  • Defel
  • Defel
  • Defel
  • Defel
  • Defel
  • [Source] Les Defels sont une espèce originaire de la planète Af'El dans la Bordure Extérieure. Ils possèdent la capacité de dévier la lumière autour d'eux, les rendant presque invisible dans certaines situations. Ils ressemblent fortement à des loups-garous. Le Defel le plus connu est Arleil Schous, mercenaire sous l'Empire Galactique.
  • They lived underground on the planet Ka'Dedus IV, mining the various metals in the planet's crust and outer core. Because of their knowledge of mining and ores, Defels were known to be excellent metallurgists. Because of their ability to "hide" in normal light, Defels were also known to be excellent hunters and thieves. They could see equally well in the dark and in ultraviolet lighting, and their eyes appeared to glow red in normal light. In bright, normal light, however, a Defel was more or less blind. Those Defel who travel off-world during the daylight hours wore special visors to protect their eyes.
  • Defels were a sentient species whose members had the ability to bend light around themselves to become practically invisible. Elderly Defel, however, tended to lose that ability. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, a Defel named Arleil Schous was a patron of Chalmun's Cantina when Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived in search of a pilot who could take them to Alderaan.
  • The Defel (colloquially known as Wraiths) were barely visible beings who appeared to most other species as shadows, re-enforcing the misconception that they were chameleon-like beings or "living shadows".
  • [Fuente] Defels eran una especie inteligente cuyos miembros tenían la capacidad de curvar la luz alrededor de ellos mismos a ser prácticamente invisible. Ancianos Defel, sin embargo, tienden a perder esa capacidad. Poco antes de la Batalla de Yavin, un Defel llamado Arleil Schous fue un patrón de Cantina de Chalmun cuando Luke Skywalker y Obi-Wan Kenobi llegaron en busca de un piloto que podría llevarlos a Alderaan.
  • Defel kwamen van de planeet Af'El, een grote planeet met een hoge zwaartekracth, welke nauwelijks bezoek kreeg van buitenaf. De planeet had geen ozonlaag en ontving grote hoeveelheden straling van de ultraviolette reuzester Ka'Dedus. Licht van andere golflengten werd tegengehouden door de gassen in de atmosfeer van Af'El en alle levensvormen van de planeet konden alleen zien in het UV-spectrum. Defel konden een beetje konden zien in licht van andere golflengten, mits dat niet te fel was. Dit is de reden dat Defel meestal beschermende brillen dragen buiten Af'El. Het grootste voordeel van hun gezichtsvermogen was dat ze goed in het donker konden zien.
  • Homeworld: Af'El Description: The Defel (colloquially known as Wraiths) are barely visible beings who appear to most other species as shadows, re-enforcing the misconception that they are chameleon-like beings or "living shadows". Typically, they are employed as mercenaries or guards. They are from a large, high-gravity, seldom-visited world orbiting the ultraviolet supergiant Ka'Dedus. Af'El has no ozone layer and ultraviolet light passes freely to the surface, while other light wavelengths are blocked by the heavy gases in the planet's atmosphere. Thus, all life forms on Af'El can only see in ultraviolet light ranges, and are blind to other wavelengths of light. Af'El is the home world of the Defel, or "wraiths," whose bodies absorb visible light, giving them the appearance of shadows. T
  • Brun à noir
  • Bipédie
  • 2.840184E9
  • 60.0
  • Marrón
  • Une paire, rouge
  • Zuurstof
  • Intelligent
  • 1.3
  • Sensible
  • Geen
  • Rojos
  • Capacidad de absorber la luz visible
  • Dĕf'-ĕl / Wrāth
  • Zoogdier
  • Defel
  • Defel
  • Dévie la lumière
  • Defel
  • Defel
  • Defel
  • Defel
  • Defel
  • 250
  • Red
  • Дефелы
  • Дефелы
  • Ability to absorb visible light
  • Defel
  • デフェル
  • デフェル
  • [Source] Les Defels sont une espèce originaire de la planète Af'El dans la Bordure Extérieure. Ils possèdent la capacité de dévier la lumière autour d'eux, les rendant presque invisible dans certaines situations. Ils ressemblent fortement à des loups-garous. Le Defel le plus connu est Arleil Schous, mercenaire sous l'Empire Galactique.
  • They lived underground on the planet Ka'Dedus IV, mining the various metals in the planet's crust and outer core. Because of their knowledge of mining and ores, Defels were known to be excellent metallurgists. Because of their ability to "hide" in normal light, Defels were also known to be excellent hunters and thieves. They could see equally well in the dark and in ultraviolet lighting, and their eyes appeared to glow red in normal light. In bright, normal light, however, a Defel was more or less blind. Those Defel who travel off-world during the daylight hours wore special visors to protect their eyes.
  • Homeworld: Af'El Description: The Defel (colloquially known as Wraiths) are barely visible beings who appear to most other species as shadows, re-enforcing the misconception that they are chameleon-like beings or "living shadows". Typically, they are employed as mercenaries or guards. They are from a large, high-gravity, seldom-visited world orbiting the ultraviolet supergiant Ka'Dedus. Af'El has no ozone layer and ultraviolet light passes freely to the surface, while other light wavelengths are blocked by the heavy gases in the planet's atmosphere. Thus, all life forms on Af'El can only see in ultraviolet light ranges, and are blind to other wavelengths of light. Af'El is the home world of the Defel, or "wraiths," whose bodies absorb visible light, giving them the appearance of shadows. The Defel live in underground cities to escape Af'El's violent storms. A main export of the planet is the metal meleenium (used in durasteel), which is only known to exist on Af'El.
  • Defels were a sentient species whose members had the ability to bend light around themselves to become practically invisible. Elderly Defel, however, tended to lose that ability. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, a Defel named Arleil Schous was a patron of Chalmun's Cantina when Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived in search of a pilot who could take them to Alderaan.
  • The Defel (colloquially known as Wraiths) were barely visible beings who appeared to most other species as shadows, re-enforcing the misconception that they were chameleon-like beings or "living shadows".
  • Defel kwamen van de planeet Af'El, een grote planeet met een hoge zwaartekracth, welke nauwelijks bezoek kreeg van buitenaf. De planeet had geen ozonlaag en ontving grote hoeveelheden straling van de ultraviolette reuzester Ka'Dedus. Licht van andere golflengten werd tegengehouden door de gassen in de atmosfeer van Af'El en alle levensvormen van de planeet konden alleen zien in het UV-spectrum. Defel konden een beetje konden zien in licht van andere golflengten, mits dat niet te fel was. Dit is de reden dat Defel meestal beschermende brillen dragen buiten Af'El. Het grootste voordeel van hun gezichtsvermogen was dat ze goed in het donker konden zien. Defel waren een korte, slanke species. Ze werden gemiddeld 1,30 meter hoog en breed. Defel hadden een vacht, in kleur variërend van geel tot blauw met groene snuit en oranje kieuw-achtige spleten bij de kaken. In zichtbaar licht hadden ze echter een bruine of grijze vacht. Defel hadden de unieke gave om licht te absorberen en rond zich te buigen, waardoor zij bij zichtbaar licht nagenoeg niet te zien waren. Men kon ze enkel waarnemen als schaduwen. Deze gave werd echter minder naar mate een Defel ouder werd.
  • [Fuente] Defels eran una especie inteligente cuyos miembros tenían la capacidad de curvar la luz alrededor de ellos mismos a ser prácticamente invisible. Ancianos Defel, sin embargo, tienden a perder esa capacidad. Poco antes de la Batalla de Yavin, un Defel llamado Arleil Schous fue un patrón de Cantina de Chalmun cuando Luke Skywalker y Obi-Wan Kenobi llegaron en busca de un piloto que podría llevarlos a Alderaan.
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