3
  • Dunkelblau, gelb, grau
  • 543
  • Anton finds friends in humans.
  • Anton terrorizes Storybrooke.
  • The Giant tries to squeeze Emma to death.
  • Tiny's buying.
  • Russian
wikipage disambiguates
  • Ken Narita
  • Andrew Jackson
  • Pochwycenie gracza
  • Stealing P. Bowen and P. Baxter's powers
  • 250
Ostatni odcinek
  • Pardon My Past
  • Anton is the owner of Pork E. Pine's in the series Part Timers. He is played by Anthony.
  • Anton is a level 71 Forsaken meat vendor found in Howling Fjord. He sells [Fresh Pound of Flesh] needed for File:Horde 15.png [71] Parts for the Job.
  • Anton wird meist in der Palmtree Panic gefunden. Antons sind auf einem "Rad" und rollen öfters hin und her. Mann kann Antons mit den Angriffen Spin Jump oder Spin Attack besiegen, wo sie Blumensamen fallen lassen.
  • Anton is labeled The Stoner in Total Drama Teens.
  • Anton.
  • Is a Cabal worker.
  • Though the business is never encountered during the events of BioShock, advertisements for it can be seen around the city. Neon signs promoting the shop can be seen on buildings during Jack's descent into the city via Bathysphere. Later on, in Apollo Square, the same marquee can be seen in the transit tunnel to the Artemis Suites.
  • Anton was a European scientist who discovered the genetic modification Anton's Key. He was first introduced in Ender's Shadow.
  • Anton (original version: Puten) is the manager of the Russian team, Team Lovushka in Beyblade: Metal Masters. He is also the commander of the "Russian Space Endeavour". Anton is a person who does everything by cheating but behaves like a gentleman. Team Lovushka fires him for making them cheat. His Beyblade is Evil Wolf DF145FS.
  • Anton - czarnoksiężnik, prawdopodobnie niższej hierarchii (czarodziejki unicestwiły go przez odbicie płomieni), chociaż nie jest to do końca pewne, ponieważ był odporny na zamrażanie P. Baxter. Był nieśmiertelny. W latach 20-stych, XX wieku zakochał się w dobrej czarownicy - Pearl Russel (poprzednie wcielenie Phoebe) i sprowadził ją na złą stronę. W serialu widzimy go dwa razy w 14 odcinku 2 serii i w 8 sezonie gdy Coop pokazuje Phoebe wszystkie jej sympatie. Podarował jej magiczny amulet, który chronił przed mocami. Nakłonił P. Russel left|Anton i P. Russel.także do wypicia napoju zwiększającego moc 3-krotnie, aby pokonać kuzynki (poprzednie wcielenia Piper i Prue). W przeszłości jednak Pearl została unicestwiona przez kuzynki. Ponownie powrócił gdy Phoebe cofnęła się w czasie i zamieniła się z Pearl ciałami. Ostatecznie został unicestwiony przez czarodziejki przez odbicie płomieni rzuconych przez Pearl za pomocą telekinezy Prue.
  • Anton is the apprentice of Alagner. Alagner, in his search for proof about the Fellowship's true goals, had sent out his apprentice Anton to find out more. However, the Fellowship caught him and put him into their prison on Buccaneer's Den, where the torturer troll Grod tried to make him reveal everything he knew. However, Anton resisted, but the beatings became worse with each day. In Ultima VII, on the quest to foil the Guardian's plans, the Avatar discovered the prison. Listening to Anton's story, the party had the option to kill Grod, and use his keys to free Anton from his prison. Anton thanked the Avatar for his rescue before leaving the dark place.
  • Anton was a powerful and immortal warlock with the powers of super strength and glamouring, as well as the ability to resisr molecular powers. He fell in love with P. Russell, a witch from the Warren Line, and seduced her to evil.
  • Anton is a man who appeared in "Matryoshka Part 1".
  • Anton était un mauvais sorcier (Warlock) puissant et immortel qui possédait les pouvoirs de Fascination (Glamouring) et de Super Force ainsi que la possibilité de voler les pouvoirs des sorcières vaincues.
  • Anton was hanging out in the nightclub in Moscow. As he enjoying his time in the nightclub, CIA deep-cover agent John "Jack" McClane, Jr. comes in with a Makarov PM pistol and says that Chagarin's former partner Yuri Komarov sends his regards and goodbye before assassinating him. The guards then tackled Jack and arrests him for the assassination of Anton, which led to the string of events that involved Jack, his father John McClane and the weapons-grade uranium conspiracy. He is the first terrorist to die in the events, and the first to die by John McClane Jr's hands.
  • Anton was a test subject of Jigsaw. There isn't much known about Anton's past, however, it is believed that the reason he was tested was for scaring "the faces of innocent people." If the player manages to save Anton from his demise, he gives Michael a key and leaves to find his brother, who Jigsaw promised would be unscathed as long as he succeeded in his game. It is unknown which possible ending for Anton is canon with that of the series, as he is not seen nor mentioned in any of the entries in the Saw franchise that are set after Saw II: Flesh & Blood's events. He can be killed by Michael if he doesn't properly use the valve which causes acid to go on his face which makes him angry and he tries to kill you which means you must kill him and get the key from his body. Tape: Hello Anton. You were a mercenary for hire, specializing in terror. Your particular method of choice is throwing corrosive acid on the faces of your victims. This ensures that, even if they live, they have no chance to surgically repair their faces, leaving them forever scarred. Time to see what that's like. There is an acid drip on the chain to your cage. The son of the officer that put you in prison will decide whether you escape unharmed or you burn like your victims. You had better hope he has a steady hand, Anton.
  • Anton talks to himself as he makes the rounds of his shop, extolling the virtues of his wares, but also stating "Ow, my toe! That armour is heavy." for a bit of armoury humour.
  • Anton – postać, występująca w Gothic 3: Zmierzch Bogów. Jest karczmarzem, prowadzi gospodę w Silden.
  • Anton (Russian: Антон) was a multiplayer character in Grand Theft Auto IV. He was a member of the Petrovic Family who was murdered by the Korean Mob. Once given the task, the player must retrieve his head and dispose of it in the water. There is also another character in Mafiya Work named Anton. The only difference is that in one task the player must kill another Anton which turned against the organization.
  • Anton (アントン Anton?), znany również jako Robot Ant – badnik pojawiający się w grach Sonic the Hedgehog CD i Sonic Lost World. Jest robotem przypominający mrówkę. Porusza się na jednym kole, połączonym z resztą korpusu, od którego odstaje silnik.
  • Anton is naturally a very nervous person, but loves technology and is eager to become a professional inventor. Despite his big aspirations, some of his devices are prone to malfunctions or adverse effects. Brianna describes him as having lots of potential but says he needs to focus better. Anton has a huge crush on Brianna, to a point where he loses sleep over it. He enlists Astro's help in writing a love letter under his name, taking a call with his simulated voice, and getting suggestions from Astro on what to say. However, his inability to tell Brianna directly leads to her feeling cheated when she finds out the truth. In an attempt to impress Brianna before she goes on a space mission, he rewires part of the rocket's system to project congratulatory flowers and dancing chibi versions of himself. This unfortunately triggers the rocket's auto-pilot and disables the guidance system. Astro is able to chip in help in time, and Anton comes out of it with a hope to further refine his inventions.
  • Anton ist ein männlicher Affe. Er hat am 24. Mai Geburtstag und ist ein bequemer Dorfbewohner.
  • Norris Wimple revealed in the Issue 253 edition of Encyclopedia Badnika that Anton was powered by flowers, although only as a temporary measure.
  • Anton (Bekannt als Tonne), wird von Roland Schreglmann in Kurze Pause.
  • Anton thumb|leftAnton (アントン en Japón) es un Badnik de tipo hormiga creado por Robotnik que sólo aparece en Palmtree Panic.
  • Anton is the leader of the "evil" Salvagers in Denver in 2253.
  • Anton is a neighbor of Muffy Crosswire. He appeared in "The Cherry Tree" when Muffy's dad did a land swap with him. He appears again in "Through the Looking Glasses," playing chess with Brain at the Ice Cream Shop.
  • Anton Hauser is a vampire and a baron of an unknown region. He maintains a residence in Noctemburg. He is striking in appearance, blond and devastatingly handsome, as well as particularly gifted in his anatomy.
  • Anton (アントン Anton) est un personnage apparaissant dans The Wind Waker. Anton est un homme qui peut être rencontré sur Mercantîle. Sa deuxième activité préférée est la marche car il garde toujours ses jambes en position tandis que son activité préférée est le kickboxing. Il a le béguin pour Linda et si Link prend une photo d'eux et l'amène à Autofocus, ils tomberont amoureux. En retournant voir Anton au Café-Bar, il se verra récompensé d'un fragment de Cœur.
  • Anton was a former member of Yuri Dimitrov's Thugs who supposedly founded the Batmen.
  • Anton arrives to dinner with his brothers and a harp falls out of his pocket, Arlo realizes that he's been in the treasury again looking through human artifacts and Abraham crushes the harp, much to Anton's dismay. He then runs away from the dinner table and climbs down the beanstalk, down below, he is approached by Jack and James, the former of which gives him a mushroom from Wonderland which will temporarily shrink him to human-size. Anton thanks the two of them and heads into a bar with them where they make nice and tell him that he's their friend. When James is hassled by a knight, Jack explains that James and his father owe a lot of money to a neighboring kingdom, and asks if Anton can help. The giant explains that he has lots of treasure back home, enough to pay off the kingdom's dept, and Jack thanks him, calling him a hero. Anton is next seen gathering up some treasure from his castle when he is approached by Arlo, who realizes he's doing it for the humans. Anton makes clear that the humans are nice and his friends and that he's leaving his brothers to go and live with them. Soon enough, Jack and James arrive at the castle and reveal that they were merely pretending to like Anton in order to get their hands on some magic beans. Anton is told to salt all of the land and destroy the beans in order to stop the humans from taking them and he does so as Jack and James kill his brothers with their poison swords. Arlo kills Jack and James flees the castle with a sack full of treasure, but not after Arlo is stabbed with one of the swords. As he dies, Arlo gives Anton a plant that will be able to grow magic beans, but Anton says that he can no longer grow beans there as he made the soil infertile. Arlo suggests that maybe one day he will find a new land, before dying. From this moment on, Anton swears eternal vengeance on humans. ("Tiny")
  • Anton is a human assassin hero in Eye of the North. He is from Ascalon. He escaped from Death Row during the Searing and later joined the Ebon Vanguard. He is loyal to the Ebon Vanguard, but this may change if their leader is dead.
  • Anton Griffin is a hero and protagonist in Might & Magic: Heroes VI.
  • As the academy’s math and physics teacher, Anton must not only deal with students who more often than not know at least as much as him, but who also spend a good deal of their time stopping time or teleporting themselves to the four corners of the universe. It’s certainly a change to his last job at a high school in the city’s Eastern quarter.
  • en:Anton Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site allemand Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site polonais Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site brésilien Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site chinois Catégorie:Page sans lien vers le site taiwanais (assassin) Anton est l'un des Héros Assassin de Eye of the North. Le joueur l'obtient dans la quête "La vengeance de l'assassin" ; ce choix est optionnel et n'influe pas le déroulement de la campagne de Eye of the North.
  • Anton is the Chief Tactical Officer of the Rebellion and is Othello's step-brother.
  • Anton on Nanan sulhanen. Hän esiintyy Muumilaakson tarinoiden jaksoissa "Jysähdyksiä yössä" ja "Salaperäistä ilotulitusta". Ensimmäisenä mainitussa jaksossa hän tosin näkyy vain vilaukselta jakson lopussa. Hän valmistaa juhannukseksi ilotulitusraketteja, ja hän on Hemulin tuttu. Hän oli myös salaperäisten jysähdysten ja valoilmiöiden tekijä. Antonin nimeä ei lainkaan mainita sarjan suomenkielisessä versiossa, häneen viitataan vain "Nanan sulhasena". Antonin ääninäyttelijä on Timo Torikka.
  • Anton puede referirse a los personajes siguientes: * Anton Brunwin, hermano gemelo de Sturn Brunwin. * Anton Kale, un capitán Imperial en Kuat. * Anton Saar, autor de Of Droids and Men. * Anton Standish, comandante de una Flota de Sector de la Nueva República. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN * La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
  • Anton (アントン Anton?), or Robot Ant, is an enemy in the Sonic the Hedgehog series that first appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog CD. They are ant-based Badnik models created by Dr. Eggman. Anton is one of many upgraded variations of the Moto Bug Badnik, that can be seen moving around back and forth like its predecessor.
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