  • 1150
  • 1150
  • 1150
  • Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1150 stattgefunden haben:
  • Alone in the crypt at dawn, Randall awaits Roxanne's return. She finally does, and he confronts her with a cross. Randall shoves the cross in Roxanne's face and she retreats the corner. She begs him to let her into the coffin, but he adamantly refuses. Roxanne repeatedly begs for mercy and tells Randall it's not her fault that she is this way; Randall asks who is responsible, but Roxanne says there is no time. Soon the sun comes up, and Roxanne screams out for Barnabas. A stunned Randall looks on as she is consumed by the sunlight and is destroyed forever.
  • Katja ist perplex über Bens spontane Liebeserklärung und lässt ihn erst mal stehen. Obwohl sie Angst vor einer erneuten Enttäuschung hat, lässt sie die Möglichkeit, mit Ben endlich glücklich zusammen zu sein, nicht mehr los. Katja ist hin- und hergerissen, doch dann trifft sie endlich eine Entscheidung. Vanessa leidet unter ihrer heimlichen Liebe zu Tom. Bei einem nächtlichen Eishockeyspiel im Zentrum verstehen die beiden sich so gut, dass sie beschließen, die Nacht nicht enden lassen zu wollen. Als Tom am nächsten Tag klar macht, wie sehr er Vanessa schätzt, missdeutet Vanessa die Zeichen. Isabelle ist zurück und fest entschlossen, sich langsam ihren Rang als beste Eiskunstläuferin im Zentrum zurückzuerobern. Maximilian zeigt sich beeindruckt und ist überrascht, als Isabelle offensiv begi
  • 1150
  • 1970-11-12
  • 1134
  • 1840
  • 1970-11-20
  • 1150
  • Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1150 stattgefunden haben:
  • Alone in the crypt at dawn, Randall awaits Roxanne's return. She finally does, and he confronts her with a cross. Randall shoves the cross in Roxanne's face and she retreats the corner. She begs him to let her into the coffin, but he adamantly refuses. Roxanne repeatedly begs for mercy and tells Randall it's not her fault that she is this way; Randall asks who is responsible, but Roxanne says there is no time. Soon the sun comes up, and Roxanne screams out for Barnabas. A stunned Randall looks on as she is consumed by the sunlight and is destroyed forever. At Rose Cottage, Julia revives and realizes Roxanne is dead. Back in the crypt, Randall sadly places the cross on the ground where Roxanne stood only moments ago. Meanwhile at Collinwood, Daphne reads the note that Joanna had previously left for her. Quentin shows and informs her about Julia being at Rose Cottage, and he is going to bring her back to Collinwood. He invites her along, but Daphne declines and instead talks about the letter from Joanna. Daphne is visibly frightened and Quentin asks if she is going to leave Collinwood, but Daphne says she will never leave him. Quentin promises they will resolve the situation together. Randall shows up at the Old House, looking for Barnabas. He instead hears Lamar, now well again, screaming from the basement. Lamar has been locked in the basement and begs Randall to let him out. Lamar tells Randall that Barnabas locked him in the basement and then quickly left. Randall informs Lamar that Roxanne has been destroyed; Lamar is saddened, but realizes it had to be done. Lamar says he feels there is an evil force in the basement. Randall wonders why Barnabas had to leave the crypt so suddenly. He decides to go to Collinwood to get a key to unlock the basement door. While alone in the basement, Lamar hears the sound of chains rattling in the distance. He follows the sound, and learns that it is coming from behind a brick wall (the same wall where Reverend Trask was immured by Barnabas in 1795). Quentin returns to Collinwood with Julia, who is still somewhat weak. He wonders how she managed to recover so fast, but she says she isn't sure. Quentin asks who attacked her, but Julia claims she doesn't remember anything. Randall arrives and finds that Julia is doing better. Quentin starts to wonder if they know something that he doesn't, and Randall tells him that Roxanne, as a vampire, attacked Julia. Randall tells Quentin everything that had happened. He still wonders where Barnabas could have gone so quickly, and who made Roxanne the way she was. The three of them decide to never tell anyone else, especially Samantha, the final fate of Roxanne. Julia agrees to go back to the Old House with Randall to free Lamar. In the Old House basement, Lamar can still hear the sounds coming from behind the wall. Later at Collinwood, Daphne tells Quentin she is starting to wonder if it's better that she leaves Collinwood forever. Quentin tries to convince her stay, and they decide to have a seance to contact Joanna. Back in the basement of the Old House, Randall and Julia free Lamar, and Lamar tells them there is someone behind the wall. Julia tries to deter suspicion, but Lamar is determined to tear down the wall. Randall says there are more important matters to attend to, and demands to know where Barnabas is. He finally admits he is suspicious of Barnabas and feels that he knows more about vampires than he is willing to admit. Randall also mentions Roxanne's dying words, which gets Lamar intrigued. The two men leave, while Julia remains in the basement, frustrated by the accusations against Barnabas. At Collinwood, Quentin and Daphne begin a seance to contact Joanna. During the seance, the drawing room doors burst open and a figure is seen standing in the doorway.
  • Katja ist perplex über Bens spontane Liebeserklärung und lässt ihn erst mal stehen. Obwohl sie Angst vor einer erneuten Enttäuschung hat, lässt sie die Möglichkeit, mit Ben endlich glücklich zusammen zu sein, nicht mehr los. Katja ist hin- und hergerissen, doch dann trifft sie endlich eine Entscheidung. Vanessa leidet unter ihrer heimlichen Liebe zu Tom. Bei einem nächtlichen Eishockeyspiel im Zentrum verstehen die beiden sich so gut, dass sie beschließen, die Nacht nicht enden lassen zu wollen. Als Tom am nächsten Tag klar macht, wie sehr er Vanessa schätzt, missdeutet Vanessa die Zeichen. Isabelle ist zurück und fest entschlossen, sich langsam ihren Rang als beste Eiskunstläuferin im Zentrum zurückzuerobern. Maximilian zeigt sich beeindruckt und ist überrascht, als Isabelle offensiv beginnt, mit ihm zu flirten. Obwohl Maximilian ahnt, dass sich dahinter ein Plan verbirgt, lässt er sich auf Isabelles Spiel ein.
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