  • The Hidden Lord (Book)
  • 11.400000
  • Book
  • The hidden lord is the guiding hand that leads humanity to its destiny. Whereas the gods hold back humanity from reaching their full potential, the hidden lord wants us to prosper and rightfully take our place to rule the world. For too long have we suffered under the claws and teeth of monstrous beings. Given the strength and number of humans, it is obvious that no one could stand against humanity's might. Yet, there they are: the green-skinned, the horned, the one-eyed and all the others. These beasts are only relics of a time gone by but the gods allow them to live on a whim. They care little that humanity suffers under them. How many times will our cities burn and our people be slaughtered until humanity understands that we mean little to the vain gods? The hidden lord has patiently watched the games of the lesser gods and he has given them every chance to see their error. But no longer. The hidden lord will rise and cast down the gods and lead humanity to its destined greatness. He is the one true god and the only one worthy to be worshipped. The imposter gods just took over a world that was perfect and built to be shaped for the arrival of the humans so they would inherit the world as the true god had wished. Instead, the imposter gods used the lesser races that were meant to be the gardeners, miners and workers for humanity and corrupted them into vile beasts that ravaged and destroyed the world. An heirloom for humanity that was never intended for those false gods. The hidden lord, aware of his power, just let them be. In his nearly unending patience, he gave them every chance to turn back and regret their mistakes. But even his patience will come to an end. And the time is near. He will elevate humanity, the crown of creation, to its rightful state. Those humans who were wise enough to see through the deceptions of the deceivers will become his lords and kings in the new world that he is going to shape. He will bless them with his power and wisdom and they will lead humanity into the age of destiny. They will rule and judge in his stead. When the hidden lord will drop his cover, the imposter gods will tremble, the false priests will be smitten and the traitorous rulers will drown in their own blood.
  • Untitled
  • The Hidden Lord
  • The hidden lord is losing his patience and will soon save humanity from the imposter gods.
  • Carlin Libraries