  • Saur Bathrada
  • Saur Bathrada, and the like-minded Kholb Harat, were Tiste Edur warriors who usually worked and fought as a team - the two of them having become particularly fond of spilling the blood of innocents and of inflicting as much pain and horror as possible while doing so (being unusually sadistic even for Tiste Edur). Whenever possible, Saur Bathrada and Kholb Harat liked to take the lead whenever bloody mayhem was in the offing.
  • Saur Bathrada, and the like-minded Kholb Harat, were Tiste Edur warriors who usually worked and fought as a team - the two of them having become particularly fond of spilling the blood of innocents and of inflicting as much pain and horror as possible while doing so (being unusually sadistic even for Tiste Edur). Whenever possible, Saur Bathrada and Kholb Harat liked to take the lead whenever bloody mayhem was in the offing.