  • Jr. Troopa
  • Jr. Troopa
  • Jr. Troopa
  • Jr. Troopa, or Master Jr. Troopa, is a character and boss in Paper Mario. He appears many times throughout the game and each time, his difficulty level gets higher. He first appears by Goomba Village in his playground.
  • Jr. Troopa is a Koopa Troopa who appears in Paper Mario. He is really just a big bully who hangs around the Goomba Village. Ever since Mario defeated him, he has been seeking revenge on Mario. He appears in the game countless times, becoming harder to defeat each time. He is seen wearing a spike and bat wings. He also is seen with a magical stick that he uses to cast spells. The last time Mario encounters him is near the end of Bowser's Castle. When fighting Jr. Troopa for the last time, he has all his stuff from the other battles like the bat wings, the spike, and the magical staff.
  • O Come Let Us Adore Him, O Come Let Us Adore Him, O Come Let Us Adore Him, Francis. - Digibutter Chrismas Party, 2007
  • thumbJr. Troopa o Troopa Jr. es un joven Koopa que nunca ha abandonado su cáscara de huevo desde que nació. Es un matón a quien le gusta molestar a otros niños. Vive cerca del Pueblo Goomba donde tiene su territorio al cual Mario llega para buscar un martillo y la muñeca de Goombaria. Jr. Troopa descubrió que Mario había entrado en su territorio y le desafía a un combate. Humillado por perder, perseguirá incansablemente a Mario por todo el Reino Champiñón para enfrentarse a él. Troopa Jr. se tiene el donde de cruzarse con Mario en los momento menos oportunos e intentará derrotarle. Tras cada derrota sufridan regresa con nuevos poderes y más fuerza: como un cáscara más resistente, un par de alas que le permiten volar, un aguijón en la cabeza y una barita mágica. En el último combate combina
  • Jr. Troopa is a semi-hatched Koopa Troopa from the Paper Partnersseries and the Paper Marioseries. He was first seen in Paper Mario. Jr. Troopa was the head of a neighborhood gang of bullies in Goomba Village but when he was defeated by Mario and Goombario he forms a grudge against Mario. Jr. Troopa leaves the gang and follows Mario all around the Mushroom Kingdom fighting him in the backyard of Goomba Village, on Pleasant Path, in Forever Forest, in Toad Town's port, in Shiver Snowfield and finally Bowser's Castle.
  • Jr. Troopa is a young Koopa Troopa still inside his little egg. He is a bully of the Goomba Village and is the first enemy where Mario earns star points. After getting beat up for the first time, Jr. Troopa swears to challenge Mario again. Jr. Troopa finds Mario again on Pleasant Path after he defeats the Koopa Bros. and rescues the first Star Spirit. During this battle, he encaves himself in his egg and has more defense and power. Mario and his party members still beat him anyway. Later in the game (after getting lost in Forever Forest), Jr. Troopa once again fights Mario, this time with bat wings. He has a damage of five and is very hard to defeat. Despite his wings, Jr. Troopa still loses the battle and runs out the Forever Forest. The next time Jr. Troopa fights Mario is unfortunate fo
  • Jr. Troopa ist ein frisch geschlüpfter Koopa, der im Spiel Paper Mario zu sehen ist. Dort greift er Mario das erste Mal an, als dieser auf seinen Spielplatz geht. Mario kann ihn besiegen und Jr. Troopa schwört Rache, was er sehr oft versucht. Danach kommt er wieder, als man nach dem Sieg der Koopa-Brüder zurück auf den Weg nach Toad Town ist. Bei diesem Kampf zieht er seine Eierschale herunter, wodurch er eine Verteidigung von 1 hat. Beim nächsten Treffen auf einer Straße östlich von Bibber City verwendet er im Kampf Magie, um Mario zu besiegen.
  • 60
Erster Auftritt
  • Paper Mario
Bislang letzter Auftritt
  • Paper Mario: Die Legende vom Äonentor
  • •Mario this is Jr. Troopa. He's the boss of the neighborhood gang. A bit of a bully, obviously. He's more bark than bite. You can beat him easily. Just boost yourself up and don't take any lip! I'll stay right here behind you and watch your progress. •What was his name? Jr. Troopa? I don't remember exactly... ...Just joking, kid! He looks so adorable hiding in his egg, doesn't he? So cute! It should be a snap to beat him now. ...I think. •It's Jr. Troopa. I can't get enough of this guy! Wah ha ha ha! Did the little guy get lost in the big bad forest? Apparently he's grown wings, so he can fly now. You'll have to jump to reach him. He's a bit stronger, so it may be worth it to use any items you have to attack him. •It's Jr. Troopa! He swam all the way after us! This kid...he's got guts! He still flies but now he has a spike on his head. It'll hurt if you jump on him. He seems tougher this time... Luckily for us, he also looks pretty tuckered out. Well, he should be tired. The little guy swam to Lavalava Island and back! It seems better to attack from a distance with an item or something rather than attacking him directly. •It's Jr. Troopa! I'm stunned! Really! This guy just will not quit! He's obviously been training. It seems he can use magic now. Sigh... Let's get this over with. •It's Jr. Troopa again! My man! The little guy still has some egg shell left on his body! Aww! Whoa! He's been working out! He looks as though he may be able to change his shape, too. You've got to love this guy's effort, Mario. To follow us all the way here? What dedication! Come to think of it, how do you think he got here, anyway?
  • Jr. Troopa's Playground
  • Koopa Village, Mushroom Kingdom
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
  • Paper Mario
  • N/A
  • Magic
  • Shell
  • Spikes
  • Jr. Troopa
  • Varies
  • Jr. Troopa as seen within the game, Paper Mario.
  • Jr. Troopa's sprite from Paper Mario.
  • Paper Mario
  • N/A
  • Villain
  • Paper Mario
  • Varies
  • Varies
  • N/A
  • Jr. Troopa
  • Wing form, Spiked form, Magic form
  • Male
  • "Ich komme immer wieder zurück!"
  • PM-Jr._Troopa.png
  • Jr. Troopa is a semi-hatched Koopa Troopa from the Paper Partnersseries and the Paper Marioseries. He was first seen in Paper Mario. Jr. Troopa was the head of a neighborhood gang of bullies in Goomba Village but when he was defeated by Mario and Goombario he forms a grudge against Mario. Jr. Troopa leaves the gang and follows Mario all around the Mushroom Kingdom fighting him in the backyard of Goomba Village, on Pleasant Path, in Forever Forest, in Toad Town's port, in Shiver Snowfield and finally Bowser's Castle. He has all sorts of abilities from a hard shell, to flying, to a spike on his head and also a magic wand. He can mix and match his abilities but could never use them all at once. Jr. Troopa left the neighbourhood gang and became and archiologist to rival Kolorado after seeing how much money he could make doing so. He followed Kolorado around stealing all of his treasures that he could and selling them on the black market, he became a large nuisance to Kolorado appearing everywhere that he did. After being defeated by Kolorado and his friends countless times he decided to leave the archiology buisness and he became a goon for hire and was sent to track Yoyo so he would never get to become village leader. Jr. Troopa followed Yoyo all around Dinosaur Land many times but was once again defeated. It is unknown if he remained as a goon for hire and it is also unknown who he was working for, all that is known that he swore that he would be seen again.
  • Jr. Troopa, or Master Jr. Troopa, is a character and boss in Paper Mario. He appears many times throughout the game and each time, his difficulty level gets higher. He first appears by Goomba Village in his playground.
  • Jr. Troopa is a Koopa Troopa who appears in Paper Mario. He is really just a big bully who hangs around the Goomba Village. Ever since Mario defeated him, he has been seeking revenge on Mario. He appears in the game countless times, becoming harder to defeat each time. He is seen wearing a spike and bat wings. He also is seen with a magical stick that he uses to cast spells. The last time Mario encounters him is near the end of Bowser's Castle. When fighting Jr. Troopa for the last time, he has all his stuff from the other battles like the bat wings, the spike, and the magical staff.
  • Jr. Troopa ist ein frisch geschlüpfter Koopa, der im Spiel Paper Mario zu sehen ist. Dort greift er Mario das erste Mal an, als dieser auf seinen Spielplatz geht. Mario kann ihn besiegen und Jr. Troopa schwört Rache, was er sehr oft versucht. Danach kommt er wieder, als man nach dem Sieg der Koopa-Brüder zurück auf den Weg nach Toad Town ist. Bei diesem Kampf zieht er seine Eierschale herunter, wodurch er eine Verteidigung von 1 hat. Das nächste Mal erscheint er, wenn Mario auf den Weg nach Toad Town von Nimmernimmer-Wald ist, wo er jetzt fliegt, damit ihn Mario nicht mehr mit dem Hammer treffen kann. Das nächste Mal erscheint er, wenn Mario von Lavalava-Eiland mit dem Wal nach Hause kommt. Bei diesem Kampf fliegt er und hat einen Stachel auf dem Kopf, sodass Mario ihn ohne Orden nicht mit dem Hammer treffen kann und nicht auf ihn springen kann. Seine ursprünglichen KP in diesem Kampf wären 40, doch daher er vom Schwimmen erschöpft ist, hat er nur noch 20. Beim nächsten Treffen auf einer Straße östlich von Bibber City verwendet er im Kampf Magie, um Mario zu besiegen. Im sechsten und letzten Kampf in Bowsers Festung wechselt er seinen Kampfmodus ab. Manchmal fliegt er oder er verwendet Magie. Vor dem Kampf vertreibt er die Koopa-Brüder, gegen die Mario eigentlich kämpfen sollte. Damit zeigt er, dass er mindestens ebenso stark ist wie sie. Deshalb akzeptiert das Bowser-Tor, dass er gegen Mario kämpft und lässt Mario weiter, wenn er den Kampf gewinnt.
  • thumbJr. Troopa o Troopa Jr. es un joven Koopa que nunca ha abandonado su cáscara de huevo desde que nació. Es un matón a quien le gusta molestar a otros niños. Vive cerca del Pueblo Goomba donde tiene su territorio al cual Mario llega para buscar un martillo y la muñeca de Goombaria. Jr. Troopa descubrió que Mario había entrado en su territorio y le desafía a un combate. Humillado por perder, perseguirá incansablemente a Mario por todo el Reino Champiñón para enfrentarse a él. Troopa Jr. se tiene el donde de cruzarse con Mario en los momento menos oportunos e intentará derrotarle. Tras cada derrota sufridan regresa con nuevos poderes y más fuerza: como un cáscara más resistente, un par de alas que le permiten volar, un aguijón en la cabeza y una barita mágica. En el último combate combina todos sus ataques por lo que se convierte en un enemigo a temer. A juzgar por la escena de créditos de Paper Mario, Troopa Jr parece ser rival de Kammy Koopa al verlos enfrentándose con sus respectivas varitas mágicas. Aunque Troopa Jr. es un Koopa luchador no pertenece al ejército de Bowser. En Paper Mario La puerta milenaria hace un cameo al aparecer en el fondo de la foro que T. Zip envía a Mario vía e-mail.
  • O Come Let Us Adore Him, O Come Let Us Adore Him, O Come Let Us Adore Him, Francis. - Digibutter Chrismas Party, 2007
  • Jr. Troopa is a young Koopa Troopa still inside his little egg. He is a bully of the Goomba Village and is the first enemy where Mario earns star points. After getting beat up for the first time, Jr. Troopa swears to challenge Mario again. Jr. Troopa finds Mario again on Pleasant Path after he defeats the Koopa Bros. and rescues the first Star Spirit. During this battle, he encaves himself in his egg and has more defense and power. Mario and his party members still beat him anyway. Later in the game (after getting lost in Forever Forest), Jr. Troopa once again fights Mario, this time with bat wings. He has a damage of five and is very hard to defeat. Despite his wings, Jr. Troopa still loses the battle and runs out the Forever Forest. The next time Jr. Troopa fights Mario is unfortunate for him. He has a spike on his head, wings, and immense power, but loses half of his health before the battle starts. Jr. Troopa narrow-mindedly swam to Lavalava Island and back, even though he could've used his wings. Had Jr. Troopa flown to the island, he might've beaten Mario at Toad Town Harbor. Once again....Jr. Troopa challenges Mario to a fight on the Shiver Field. Even though he has a large quantity of health, his only attack is a blasting magic at Mario. Mario and his friends manage to defeat him and Jr. Troopa is frozen in ice. (How he got out was never confirmed). The final time Mario confronts the adolescent bully is all the way on Bowser's castle in the sky. During this fight, Jr. Troopa changes into all the forms Mario has fought him once before. But none of it is enough to defeat Mario. Before running from the castle, he swears that the next time they meet, he won't be so lucky. Since then, Jr. Troopa has not been seen in the Paper Mario series (except for one minor appearance in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, where he appears in the background of Zip Toad's E-Mail).