  • Neotrinate
  • Neotrinate was a material studied by doctors in the 24th century. During The Doctor's holographic delusion in 2371, he was cataloging samples of neotrinate in sickbay on board the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Projections") It is unclear from the episode what neotrinate is. It may be a type of vitamin – Trinate is the brand name for a real prenatal vitamin.
  • Neotrinate was a material studied by doctors in the 24th century. During The Doctor's holographic delusion in 2371, he was cataloging samples of neotrinate in sickbay on board the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Projections") It is unclear from the episode what neotrinate is. It may be a type of vitamin – Trinate is the brand name for a real prenatal vitamin.