  • Chikakage
  • Chikakage possessed abilities that were derived from the Truth-Seeking Balls, a technique utilized by jinchūriki of the Shinju and similar entities. As such, Chikakage was a weapon of near indestructibility and boasted a cutting potential originally thought to be peerless. Furthermore, it could also demonstrate ninjutsu negating properties when willed to do so by the user, but shared the inability to negate senjutsu. In contrast to the Black Weapons utilized by the hosts of the Shinju, Chikakage was bound to a single form. Therefore, it could not change it shape at will to suit the scenario at hand. While this could be seen as a weakness in the design, it also prevented its shape from being disrupted while in contact with techniques utilizing natural energy. Additionally, this locked form
unnamed tool
  • No
debut shippuden
  • No
literal english
  • Shadow of the Fruit of Wisdom
related tools
  • Sword of Nunoboko, Nagamitsu, Muzō Jōman
tool media
  • Anime, Manga
  • Kazuhide
  • Chikakage
  • 智果影
  • Chikakage possessed abilities that were derived from the Truth-Seeking Balls, a technique utilized by jinchūriki of the Shinju and similar entities. As such, Chikakage was a weapon of near indestructibility and boasted a cutting potential originally thought to be peerless. Furthermore, it could also demonstrate ninjutsu negating properties when willed to do so by the user, but shared the inability to negate senjutsu. In contrast to the Black Weapons utilized by the hosts of the Shinju, Chikakage was bound to a single form. Therefore, it could not change it shape at will to suit the scenario at hand. While this could be seen as a weakness in the design, it also prevented its shape from being disrupted while in contact with techniques utilizing natural energy. Additionally, this locked form also prevented it from being utilized as an explosive by rapidly expanding. While an incredibly powerful weapon, Kazuhide chose not to reforge the blade after he was forced to personally face it, and subsequently destroy it, in battle. This is primarily due to his awakening of Kyōtetsu, a blade whose abilities made the Truth-Seeking Sword's power especially unnecessary. The broken fragments of chakra from both Chikakage and Nagamitsu were eventually reforged into a staff named Muzō Jōman, which was given by Kazuhide to his daughter, Tomoe.