  • War table
  • Mission operations take time to complete and generally gain the Inquisition rewards and/or influence. The rewards and overall completion time may change depending on the advisor deployed. Mission timers run in real time, independently of the save file's time. Any save created after the mission is begun will count down the timer, even when the file is not the "active" file (i.e. The file loaded upon selecting 'Continue' on the title screen), and even when the system is powered off and unplugged. This allows operations that are otherwise quite long (18–24 hours long without agents) to be completed within a reasonable period of real world time.
  • Mission operations take time to complete and generally gain the Inquisition rewards and/or influence. The rewards and overall completion time may change depending on the advisor deployed. Mission timers run in real time, independently of the save file's time. Any save created after the mission is begun will count down the timer, even when the file is not the "active" file (i.e. The file loaded upon selecting 'Continue' on the title screen), and even when the system is powered off and unplugged. This allows operations that are otherwise quite long (18–24 hours long without agents) to be completed within a reasonable period of real world time. To combat this, recruited agents lower completion times by 5% for the advisor to which they are assigned. Additionally, some operations have a preferred advisor who can complete the task 20% faster, however this doesn't always lead to an ideal result. The times presented here are without agents but with the preferred advisor time reduction taken into account. Scouting operations are always completed instantly and cost power instead. While at the table, the advisors will engage in dialogue with each other. Note: Some of the operation titles may give plot information away!
is See Also of
is Start of
is Location of