  • Function
  • A function is a list of instructions which can be executed ("called") at any point in its lifetime. A function literal looks like this: function (){} All three syntax elements (name, parameters, and statements) are completely optional; however, a function is worthless if it does not contain any statements. The need for a name and parameter list depend upon the intended use of the function. If a function is not given any name, it is anonymous.
  • A function is a series of that are executed when the variable is accessed. All program variables are custom named. Function variables have a built in editor, and cannot be edited using the Store command. A Function is a program that returns a value in TI-89. All other programs are considered Programs ! This article is a stub. Please help the TI-BASIC Wiki by [ expanding it]
  • A function is A function is "[t]he characteristic action or specific purpose of an organization or person."
  • A function is a script-related term. It is beyond the scope of this wiki to include information about the over 300 LSL functions in Second Life. Refer to the LSL Wiki for much more info about functions.
  • One of the recurring elements of toy bios is the characters' function, typically a one-to-two-word encapsulation of the character's "job" on their team. Most franchises from Generation One and onward have included a "function" listing at the top of the characers' bios. Armada was the first to not include it as part of the character's description. Typical functions include: * Demolitions * Architect * Scientist * Warrior * Comunications * Undersea Warfare * Electric Warrior * Rebel Warrior * Crack Patrol * Autobot Harassment * Shark
  • Delphi functions can be created for a better personal purpose, where a final result can be directly assimilated to a destination.
  • Function is a relatively new guild on Solar, that is quickly growing into a community of active and respected members. If you wish to join, contact * Nme-epidemic * Tellervo INFO * Guild House - Coming When We Hit 2 Months * Paddock - Coming When We Hit 2 Months * Average Level - 85 * Regular Dungeon Runs/Hunts - At The Request of Our Members
  • When defining a function with domain and codomain , it is common to denote it by . For example, the function could be defined by the formula with domain D being the real numbers and the range R being the non-negative real numbers. This function assigns the value 4 in the range to the number −2 in the domain. Formally, a relation from a set to set is said to be a function if it satisfies the following properties: * Totality: for each , there exists a such that . * Functionality: for each and any , if and , then .
  • The function keyword is used to define a new console function or method. Unlike procedural language, functions are not declared in one place and defined in another, but defined only. Redeclaring a named function later in script over-rides the previous function. The format of a function takes one of two basic forms:
  • A function is the top-level grouping of instructions in a script. Instructions must exist inside functions, and no function may be inside another. Functions may, however, invoke other functions by name. Some functions take parameters, and some return a value to the caller. Their use is similar to that of commands, but commands are pre-defined and implemented outside NWScript.
  • Functions allow for you to "package" snippets of code that you use in your scripts and call them later. They also allow you to perform operations on an input and return an output. Finally, they also allow you to receive an input and perform certain things based on the input. Arguments, also called parameters, allow you to pass values to a function that it can then use to produce a different result or give a different output. Arguments are very similar to local variables created when you call the function: Any code you want to run when the function is called must go in the function body.
  • A function has the form of a function name, followed by zero or more arguments between brackets, separated by commas. There are two types of functions. First of all, there is a huge collection of built-in functions, to control all aspects of your game. Secondly, any script you define in your game can be used as a function. Note that for a function without arguments you still need to use the brackets. Some functions return values and can be used in expressions. Others simply execute commands.
  • Functions are units of code that perform a specific task. The general format of a function is as follows: returntype functionname(type parameter1, type parameter2... ) { code within the function } returntype:The return type defines the type (int, float, etc.) of variable that is returned when the function is executed. All code paths in the function must return this type of variable in order for the script to compile. A function can return any data type, or nothing, which is indicated with the 'void' keyword. functionname:The function name is used to identify the function. Different functions may share the same name as long as their parameters are not identical. This is called overloading a function. Parameters:Parameters are variables that are supplied to the function when the f
  • Nme-epidemic
  • 17
  • object , args
  • object , args...
  • solar
  • object
  • #CEDCE5
  • 38
  • y
  • #477492
returns text
  • this function's result
  • The function keyword is used to define a new console function or method. Unlike procedural language, functions are not declared in one place and defined in another, but defined only. Redeclaring a named function later in script over-rides the previous function. The format of a function takes one of two basic forms: //function definition function func_name( [arg0] , _ , [argn] ) { statements; [return val;] } * func_name - Name by which this function will be subsequently called. * [arg0] , _ , [argn] - optional arguments. * statements - Any number of statements may be contained within the body of the function. * val - Functions may optionally return a value; // console method definition function namespace::func_name( %this, [arg0] , _ , [argn] ) { statements; [return val;] } * namespace - The name of a datablock or object classname. * :: - Namespace resolution operator * %this - The first argument of a console method is [u]always[/u] the handle to the object which is calling the method. // A simple function function test ( %val ) { echo( "test(" SPC %cal SPC ")" ); if( 10 = %val ) return true; return false; } // A simple console method function Item:test( %this , %val ) { echo( "Item::test(" SPC %this SPC "," SPC %val SPC ")" ); if( 10 = %val ) return true; return false; } %obj = new Item() { // .. }; %obj.test(10); //Normal method of calling Item::test(%obj, 10); //Alternate method of calling
  • Functions allow for you to "package" snippets of code that you use in your scripts and call them later. They also allow you to perform operations on an input and return an output. Finally, they also allow you to receive an input and perform certain things based on the input. Arguments, also called parameters, allow you to pass values to a function that it can then use to produce a different result or give a different output. Arguments are very similar to local variables created when you call the function: The body of the function is where the action takes place, it contains the code that will be ran when the function is called. It can access the arguments passed to it under the names defined in the function's argument list. Any code you want to run when the function is called must go in the function body. Any return statement put into the function will instantly stop the function and return all the values following it. Functions, like all the other control structures except the repeat structure end with the 'end' keyword.
  • A function is a list of instructions which can be executed ("called") at any point in its lifetime. A function literal looks like this: function (){} All three syntax elements (name, parameters, and statements) are completely optional; however, a function is worthless if it does not contain any statements. The need for a name and parameter list depend upon the intended use of the function. If a function is not given any name, it is anonymous.
  • A function is a series of that are executed when the variable is accessed. All program variables are custom named. Function variables have a built in editor, and cannot be edited using the Store command. A Function is a program that returns a value in TI-89. All other programs are considered Programs ! This article is a stub. Please help the TI-BASIC Wiki by [ expanding it]
  • A function is A function is "[t]he characteristic action or specific purpose of an organization or person."
  • A function has the form of a function name, followed by zero or more arguments between brackets, separated by commas. There are two types of functions. First of all, there is a huge collection of built-in functions, to control all aspects of your game. Secondly, any script you define in your game can be used as a function. Note that for a function without arguments you still need to use the brackets. Some functions return values and can be used in expressions. Others simply execute commands. Note that it is impossible to use a function as the lefthand side of an assignment. For example, you cannot write instance_nearest(x,y,obj).speed = 0. Instead you must write (instance_nearest(x,y,obj)).speed = 0.
  • A function is a script-related term. It is beyond the scope of this wiki to include information about the over 300 LSL functions in Second Life. Refer to the LSL Wiki for much more info about functions.
  • One of the recurring elements of toy bios is the characters' function, typically a one-to-two-word encapsulation of the character's "job" on their team. Most franchises from Generation One and onward have included a "function" listing at the top of the characers' bios. Armada was the first to not include it as part of the character's description. Typical functions include: * Demolitions * Architect * Scientist * Warrior * Comunications * Undersea Warfare * Electric Warrior * Rebel Warrior * Crack Patrol * Autobot Harassment * Shark
  • When defining a function with domain and codomain , it is common to denote it by . For example, the function could be defined by the formula with domain D being the real numbers and the range R being the non-negative real numbers. This function assigns the value 4 in the range to the number −2 in the domain. Formally, a relation from a set to set is said to be a function if it satisfies the following properties: * Totality: for each , there exists a such that . * Functionality: for each and any , if and , then . The first condition asserts that every element in the domain has an image in the codomain, while the second states that such an image is unique. This definition, however, allows the following possibilities for a function: * Two or more distinct elements in the domain may have the same image; * One or more element in the codomain may not be the image of any element in the domain. One may also speak of multi-valued functions, which only satisfy the totality property, and of partially-defined functions, which only satisfy the functional property. With those possibilities in mind, we may define a function to be one of these three types of functions: * Injection, injective function, or one-to-one: for any , if then ; * Surjection, surjective function, or onto: for any , there exists an such that ; * one-to-one correspondence, bijection, bijective function, or invertible, if is both injective and surjective.
  • Delphi functions can be created for a better personal purpose, where a final result can be directly assimilated to a destination.
  • Function is a relatively new guild on Solar, that is quickly growing into a community of active and respected members. If you wish to join, contact * Nme-epidemic * Tellervo INFO * Guild House - Coming When We Hit 2 Months * Paddock - Coming When We Hit 2 Months * Average Level - 85 * Regular Dungeon Runs/Hunts - At The Request of Our Members
  • Functions are units of code that perform a specific task. The general format of a function is as follows: returntype functionname(type parameter1, type parameter2... ) { code within the function } returntype:The return type defines the type (int, float, etc.) of variable that is returned when the function is executed. All code paths in the function must return this type of variable in order for the script to compile. A function can return any data type, or nothing, which is indicated with the 'void' keyword. functionname:The function name is used to identify the function. Different functions may share the same name as long as their parameters are not identical. This is called overloading a function. Parameters:Parameters are variables that are supplied to the function when the function is called. They may be used as defined variables inside the function.
  • A function is the top-level grouping of instructions in a script. Instructions must exist inside functions, and no function may be inside another. Functions may, however, invoke other functions by name. Some functions take parameters, and some return a value to the caller. Their use is similar to that of commands, but commands are pre-defined and implemented outside NWScript. Execution of most scripts begins with the specially-named function main(), which takes no parameters and returns no value. The only exceptions are the scripts used to determine which lines of dialog appear in a conversation. These scripts begin execution with the specially-named function StartingConditional(), which takes no parameters and returns an integer. A function definition begins with a specification of its interface (return value, function name, and parameters, in that order), followed by an open curly brace, followed by the instructions that comprise the function, followed by a closing curly brace. // A sample function definition. void FunctionName(int nParameter1, object oParameter2) { // Instructions go here. } A function is then invoked by using its name and supplying whatever parameters are needed. (If no parameters are needed, the function name must still be followed by a pair of parentheses.) // Invoking the above function. FunctionName(1, OBJECT_SELF); However, a function can only be invoked if it is currently "known". A function becomes known starting with the opening curly brace in its definition. If a function needs to be known earlier, it can be declared. A function declaration starts the same as a function definition, but instead of instructions inside curly braces, there is a semicolon. // A sample function declaration, which would come before the above definition. void FunctionName(int nParameter1, object oParameter2); One advantage of declaring a function is that the Toolset's script editor will then know the function, so double-clicking the function name will cause the declaration to appear in the editor's lower window. Any comments immediately preceding the declaration will also be displayed, making this a convenient way to check the usage of a function.