  • O'Neille Family
  • The O'Neille Family is an Irish-Colombian-Italian crime family, operated by Shraemrock O'Neille. They control the whole New York and New Jersey, along with 2 other familes: Deadshot's Gang and Wagner's organized crime ring. The gang is also known as "Gang Consumer" for consuming the dead gangs after killing them and making them troops for their reserve and powerful army. They are also responsible for Vatican City Massacre along with their allies.
  • The O'Neille Family is an Irish-Colombian-Italian crime family, operated by Shraemrock O'Neille. They control the whole New York and New Jersey, along with 2 other familes: Deadshot's Gang and Wagner's organized crime ring. Shraemrock O'Neille arrived in New York from Ireland in 1998, he and his people started as a gang and O'Neille as a gang leader. As a gang, the fought other gangs, created an army and consumed all street gangs. In 2003, the gang had place in the Commision. In 2006, they controlled The Bronx, Staten Island and Queens. In 2009, they controlled whole New York and New Jersey along with their said allies. They are the only Irish-Colombian-Italian family that controlled New York and New Jersey. The gang is also known as "Gang Consumer" for consuming the dead gangs after killing them and making them troops for their reserve and powerful army. They are also responsible for Vatican City Massacre along with their allies.
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