  • Mr. Swirly
  • The owner of Swirly's Ice Cream. He seems to be unsure what to do in dire situations, and, in at least one episode of the Nickelodeon series, didn't seem to be aware that chocolate and cement don't mix, or that he was responsible for it. In the Disney series, he had a more prominent role as the owner of a new Swirly's restaurant that immediately became the new hangout for Doug and his friends.
  • The owner of Swirly's Ice Cream. He seems to be unsure what to do in dire situations, and, in at least one episode of the Nickelodeon series, didn't seem to be aware that chocolate and cement don't mix, or that he was responsible for it. In the Disney series, he had a more prominent role as the owner of a new Swirly's restaurant that immediately became the new hangout for Doug and his friends.