  • Valarin
  • Valarin
  • Valarin
  • Valarin
  • Valarin
  • Valarin was the tongue of the Ainur, and the oldest of languages. While the Valar were angelic beings with the ability to communicate through thought, a spoken language was unnecessary. Valarin was developed as part of their assumption of physical forms.
  • Valarin – język używany przez Valarów i Majarów.
  • When the Ainur first took shape they also started to invent a Language for themselves, this tongue was a reflection of their own inner spirit-language and became known as Valarin, since it was devised by the fifteen Valar. Eventually several Valar later started to create their own languages or Valarin dialects, notaby Aulëan, Oromëan and Melkian, which became common in their homes and among their pupils and followers.
  • O Valarin é a língua dos Ainur na obra de J.R.R. Tolkien.
  • In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, Valarin is the tongue of the Ainur. As angelic beings with the ability to communicate through thought, strictly speaking the Valar had no need for a spoken language, but it appears that it was adopted as part of their assumption of physical, humanlike forms. At least one word in the Black Speech, nazg "ring", seems to be borrowed from Valarin naškad (Melkor was a Vala and Sauron was a Maia, so they had to know Valarin).
  • Categoria:Lingue Il Valarin è la lingua degli Ainur ed è il più antico linguaggio mai parlato in Arda. Anche se il linguaggio potrebbe apparire superfluo, considerato che sia i Valar che i Maiar possono comunicare telepaticamente, quando assunsero forma fisica essi divennero anche in grado di parlare. Dal momento che nacque al di fuori di Arda, questo linguaggio non ha alcuna relazione con le lingue della Terra di Mezzo. Le uniche parole conosciute (generalmente nomi propri) sembrano indicare che il Valarin utilizzi costrutti molto lunghi.
parlato in
altri nomi
  • Lingua degli Dei
  • Alcune migliaia
  • Sconosciuta
  • Musica_degli_Ainur.jpg
  • In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, Valarin is the tongue of the Ainur. As angelic beings with the ability to communicate through thought, strictly speaking the Valar had no need for a spoken language, but it appears that it was adopted as part of their assumption of physical, humanlike forms. Valarin was extremely alien to the ears of the Elves, sometimes to the point of genuine displeasure, and very few of them ever learned the language, only adopting some of the Valarin words into their own Quenya. The Valar learnt Quenya instead, and used that to converse with the Elves, or with each other if Elves were present. Valarin seemed to use long words, for example the Valarin word for Telperion, Ibrîniðilpathânezel is eight syllables long. The Vanyar adopted more words from Valarin into their dialect Quendya than the Ñoldor, as they lived closer to the Valar. At least one word in the Black Speech, nazg "ring", seems to be borrowed from Valarin naškad (Melkor was a Vala and Sauron was a Maia, so they had to know Valarin). Valarin is unrelated to all the other Languages of Middle-earth as it arose outside of Arda, and except for a few words (mainly proper names) nothing is known of the language. Before it, the only form of language was the Music of the Ainur, the purest form of language, as it was thought itself, with no need for reference; Each thought was a definite article in and of itself, and as such, the Music was entirely self-sufficient structure. Eru only showed the Ainur their music in a different form by adding the final note to their song: Eä, "Be". In older versions of The Silmarillion and in the Lhammas, Valarin is further subdivided in Oromëan, Aulëan and Melkian. In this conception, all Elvish languages arose from Oromëan, but this view was later dropped.
  • Valarin was the tongue of the Ainur, and the oldest of languages. While the Valar were angelic beings with the ability to communicate through thought, a spoken language was unnecessary. Valarin was developed as part of their assumption of physical forms.
  • Valarin – język używany przez Valarów i Majarów.
  • Categoria:Lingue Il Valarin è la lingua degli Ainur ed è il più antico linguaggio mai parlato in Arda. Anche se il linguaggio potrebbe apparire superfluo, considerato che sia i Valar che i Maiar possono comunicare telepaticamente, quando assunsero forma fisica essi divennero anche in grado di parlare. Di questo linguaggio non si sa quasi nulla, eccetto che risultava parecchio sgradito agli Elfi, tanto che solo pochi si presero la briga di impararlo. Alcune parole Valarin furono adottate dagli Elfi ed entrarono a far parte del lessico Quenya, in particolar modo dai Vanyar. I Valar invece impararono il Quenya in modo da poter conversare con gli Elfi o tra di loro nel caso ci fossero Elfi presenti. Sauron comunque sembra che abbia utilizzato anche il Valarin, essendo egli stesso uno degli Ainur, per creare il suo Linguaggio Nero. Dal momento che nacque al di fuori di Arda, questo linguaggio non ha alcuna relazione con le lingue della Terra di Mezzo. Le uniche parole conosciute (generalmente nomi propri) sembrano indicare che il Valarin utilizzi costrutti molto lunghi. Ad esempio, la parola Valarin per "Telperion", uno dei due Alberi di Valinor, è Ibrîniðilpathânezel, lunga ben otto sillabe.
  • When the Ainur first took shape they also started to invent a Language for themselves, this tongue was a reflection of their own inner spirit-language and became known as Valarin, since it was devised by the fifteen Valar. Eventually several Valar later started to create their own languages or Valarin dialects, notaby Aulëan, Oromëan and Melkian, which became common in their homes and among their pupils and followers.
  • O Valarin é a língua dos Ainur na obra de J.R.R. Tolkien.
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