  • Temple of the Mountain
  • A temple at Sacred Ezel * It is shaped like a mountain * It is dedicated to the deities of the Gloranthan Court * Most of the ancient deities cannot be worshipped here and their chambers are empty. * The auxillary chambers are active with the worship of lesser deities. * Because Uleria can be worshipped here, this is also known as Love Mountain * From the top of the mountain, one can see Kero Fin and more rarely the Spike Source: Esrolia: the Land of Ten Thousand Goddesses
  • A temple at Sacred Ezel * It is shaped like a mountain * It is dedicated to the deities of the Gloranthan Court * Most of the ancient deities cannot be worshipped here and their chambers are empty. * The auxillary chambers are active with the worship of lesser deities. * Because Uleria can be worshipped here, this is also known as Love Mountain * From the top of the mountain, one can see Kero Fin and more rarely the Spike Source: Esrolia: the Land of Ten Thousand Goddesses