  • Batman (1989 Movie) Fanmake 1
  • Batman/Bruce Wayne- Gideon (Disney's Pinocchio) Vicki Vale- Alice (Alice in Wonderland 1951) Alfred Pennyworth- Author's Choice Commissioner James Gordon- Author's Choice Harvey Dent- Author's Choice Mayor Borg- Author's Choice Alexander Knox- Author's Choice Jack Napier/The Joker- Author's Choice Bob the Goon- Author's Choice Carl Grissom- Author's Choice Alicia Hunt- Author's Choice Lieutenant Eckhardt- Author's Choice
  • Batman/Bruce Wayne- Gideon (Disney's Pinocchio) Vicki Vale- Alice (Alice in Wonderland 1951) Alfred Pennyworth- Author's Choice Commissioner James Gordon- Author's Choice Harvey Dent- Author's Choice Mayor Borg- Author's Choice Alexander Knox- Author's Choice Jack Napier/The Joker- Author's Choice Bob the Goon- Author's Choice Carl Grissom- Author's Choice Alicia Hunt- Author's Choice Lieutenant Eckhardt- Author's Choice