  • Biopolymer
  • The decomposition process of the Vhnori species resulted in the creation of a biopolymer, appearing as a fibrous substance. More specifically, as tissues decayed, the cell membranes broke down into the substance. The material formed a membrane around the decaying bodies. After the bodies decayed completely, the substance remained, leaving web-like formations inside caves in a ring system where the corpses were sent. (VOY: "Emanations")
  • The decomposition process of the Vhnori species resulted in the creation of a biopolymer, appearing as a fibrous substance. More specifically, as tissues decayed, the cell membranes broke down into the substance. The material formed a membrane around the decaying bodies. After the bodies decayed completely, the substance remained, leaving web-like formations inside caves in a ring system where the corpses were sent. (VOY: "Emanations")