  • 1118
  • 1118
  • 1118
  • The eyes of the head close before Desmond can notice, and he places the cover back over the box. Ben shows up and scolds Desmond for scaring Flora, but Desmond just laughs it off and shows Ben the head. Ben is frightened by the head and tells Desmond he must get rid of it immediately. He runs out of the house in fear and Desmond places the cover back over the box. Once Daniel is asleep, Ben goes to the attic and finds a book that once belonged to Millicent, detailing the murders caused by the head. Ben vows to destroy the head before it destroys everyone at Collinwood.
  • Katja ist verunsichert, ob sie aufs Eis gehört oder nicht. Doch Claudia versucht, ihre Tochter zu einem Comeback zu überreden. Katja hadert weiter mit sich und ihrer Karriere, bis Roman ihr klar macht, was sie eigentlich für ein 'Luxusproblem' hat: Sie hat das Talent, es ganz nach oben zu schaffen, also soll sie endlich alles dafür tun. Wird Katja den Schritt in die richtige Richtung wagen? Isabelle ist hoffnungsvoll, dass Ben und sie wieder auf einem guten Weg zu einer gesunden Beziehung sind. Als Ben im Zentrum jedoch mit der Nähe zu Katja konfrontiert wird, muss er sich zwingen, sich offensiv weiter auf seine Ehe mit Isabelle einzulassen. Franziska und Florian haben zu ihrer Überraschung großartigen Sex. Beiden geht ihre unglaubliche Nacht nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Grund genug, das Thema
  • 1118
  • 1970-09-30
  • 1103
  • 1840
  • 1970-10-07
  • 1118
  • Katja ist verunsichert, ob sie aufs Eis gehört oder nicht. Doch Claudia versucht, ihre Tochter zu einem Comeback zu überreden. Katja hadert weiter mit sich und ihrer Karriere, bis Roman ihr klar macht, was sie eigentlich für ein 'Luxusproblem' hat: Sie hat das Talent, es ganz nach oben zu schaffen, also soll sie endlich alles dafür tun. Wird Katja den Schritt in die richtige Richtung wagen? Isabelle ist hoffnungsvoll, dass Ben und sie wieder auf einem guten Weg zu einer gesunden Beziehung sind. Als Ben im Zentrum jedoch mit der Nähe zu Katja konfrontiert wird, muss er sich zwingen, sich offensiv weiter auf seine Ehe mit Isabelle einzulassen. Franziska und Florian haben zu ihrer Überraschung großartigen Sex. Beiden geht ihre unglaubliche Nacht nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Grund genug, das Thema Sex in ihrer Beziehung von nun an nicht mehr auszuklammern.
  • The eyes of the head close before Desmond can notice, and he places the cover back over the box. Ben shows up and scolds Desmond for scaring Flora, but Desmond just laughs it off and shows Ben the head. Ben is frightened by the head and tells Desmond he must get rid of it immediately. He runs out of the house in fear and Desmond places the cover back over the box. Barnabas meets with Ben in the drawing room at Collinwood and asks for everything Ben knows about Gerard. Ben admits he doesn't know much other than he was a friend of Quentin, but he doesn't trust him and isn't sure exactly what he wants at Collinwood. Barnabas also requests to meet Daniel. Ben isn't sure if that's a good idea since Daniel might realize he is the same Barnabas from 1795 when he was a child, but Barnabas desperately wants to get him on his side. In the tower room, Daniel is feverishly writing a note when Ben walks in. Daniel says he is writing a note to Quentin, but Ben reminds him that he is dead. Ben reveals that a relative has come to visit Daniel, but Daniel wants no part of dealing with any members of the family, because all they want is money. Ben says it's Barnabas, and Daniel is immediately intrigued. Barnabas is sitting by the fireplace in the drawing room when Desmond walks in. Desmond asks many questions about Roxanne's condition, and he feels that she wasn't attacked by an animal. Barnabas dodges his questions about his life in England long enough for Ben to bring Daniel downstairs. Daniel looks at Barnabas and is shocked at his appearance. He claims he looks exactly the same as when he was just a boy. Barnabas tells Daniel that he is mistaken and that it was really "his father" who went to England in 1795. Daniel believes him and he talks about growing up in the Old House when he was a child. He offers Barnabas the option to live in the Old House for as long as he wants, to which Barnabas is very greatful. As they talk, Gerard walks in through the front door and Barnabas immediately recognizes him, but holds his ground. Gerard is very kind towards Barnabas, but Daniel gets aggressive and forgets why he lives at Collinwood. Gerard explains to Daniel that he was Quentin's friend and saw him and Tad die. Ben tries to take Daniel back to the tower room, but Daniel wants to learn how Quentin died at sea. Gerard tells him there isn't much to the story, but their ship was caught in a fierce storm and they were thrown overboard by a giant wave. Daniel appreciates Gerard's attempt to save Quentin and Tad, but Ben tells him it's time to return to his room. Once they leave, along with Barnabas, Gerard smiles and enjoys a drink by himself. Barnabas and Ben take Daniel back to the tower room and Daniel starts to recount events of 1797, including the attacks in the village and how Angelique tormented the family. Daniel fears history is soon going to repeat himself. Ben switches the topic to a series of murders revolving around a disembodied head, and Daniel also remembers them. He tells Ben that Millicent would know all about those murders and asks to speak with her, but Ben reminds her that Millicent is also dead. Daniel becomes sad over Millicent, saying she never had a happy day in her life. He soon falls asleep. Once Daniel is asleep, Ben goes to the attic and finds a book that once belonged to Millicent, detailing the murders caused by the head. Ben vows to destroy the head before it destroys everyone at Collinwood. Barnabas walks downstairs and finds Gerard still in the drawing room. He asks Gerard how long he has been at Collinwood. Gerard informs him that he has been living at the house ever since Quentin died, and was invited to stay as a gratitude. Barnabas starts talking about his story of Quentin's death and wonders if Quentin and Tad actually died at sea. Gerard gets offended, but Barnabas reminds him that he never actually saw the bodies being thrown overboard. Gerard bickers at his questions and excuses himself. Moments later, Barnabas catches Ben sneaking out of the house. Ben says there is something he has to do, but doesn't say what it is. Ben shows up at Rose Cottage, but the house is apparently empty. He finds the box behind a curtain and takes off the cover, becoming frightened by the head. Ben sits down at a nearby table and quickly writes a letter. Once he is finished, he approaches the head and says he knows all about the powers it possesses, and vows to destroy it. While heading back to Collinwood, Ben sees the head approaching him in the woods and he screams.
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